
記事への反応 -
  • In short, don’t you have any guts, do you? (要は勇気がないんでしょ?) I’m saying the animals should stay locked in a cage. (獣は檻に入れておけという話だよ。) Whoof. Alas. No. This is just no. Ah no. A kill...

    • Gwaaaaay I’m dead-and-go

    • Ohhhh. Aahhhh. I shouldn't do this. I shouldn't do that. I shouldn't do it. He has such a happy aura. It's light. He's exploiting their weaknesses. Hmmm... We're going to die. I'm going to die. Aaaaaaah! Can't stand it any longer. Oh no. The dark attr...

    • Oh! Fuck me!!!

    • Japan should die.

    • 俺もやってみようと思ったけどネタが思いつかないから誰かお題出して


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