



According to 1, the fees for public child day care (varhaiskasvatus) depend on the family’s income. The maximum fee of municipal early childhood education is US$317 | €295 for the first child and US$202 | €188 for the second child. The minimum fee is US$30 | €28 per child. The fee also depends on how many hours child stays in daycare. According to 2, school meals generally consist of typical Finnish foods such as a warm main course (dishes with fish, meat, vegetables; beans and sprouts as part of vegetarian diet), a side of vegetables (salad, grated vegetables or fresh vegetables pieces), bread and table spread, a drink (skimmed or semi-skimmed milk, buttermilk) and water.


  1. https://www.finlandprices.com/education-cost-finland/
  2. https://www.oph.fi/en/education-and-qualifications/school-meals-finland
  3. https://www.infofinland.fi/en/education/preschool-education
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