
Daily in English

I recently go to the streaming on Reality.

Probably some one knows the app that everybody get the body of 2D and do the streaming easily.

In that world, someone act a anime character, someone sing a song, someone chat with listener… etc

I was visited hers streaming and that main topic was chatting of hers life.

It's no especial, no comical, and so general, but she has good opinion, it is difficult to explain, but it has a Reality.

I don't have the feeling of love for her, but I am respecting her.

Today, we were talking long time and the topic was moved to the culture(教養).

I searched "教養" in English at first time after hers streaming, I haven't known that meaning.

I didn't graduate the university then I don't have a school career, but she said "you have the culture(教養)".

I am not sure why she said that, I can use English a little than other Japanese people, or I can think reasons of other people.

Anyway, the topic was moved to culture.

However, I didn't know the 教養 in English. I assumed that culture has only ”文化” and if that word has other meanings, that is similar "文化".

I felt I touched "culture" in the real sense.

Maybe, all people better to think about opinion of other people beyond the scope of us opinion.




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