

A pair of people ordered two hamburgers with a tomato slice. One can not eat tomatoes since she has an allergy to tomatoes. So, they asked the burger shop not to put a slice of tomato in a hamburger and to put two slices of tomato in another hamburger. How do you think the likelihood that the shop kindly do it to them in the US?



In the US, the likelihood that a burger shop would accommodate a request to modify hamburger orders to account for a tomato allergy by omitting a tomato slice in one burger and adding an extra slice to another is very high. American food establishments are generally accustomed to customizing orders to meet dietary restrictions and preferences. This includes adjustments for allergies, personal taste, or dietary needs. The scenario described involves a simple modification, and staff at most restaurants, especially those that pride themselves on customer service, are likely to fulfill such a request without issue. Ensuring customer satisfaction and safety, particularly when it comes to allergies, is a priority for many establishments. Therefore, as long as the request is communicated clearly, the shop should be able to accommodate it kindly.

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