
記事への反応 -
  • wow that nice investigation but if you can use it, then you can talk to me right? im so alone i need conversation but almost nobody can talk in english and that is totally suck

    • You suck a pen.

      • ahaha actually i like suck my pen cuz my English is poor, but not as well yours... why cant you all speak english if you learn english about 6 years... its just mysterious cus if you've learned English, you've must be good at english..... its just my...

        • All you must think is a pen.

          • haaaaaaaaaan I think a pen, I think a pen, i think a pen, i think a pen... i came to realize something "reality"........ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

          • haaaaaaaaaan I think a pen, I think a pen, i think a pen, i think a pen... i came to realize something "reality"........ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh


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