


The situation of Japan had made Sensei?

If that is true, is there a lot of people who are like Sensei, such circumstances?

Who had made such a situation in Japan?

記事への反応 -
  • うっせー、 低能先生は居なかったことにされるんだよ 過去の投稿が残っていても同じことだ

    • If we do not learn anything from this matter, Sensei should be really erased, and future really fade out. I've very interest why he had to work as a ramen shop part-timer after had studied Islamic culture in Kyushu University . Hi, What do you think a...

      • いや常識的に考えてあの時期にイスラム文化なんか学んだやつはそこそこのところへ就職できないやろ。 そう言う状況だった。

        • Was the environment narrow-minded ? Had the narrow-minded environment made Sensei ?

          • 低脳先生が視野が狭かったとかそう言う問題じゃなくて あの時代に生まれたら学歴が高くて専攻が良くなかったらまともな生活は送れなかったんだよ。

            • Situation? The situation of Japan had made Sensei? If that is true, is there a lot of people who are like Sensei, such circumstances? Who had made such a situation in Japan?

            • 増田も、グローバル化してるのか


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