


Of course the ongoing hate campaigns never rests…

There is at least one new conspiracy theory a day.

The latest - and perhaps most entertaining - spin is thatI can see CO2 with my own eyes”.

This is of course a metaphor from a book taken out of it's context, taken from a German newspaper.

No one has said that I can literally see CO2… that is beyond stupid.

This should of course not be necessary to mention but since some respected newspapers have written about this without realizing that this is a fake news campaign I thought it was best to point this out.

While I am at it I also want to point out that when I say that ”our civilisation is almost like a castle built in the sand” or that ”our house on fire” these are metaphors too:)

PS This book is written by my family and our earnings from this book will go to charity.


記事への反応 -
  • 裸眼で二酸化炭素が見えるというネタ、元の新聞記事みたら日付は5月で海外でも表現に対して好奇の目で炎上したやつだし、既に本人もFB釈明してた。 半年近く前のネタ引っ張ってきて...

    • https://www.facebook.com/gretathunbergsweden/posts/of-course-the-ongoing-hate-campaigns-never-rests-there-is-at-least-one-new-consp/823189474715541/ Of course the ongoing hate campaigns never rests… There is at least one new conspiracy theory a ...

      • https://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/s/snjpn.net/archives/159674 ここの人気ブコメが酷い。いつも比較的に良識的なコメントしてるユーザまで記事に乗っちゃって感情反応してるのが残念だ。

        • それは今までの認識が間違っていただけだ。 相手がオカルトだったら間違いなく叩けるってウキウキしてやらかしてるのが、たまたま冤罪だから目に付いただけ。 もし今、増田の世界が...

          • 別に善人とも悪人とも思ってはなく、個人的に話が通じそうな人たちって位置づけ。 まあ特定の話題になると途端にIQが低下する人たちがいるのは前から分かってたし、さほど珍しくも...


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