


記事への反応 -
  • 英語使えない人が減って一気に左右への偏りが解消されそう。

    • I can't believe Hatenar, who are very excellent elite, can't speak English. All the Hatenar may understand English, of course.

      • I can't believe Hatenar, who are very excellent elite, can't speak English. ---> I can't believe that all hatena users, who are very excellent elites, can't speak English. All the Hatenar may understand English, of course. ---> All hatena users ...

        • "Hatenar" is translated from "はてなー". I think it a proper noun. A little grammatical mistakes are not crucial things. What is important is to make you understand what I want to say. You were able to understand what I wanted to say, right?

          • wtf u are fucking stupid

          • yeah of course your writing was almost understandable! But it would be better to take much care about small grammatical matters because exact expressions are necessary for discussing political topics otherwise no discussion may be converged or lost th...

            • Thanks for your polite advice. I will take much care about grammatical matters :) I wonder whether there is any case, in which a slight grammatical mistake leads critical misunderstands between the two.

      • 日本にいるんだから日本語使えバカサヨが

    • ジャップウヨは日本語しか使えないけどインテリリベラルな左翼は外国語に堪能だから左は消えないぞ


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