

That's not what I'm talking about, blah, blah, blah.

First of all, I don't like your arrogant attitude that you are smarter than me. Then, you should realize that you are just an idiot. The fool who is unaware is the most troublesome. I am not as stupid as you because I am aware of my stupidity.

There is no doubt that you are just as incompetent as I am, even though you write a lot of garbage information here. Because this is a place for incompetent people to write.

Now, what I wanted to say was... Eat shit, moron!

  • 生成モデルの「生成」は入力の確率分布もモデリングするという意味であって、「フィルター」というのは入力はモデリングせず入力を出力に変換する部分のことを言っていて、これは...

    • インテリみてぇに気持ち悪い

      • 実際インテリだからなあ

        • 日本語分かんのか、外人かお前はよ 余計な能書き垂れねぇでいいからよ

          • I’m Japanese. I also speak English a little. To my knowledge, a common basic assumption under the probabilistic modeling of the data or the relationship between the data is to deal with the input X and the output Y. Most of the probabilistic models ...

            • That's not what I'm talking about, blah, blah, blah. First of all, I don't like your arrogant attitude that you are smarter than me. First of all, you should realize that you are just an idiot. The fool who is unaware is the most troublesome. I am not...


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