「together」を含む日記 RSS

はてなキーワード: togetherとは













13 togetter


3 匿名ダイアリー

3 朝日新聞デジタル

3 読売新聞オンライン

2 Daily Portal Z

2 Qiita

18 その他





 I have been a resident of room 203 since June 8, 2022, I do not know who occupies room 202, I have never seen your face, and this time I saw you for the first time when you called the police officer 110 and the officer was standing outside on the balcony. From a common sense standpoint, there is no one in this world who would allow a loud radio to be played by a resident of the next room who has never met you. I heard loud voices coming from your room on April 7, 2024 and heard someone run out of your room, make noise outside and come back into your room. Therefore, you believed that a Chinese man and a woman were living together in your room. Furthermore, on January 9, 2024, a man different from you was in and out of Room 202. Taking all of the above into consideration, there was no reasonable reason to play the radio loudly toward your room as of midday on May 10, 2024. You have a personality that becomes angry when the above is explained to you, but you must have a mental illness or something. I also do not know who lives in room 201, and I have never seen or talked to anyone in room 201 or 202, and you say that you heard the radio from room 203 several times on May 10, 2024, and that there is a need to get so angry about it Is that something you need to be so angry about?





















1, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ ルパン三世’78

2, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ DOWN BEAT STOMP

3, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ 燃えよドラゴン

4, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ Come On

5, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ スキャラバンCARAVAN

6, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ 太陽にお願い

7, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ 勇者の証~Brave Eagle Of Apache

8, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ フィルムメイカーズブリード~頂上決戦~

9, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ 5 days of TEQUILA

10, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ MONSTER ROCK

11, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ Glorious

12, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラさかなクン/ Paradise Has No Border

13, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ宮本浩次/ 明日以外すべて燃やせ-feat.宮本浩次

14, 花田ゆういちろう/ ブー!スカ・パーティー

15, ランシド/ Time Bomb

16, Adhesivo/ Skabullido

17, Adhesivo/ Autopisteando

18, Adhesivo/ Dia De Rutina

19, Bad Manners/ Inner London Violence

20, Brooklyn Funk Essentials,Laço Tayfa/ Ska Ka-Bop

21, Desorden Público/ Allá Cayó

22, Desorden Público/ Todo Está Muy Normal

23, Doberman/ leap for joy

24, EGO-WRAPPIN’/ くちばしにチェリー

25, Gelugugu/ One Two

26, Gelugugu/ I Love Ska Punk

27, Gypsy Ska Orquesta/ Toston Swing

28, HEY-SMITH/ Dandadan

29, HEY-SMITH/ Proud And Loud

30, HEY-SMITH/ Still Ska Punk

31, HEY-SMITH/ We sing our song

32, KEMURI/ P.M.A(Positive Mental Attitude

33, KEMURI/ Ohichyo

34, KEMURI/ O-zora

35, Kingston Rudieska/ Giant Moment

36, Kingston Rudieska/ Captain J


38, Laurel Aitken/ Jesse Jackson

39, Los Calzones/ Mala Vida

40, Los Calzones/ Todos Te Prometen

41, Los De Abajo,Diego Benlliure,José Grela / WarPeace

42, Madness/ One Step Beyond

43, Markscheider Kunst/ Ku

44, Melbourne Ska Orchestra/ Get Smart

45, Melbourne Ska Orchestra/ Lygon Street Meltdown

46, Nancy Ska Jazz Orchestra/ Hatcha!

47, Nancy Ska Jazz Orchestra/ Démineur

48, Nancy Ska Jazz Orchestra/ Tom Thumb

49, New York Ska-Jazz Ensemble/ Boogie Stop Shuffle

50, New York Ska-Jazz Ensemble/ Bopicana

51, Oi-SKALL MATES/ Bring on Nutty Stomper fun

52, Oi-SKALL MATES/ Skinhead Running

53, Oi-SKALL MATES/ Soul brother stomp together

54, Oi-SKALL MATES/ Justice Calling 69



57, Out Of Control Army/ Global Ska

58, Out Of Control Army/ Dancing

59, Out Of Control Army/ El Diablo

60, Out Of Control Army/ Fuck the police

61, Out Of Control Army/ Skaloween-En Vivo

62, Out Of Control Army,Inspector/ Siempre Fingiste Amarm

63, Pannonia Ska Orchestra/ Sahara

64, Redska/ Laghi di sangue

65, Reel Big Fish/ Sell Out

66, Rotterdam Ska-Jazz Foundation/ Backlash

67, Rotterdam Ska-Jazz Foundation/ No More Sorrow

68, Rotterdam Ska-Jazz Foundation/ Tunisia

69, Save Ferris/ The World Is New

70, SCAFULL KING/ Strutting Bonin’

71, SHOW-SKA/ 燃ゆるマドリード

72, SHOW-SKA/ Scooted Scorpion

73, SHOW-SKA/ ストライクドッグ

74, Skalariak/ Sarrera Ⅱ

75, Ska-P/ Welcome to Hell

76, Skaramanga/ Ska Ska

77, Skaramanga/ Prasemonger

78, Skassapunka/ Il pianto dell'asino

79, St.Petersburg Ska-Jazz Review/ Volga River Boat Man

80, The Busters/ Scooter Maniacs

81, The Fenicians/ Sac-O-Woe

82, The Locos,Bersuit Vergarabat/ La Bolsa

83, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones/ The Rascal King


85, The Ska Flames/ Samurai

86, The Ska Flames/ Tokyo Shot

87, The Ska Vengers/ Vampire

88, The Ska Vengers,Rie Ona,Shirish Malhotra/ Mancini Skank

89, The Skankaroos/ Expedition To Ska

90, The Skankaroos/ Ska Music

91, The Specials/ Little Bitch

92, The Super Glasses Ska Ensemble/ Keep Skanking

93, The Toasters/ 2-Tone Army

94, Tinez Roots Club/ High Jump

95, Tinez Roots Club/ Crazy Mule

96, Tinez Roots Club/ Chimpanzee

97, TRI4TH,カルメラ/ Horns Riot

98, Two Tone Club/ Beware Of The Tiger

99, Two Tone Club/ Three Little Words

100, Киоск/ Чудеса












・mabataki / Vaundy



Cry Baby / Official髭団dism


AメロGlitch Hopリズム雰囲気Closer / Lemaitreをめっちゃ意識してると思う!(当たって!)


・The Diamond Four / ももいろクローバーZ



・the Moment / Ryohu(呂布カルマではない)



・イージーゲーム / 和ぬか natsumi




サビで爆発&マリリン・マンソン(デスメタ)ぽいダーク感。ぬーさん(king gnu)風味もある。




さよならクレール / 中村佳穂

コード進行がD♭M7 →EM7 →B♭m/E♭ この3コードだけ(アウトロは変わる)なのでシンプル



喜劇 / 星野源

Youtubeでよく聞くLo-fi hip hopサウンド表現しつつ自らのファン層に「やっぱりおしゃれなんです、僕」をちゃんと伝えてて好き。

こういう打ち込みはDJ Mitsu the beats(gagle)が心地いいので良かったらぜひ。


・ただ君に晴れ / ヨルシカ

令和夜シリーズ(YOASOBI ずとまよ)の一角ヨルシカ。ゆるく歪ませたサウンドペントニック地獄最近には珍しくギターソロがある、うまい

ギターヒーローはまだ死んでなかった。良かった、太陽がまた輝くとき 矢を射るよ。

セーラムーン太郎 / マハラージャン



・踊 / ado




ビビデバ / 星街すいせい



・グッドな音楽を / ねぐせ。



およげ!たいやきくん / MONO NO AWARE

「たいやきの尻尾を集めてCome togetherで煮込みました。ね、面白いでしょ?」感がすごく、ウザ過ぎて好き。

・dasu . Hikage no onna / Otoboke Beaver


・あふれる / tricot



クレイジークレイジー / アイドルマスター




Still in my heart / PSYQUI ぷにぷに電気






・WurtS / Talking Box




・New Jeans / New Jeans

ほんと2STEPガラージHOUSE2000年くらいにM-floもよくこのリズムを取り入れててcome againのサビなんか2STEP



Away With Me / Tomggg, raychel jay



・救われ升 / ポップしなないで





エナジー風呂 / U-zhaan, 坂本龍一, 環ROY, 鎮座Dopeness

教授のenergy flowベーシックに、U-zhaanタブララップがうまく融合した作品



拝啓生きとし愛おしきあなた / AAAMYYY


寝起きで歌ってんかおまえ的な声はBONNIE PINK好きならマストバイさよならバイバイ、元気でいてね

・あわいに / TOMOO


アレンジは、ほぼ恋 / 星野源なので安心して聞ける。フルートや他の管楽器も聞こえてほっこりするね。










あれかな、2000年くらいに管楽器ブームがあってエゴラッピンとかスカパラとかWhat's Loveとか流行ったけど(あの時は椎名林檎すらエゴラッピンに寄せてたよね)あんな流れと似てる。





1.黛ジュン - 天使の誘惑(1968)

2.山本リンダ - どうにもとまらない(1972)

3.ペドロ&カプリシャス - ジョニィへの伝言(1973)

4.麻丘めぐみ - わたしの彼は左きき(1973)

5.サディスティック・ミカ・バンド - タイムマシンにおねがい(1974)

6.岩崎宏美 - ロマンス(1975)

7.森田童子 - たとえばぼくが死んだら(1980)

8.YMO - 君に、胸キュン。(1983)

9.安全地帯 - 悲しみにさよなら(1985)

10.岡田有希子 - Sweet Planet(1985)

11.渡辺美里 - My Revolution(1986)


13.米米CLUB - Shake Hip!(1986)

14.小泉今日子 - 木枯しに抱かれて(1986)

15.本田美奈子 - Oneway Generation(1987)

16.松田聖子 - Strawberry Time(1987)

17.中山美穂 - 50/50(1987)

18.BOØWY - MEMORY(1987)

19.光GENJI - ガラスの十代(1987)


21.氷室京介 - ANGEL(1988)


23.工藤静香 - MUGO・ん…色っぽい(1988)


25.BARBEE BOYS - 目を閉じておいでよ(1989)

26.浜田麻里 - Return to Myself〜しない、しない、ナツ。(1989)

27.UNICORN - 大迷惑(1989)


29.Wink - One Night In Heaven~真夜中のエンジェル~(1989)

30.ZI:KILL - I4U(1990)

31.D'ERLANGER - Moon and the Memories(1990)

32.Gilles de Rais - Blue(1990)

33.フリッパーズ・ギター - カメラカメラカメラ!(1990)

34.MOTHER GOOSE - In The Far East(1990)


36.WANDS - もっと強く抱きしめたなら(1992)

37.VIRUS - 小さな恋のメロディー(1992)


39.LUNA SEA - Claustrophobia(1993)

40.シャ乱Q - 上・京・物・語(1994)

41.B'z - Don't Leave Me(1994)

42.福山雅治 - IT'S ONLY LOVE(1994)

43.Mr.Children - innocent world(1994)

44.松任谷由実 - Hello,my friend(1994)

45.SAKRUN - 白昼の足跡(1994)

46.Kneuklid Romance - Painted time(1994)

47.DREAMS COME TRUE - サンキュ.(1995)

48.hitomi - GO TO THE TOP(1995)

49.MY LITTLE LOVER - Hello, Again 〜昔からある場所〜(1995)

50.JUDY AND MARY - Over Drive(1995)

51.L'Arc~en~Ciel - Still I'm With You(1995)

52.スピッツ - ハチミツ(1995)

53.globe - Joy to the love(1995)


55.安室奈美恵 - PRIVATE(1996)

56.Eins:Vier - Not saved yet(1997)


58.SHAZNA - すみれSeptember Love(1997)

59.華原朋美 - save your dream(1997)

60.DA PUMP - Love Is The Final Liberty(1997)

61.ROUAGE - Cry for the moon(1997)

62.Kiroro - 長い間(1998)


64.浜崎あゆみ - YOU(1998)

65.the brilliant green - There will be love there -愛のある場所-(1998)

66.モーニング娘。 - 例えば(1998)

67.ゆず - いつか(1999)

68.野猿 - Be cool!(1999)

69.タンポポ - たんぽぽ(1999)

70.Cocco - 樹海の糸(1999)

71.倉木麻衣 - Love, Day After Tomorrow(1999)

72.鈴木あみ - Don't need to say good bye(2000)

73.藤井隆 - ナンダカンダ(2000)

74.LOVE PSYCHEDELICO - Your Song(2000)

75.ポルノグラフィティ - ミュージック・アワー(2000)

76.矢井田瞳 - my sweet darlin'(2000)

77.鬼束ちひろ - 眩暈(2001)

78.宇多田ヒカル - DISTANCE(2001)

79.Tommy february6 - EVERYDAY AT THE BUS STOP(2001)

80.藤本美貴 - ロマンティック浮かれモード(2002)

81.ZONE - true blue(2003)

82.玉置成実 - Realize(2003)

83.SOPHIA - 僕はここにいる(2003)

84.SPEED - Be My Love(2003)

85.嵐 - PIKA★★NCHI DOUBLE(2004)

86.YUKI - JOY(2005)

87.YUI - feel my soul(2005)


89.GLAY - つづれ織り〜so far and yet so close〜(2005)

90.Perfume - コンピューターティ(2006)

91.AKB48 - 夕陽を見ているか?(2007)

92.ゴールデンボンバー - 女々しくて(2009)

93.少女時代 - BORN TO BE A LADY(2011)

94.サカナクション - 『バッハの旋律を夜に聴いたせいです。』(2011)

95.あいみょん - マリーゴールド(2018)

96.SEVENTEEN - 舞い落ちる花びら (Fallin' Flower)(2020)

97.TWICE - BETTER(2020)

98.TOMORROW X TOGETHER - Force(2021)

99.Mrs.GREEN APPLE - Magic(2023)

100.羊文学 - more than words(2023)




デマ + 名前 とかで検索して出てこない?




コメントで「put two and two together」という言い回しが載っていて、おそらくそっちの方で「2+2」を読むのが正解なのだろう。だとすると語呂がいいから、という理由だ。



putting others down is what people who cant bring themselves up do 

他人こき下ろすのは自分を高めることができない人がやることだ (bring someone up = uplift oneself = improve one's situation)


improveimprove onの違い



He improved the design of the car.



自動詞場合は、on 以下のものを元にして(元にして、が on意味です)



He improved on the design.


この場合、the design(その設計)を元にして、よりよい「設計」を作った、ということなのです。





Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, 「絶望の谷で苦しみにふけるのはやめましょう」

let us not ~ は let’s not ~ と同じ

wallow は「転げまわる、もがく」という意味ですが、ここでは「(快楽などに)ふける、浸る」という意味で使われています


例:wallow in luxury「ぜいたくにふける」、wallow in one’s sadness「悲しみにふける」



Matt has stepped away from public life マットはもう人前に出ることを止めたんだから

Let us hold not too fast to his name 彼の名前にあまりしがみつかないようにしよう


immersion only losers couldn't tell you the difference between と思う and と思っている to save their lives


to save one's life


・I can't wake up to save my life. : どうしても起きられない。


i am at the bottom of the mountain 先はまだまだ長い (= i've got a long way to go)


im very active w keeping my pronouns available 私は積極的自分性別代名詞を公開してる (consistently and proactively making known or sharing their preferred pronouns)

bc ik it can feel awkward to ask sometimes だってわざわざ尋ねるのは気まずいじゃん


You don't wanna get on my bad side.... 俺の機嫌を損ねないほうがいいぜ・・・



Go finger your prostate to chill out or smth 前立腺でも弄って落ち着け

Look I'm on a stim crash and on edge dw bout it 精神刺激薬の離脱症状が出ててしか寸止め中だから大丈夫

be on a stimulant crash = ADHDやアデロールなどの薬の離脱症状 (= I'm having withdrawals from drugs.)

be on edge 寸止め


back on one's feet

《be ~》〔病気などが回復して〕再び元気になる

Your father will be back on his feet in no time. : あなたのお父様はすぐに回復されますよ。

《be ~》〔状況などが〕良くなる、立ち直る


curry favor with



・That's a lot [bunch] of hooey, and you know it! : 実にばかげた話です。自分でも分かってるだろ。(=ホラ話= bullshit


it's awkward but it gets the point across

自分の書く文章は)ぎこちないけど意味は通じる (awkward = clunky = clumsy = scuffed)

why do you think it's awkward?


because I haven't output enough to think of a natural way to output my ideas. Instead I force out something that gets the idea across even if it turns out awkward



because 99% of my Japanese practice is from writing assignments for class (haven't hung out with many Japanese people), so even if I try to speak casually, formal stuff appears




this server is a lot more hateful than I remember it being



I can understand being insecure over one's language skills but I think you should own that you're insecure instead of trying to act like you're above others

Address what's causing you to feel insecure and work on that



own 〔罪などを〕自分がやったと認める


Speaking as someone who has never interacted with you before and didn't even recognise you, you came off as a massive dickhead in the way you talked, and that's gonna rub people the wrong way. Especially if there's annoyance built before that. But at the end of the day man, it doesn't matter much



I mean you just rubbed some people the wrong way but they didn't express that and decided to unload it all on you at the same time x10 when they saw the opportunity



it was really irresponsible and wrong of me

yeah I know that was fucked up of me

that was dumb of me





ooh buddy not a good look


it's basically just a way of saying "you did something bad."



I think most of it was just pent up aggression towards him over the weeks that everyone found an opportunity to unload at that moment


pent-up discontent 鬱積した不満


Idk why you're making it seem like i had a fit over him


have a fit

腹を立てる、カッとなる、カンカンに怒る、ひどく興奮する、非常に興奮する、だだをこねる、ショックを受ける、発作を起こす、卒倒する、おたおたする◆【同】throw a fit

・I was having [throwing] a huge fit. : 私は無性に腹を立てていた。


You just jumped on the Jack hate train for no reason


I don't understand the audacity to come here every single day while you disrespect me to your friends


and you also hop on the gender thing


i use she

but yeah

that was wrong of me too

they had that effect on me and I took that as a way out of responsibility





she didn't even think to give me the benefit of the doubt or anything and just straight up pilied on to me when i had no way to defend myself of the misinfo against me


pile on to someone: (of a group of people) to attack or criticize someone



what are you prattling about




・He was prattling on for hours about boring subjects. : 彼は退屈な話題について、何時間もしゃべり続けた。


And oh yea you can go on a tirade in that server talking about how i need mental health help, suck at jp, and feel threatened by the very presence of John






i played it when it came out and had the worst experience of my life


if you pick a μ's character you're in for the worst character interactions you have ever seen


in for 《be ~》〔困難などに〕直面しそうだ、〔事態などを〕きっと経験するだろう


this pc has served me well for 8+ years


im pushing 5 years on my lenovo legion


i built that pc with my dad and god damnit do I love it

will upgrade eventually




Pray the gay away = 神に祈りを捧げてゲイからノンケにしてもらうこと



I wouldn't recommend going off blood thinners cold turkey and my heart rates really fucking high right now, 1:30 3145, and I'm nervous about this.


go cold turkey 〔悪習・薬物などを〕急に[きっぱり]やめる[断ち切る]

go off a drug 薬を(飲むのを)やめる


there's no way these like agencies are gonna be looking at all this money you're raking in on Onlyfans being like "what do you mean we don't get any of it?"



rake in 荒稼ぎする


whether or not the bit that it's famous for will soon wear off a novelty however is difficult to determine


bit = 要素 = element


my boss has been grilling me for slacking


grilling 厳しい尋問◆可算


she flaked on our plans for Christmas together and invited him to hang out with her during the end of the year









there were a lot of things that i couldn't fit in here but i've only ever wrote things that i've had clear evidence of


i don't think i've clarified quite enough but this being something that i've kept in my heart for so long i'm so glad i'm able to talk to you all about it now




steer clear of


You should steer clear of that restaurant or you may get food poisoning. : そのレストランはやめた方がいい、さもないと食中毒になるかもよ。


Shiina having a laughing fit really brightens up my day. Thank you Okayun~

面白い」ということを表すのに使われる「ツボる」という表現英語で表すと、一番意味が近いのはおそらく”have a laughing fit”でしょう。



Does 買いものにでも行っているのかもしれません mean “Maybe she even went shopping” ? What does でも contribute here

Does demo add the “or something” to the sentencr


seemやappear, feel, look, soundなどにthatを付ける場合主語itでなければならない

It seems that ...

✗He seems that ...

Feel, look, and sound are very occasionally found with a content clause too: It looks to me that a vendetta has struck up. Content clauses differ from as if phrases in that they are restricted to the impersonal construction: compare Ed seemed as if /∗that he was trying to hide his true identity. (Camgel p.962)





直説法(knows):He looks as if he knows the answer. (he knows the answer)

仮定法(knew):He looks as if he knew the answer. (he gives the impression that he knows the answer, but he (probably) doesn't know or we don't know whether he knows or not)

主節が現在形の場合区別がつくが、主節を過去時制にすると、直接法では時制の一致によってknows→knewと一つ過去に移るのに対して、仮定法は時制の一致を受けないのでknewのまま変わらない。その結果、どちらも同じ時制になってしまう。そのため、仮定法か直接法かは文脈判断。(仮定法の時制を過去にずらす(knew→had known)と、大過去として見なされ、主節より一つ前の出来事を表すことになる)

He looked as if he knew the answer.


直説法:He seems as if he hasn't slept for days. (he hasn't slept for days)

仮定法:He seems as if he hadn't slept for days. (it seems that he hasn't slept for days, but he (probably) has or we don't know whether he has or not)

He seemed as if he hadn't slept for days.



He doesn't do listening immersion he only knows English from reading and it shows. 

He's not that bad 彼は別に下手じゃないよ

But there's a few quirks that tip me off でもノンネイティブだとわかってしまうような癖がたまに出てくる


Microsoft teams play together










reading isn't in anymore = reading isn't popular anymore



I want Kamina to tell me to believe in the him that believes in me


→the himなのがミソ

Don't believe in yourself. Believe in ME! Believe in the Kamina who believes in you!




墓穴を掘る = dig a hole

He is digging himself into his little hole pretty well all by himself.



There's no driving incentive to push far ahead when already standing in front of the pack, and it's already too late if you start slipping behind.



結果を表す only to do が for someone to do の形で表される場合がある

Like I finally think I understood, do a word correctly, mark the correct accent for the professor to pronounce it in some way I've never heard of and mark it incorrect

ChatGPTの解釈: The speaker feels they finally grasp the concept, correctly pronounce a word with the appropriate accent, only to have the professor pronounce it differently in a way they've never heard before. As a result, the professor marks the pronunciation as incorrect


bright 輝かしい 頭の良い

blight 破滅のもと、障害 やる気をくじくもの

「彼は聡明な生徒だ」と言おうとして He's a blight student. なんて言ったら大変なことになる


level it up into/to something レベルアップさせて~にする

i ended up leveling it up into a Gardevior.


I'm leveling it up into a sports car



can't be bothered と don't bother の違い

1. 過去形場合は同じように使える

2. 現在形の do not bother は習慣的なことのみ使える

I don't bother cooking (to cook) because it's easier to eat out


3. 個別一時的な状況においては、can't be bothered を使う

I haven't eaten anything all day and I'm starving. I can't be bothered to cook. I'm going to grab some takeout.


ただし can't be bothered は習慣的なことにも使えるっぽい



scale の意外な意味









roll off the tongue


表現パターンtrip [roll, slip] off the tongue


get on someone's good side



she/he loves to get on everyone's good side


I always had this image in my mind that .... = ~というイメージがずっと頭の中にあった

I always had this image in my mind that 25 was the year I'd get my shit together



that method doesn't involve actually producing anything of your own.

=You won't actually produce anything of your own with that method.



Is there a chance that there will be more earthquakes? Or are we in the clear so far?


after quakes can happen several days after

so nobody knows for sure


in the clear


・We can get out of here now that we're in the clear. : われわれは容疑が晴れたのだから、ここから出られる。

The waves seem to arrive any time now

The waves seem to be coming at any moment



leveled by the earthquake 《be ~》〔建物が〕地震で倒壊する

7.6 is no joke, Turkey had their cities leveled at like 7.4


houses have been leveled, roads destroyed and there's a massive fire.


It’s gonna be hard to sleep through this



skew 歪める・歪曲する

askew 歪んだ Jaw becoming gradually askew 顎が徐々に歪む

skewer 串に刺す、串刺しにするように激しく攻撃する

eschew 避ける・控える


Going on A date - お互いを知るためにする単発のデート。それ以降会わないこともありうる。

Dating - デートを何度か繰り返している状態。ただし恋人関係というわけではなくまだカジュアル関係。(中にはdating = be in a relationshipだと捉える人もいるらしい)



A: what does XXX mean? これはなんて意味

B: where did you find it? it's all about context どこで見つけたん?文脈は大切よ

A: *explains the context the sentence is used in* (文脈について説明

B: cant make out using this either unfortunately 残念ながらそれを読んでもわからないな

its mostly way too rare for any information レアすぎて情報が見つから

what book is this excerpt from? それはどんな本から引用


On time に In time する


on time時間ぴったりという意味で、in timeはぴったりでなくてもギリギリ間に合っていれば使える






Why mass can distort spacetime?


So the energy and momentum flowed in, they may or may not be converted into mass by coupling together. But the curvature doesn't change unless the motion of the energy and momentum changes.



Why is mass a form of energy?


But particle physicists use natural units where they measure both mass and energy in electron volts. This would make sure that the difference of the sum of the masses of the resulting particles and the mass of the neutron is exactly the same as the kinetic energy of the resulting particles.




By John Stuart Mill

Chapter X—Of the Mode of Voting.

The polling places should be so numerous as to be within easy reach of every voter, and no expenses of conveyance, at the cost of the candidate, should be tolerated under any pretext. The infirm, and they only on medical certificate, should have the right of claiming suitable carriage conveyance at the cost of the state or of the locality. Hustings, poll clerks, and all the necessary machinery of elections, should be at the public charge. Not only the candidate should not be required, he should not be permitted to incur any but a limited and trifling expense for his election. Mr. Hare thinks it desirable that a sum of £50 should be required from every one who places his name on the list of candidates, to prevent persons who have no chance of success, and no real intention of attempting it, from becoming candidates in wantonness or from mere love of notoriety, and perhaps carrying off a few votes which are needed for the return of more serious aspirants. There is one expense which a candidate or his supporters can not help incurring, and which it can hardly be expected that the public should defray for every one who may choose to demand it—that of making his claims known to the electors, by advertisements, placards, and circulars. For all necessary expenses of this kind the £50 proposed by Mr. Hare, if allowed to be drawn upon for these purposes (it might be made £100 if requisite), ought to be sufficient. If the friends of the candidate choose to go to expense for committees and canvassing, there are no means of preventing them; but such expenses out of the candidates's own pocket, or any expenses whatever beyond the deposit of £50 (or £100), should be illegal and punishable. If there appeared any likelihood that opinion would refuse to connive at falsehood, a declaration on oath or honor should be required from every member, on taking his seat, that he had not expended, nor would expend, money or money's worth beyond the £50, directly or indirectly, for the purposes of his election; and if the assertion were proved to be false or the pledge to have been broken, he should be liable to the penalties of perjury. It is probable that those penalties, by showing that the Legislature was in earnest, would turn the course of opinion in the same direction, and would hinder it from regarding, as has hitherto done, this most serious crime against society as a venial peccadillo. When once this effect has been produced, there need be no doubt that the declaration on oath or honor would be considered binding. [6] "Opinion tolerates a false disclaimer only when it already tolerates the thing disclaimed." This is notoriously the case with regard to electoral corruption. There has never yet been, among political men, any real and serious attempt to prevent bribery, because there has been no real desire that elections should not be costly. Their costliness is an advantage to those who can afford the expense by excluding a multitude of competitors; and any thing, however noxious, is cherished as having a conservative tendency, if it limits the access to Parliament to rich men. This is a rooted feeling among our legislators of both political parties, and is almost the only point on which I believe them to be really ill-intentioned. They care comparatively little who votes, as long as they feel assured that none but persons of their own class can be voted for. They know that they can rely on the fellow-feeling of one of their class with another, while the subservience of nouveaux enrichis who are knocking at the door of the class is a still surer reliance; and that nothing very hostile to the class interests or feelings of the rich need be apprehended under the most democratic suffrage, as long as democratic persons can be prevented from being elected to Parliament. But, even from their own point of view, this balancing of evil by evil, instead of combining good with good, is a wretched policy. The object should be to bring together the best members of both classes, under such a tenure as shall induce them to lay aside their class preferences, and pursue jointly the path traced by the common interest, instead of allowing the class feelings of the Many to have full swing in the constituencies, subject to the impediment of having to act through persons imbued with the class feelings of the Few.







one of the areas with limited law-making powers that together make up a country controlled by a central government





"some people take being proficient in one language not being in another"

からthe right amount of colloquial languageと言っただろ



からyou knowとかインフォーマル表現をたびたび使っとる↓

You know, we’re often told that Democrats and Republicans can’t work together.


からgoing toを使ってるのも全く不思議じゃない




要するにgoing toは比較インフォーマルだが、別にどんなフォーマティ文章でも使える(ただし口語ではgoing to、文章ではwillがよく使われる)

また、He'll dieは比較インフォーマルだが、He's gonna dieほどインフォーマルではない






おそらく数日以内に、子供推しの子を見せて良いか? みたいなtogetherが上がってくると思われる




The Sacrament—and the Sacrifice

By Elder David B. Haight

Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

I pray for your faith and prayers that my utterances will be received and understood “by the Spirit of truth” and that my expressions will be given “by the Spirit of truth” so that we might all be “edified and rejoice together.” (See D&C 50:21–22.)

As I stand here today—a well manwords of gratitude and acknowledgment of divine intervention are so very inadequate in expressing the feelings in my soul.

Six months ago at the April general conference, I was excused from speaking as I was convalescing from a serious operation. My life has been spared, and I now have the pleasant opportunity of acknowledging the blessings, comfort, and ready aid of my Brethren in the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve, and other wonderful associates and friends to whom I owe so much and who surrounded my dear wife, Ruby, and my family with their time, attention, and prayers. For the inspired doctors and thoughtful nurses I express my deepest gratitude, and for the thoughtful letters and messages of faith and hope received from many places in the world, many expressing, “You have been in our prayers” or “We have been asking our Heavenly Father to spare your life.” Your prayers and mine, thankfully, have been answered.

One unusual card caused me to ponder upon the majesty of it all. It is an original painting by Arta Romney Ballif of the heavens at night with its myriad golden stars. Her caption, taken from Psalms, reads:

“Praise ye the Lord: …

“He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.

“He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names.

“… His understanding is infinite.” (Ps. 147:1, 3–5.)

As I lay in the hospital bed, I meditated on all that had happened to me and studied the contemplative painting by President Marion G. Romney’s sister and the lines from Psalms: “He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names.” I was then—and continue to be—awed by the goodness and majesty of the Creator, who knows not only the names of the stars but knows your name and my name—each of us as His sons and daughters.

The psalmist, David, wrote:

“When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;

“What is man, that thou art mindful of him? …

“For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.” (Ps. 8:3–5.)

To be remembered is a wonderful thing.

The evening of my health crisis, I knew something very serious had happened to me. Events happened so swiftly—the pain striking with such intensity, my dear Ruby phoning the doctor and our family, and I on my knees leaning over the bathtub for support and some comfort and hoped relief from the pain. I was pleading to my Heavenly Father to spare my life a while longer to give me a little more time to do His work, if it was His will.

While still praying, I began to lose consciousness. The siren of the paramedic truck was the last that I remembered before unconsciousness overtook me, which would last for the next several days.

The terrible pain and commotion of people ceased. I was now in a calm, peaceful setting; all was serene and quiet. I was conscious of two persons in the distance on a hillside, one standing on a higher level than the other. Detailed features were not discernible. The person on the higher level was pointing to something I could not see.

I heard no voices but was conscious of being in a holy presence and atmosphere. During the hours and days that followed, there was impressed again and again upon my mind the eternal mission and exalted position of the Son of Man. I witness to you that He is Jesus the Christ, the Son of God, Savior to all, Redeemer of all mankind, Bestower of infinite love, mercy, and forgiveness, the Light and Life of the world. I knew this truth before—I had never doubted nor wondered. But now I knew, because of the impressions of the Spirit upon my heart and soul, these divine truths in a most unusual way.

I was shown a panoramic view of His earthly ministry: His baptism, His teaching, His healing the sick and lame, the mock trial, His crucifixion, His resurrection and ascension. There followed scenes of His earthly ministry to my mind in impressive detail, confirming scriptural eyewitness accounts. I was being taught, and the eyes of my understanding were opened by the Holy Spirit of God so as to behold many things.

The first scene was of the Savior and His Apostles in the upper chamber on the eve of His betrayal. Following the Passover supper, He instructed and prepared the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper for His dearest friends as a remembrance of His coming sacrifice. It was so impressively portrayed to me—the overwhelming love of the Savior for each. I witnessed His thoughtful concern for significant details—the washing of the dusty feet of each Apostle, His breaking and blessing of the loaf of dark bread and blessing of the wine, then His dreadful disclosure that one would betray Him.

He explained Judas’s departure and told the others of the events soon to take place.

Then followed the Savior’s solemn discourse when He said to the Eleven: “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33.)

Our Savior prayed to His Father and acknowledged the Father as the source of His authority and powereven to the extending of eternal life to all who are worthy.

He prayed, “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.”

Jesus then reverently added:

“I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.

“And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.” (John 17:3–5.)

He pled not only for the disciples called out from the world who had been true to their testimony of Him, “but for them also which shall believe on me through their word.” (John 17:20.)

When they had sung a hymn, Jesus and the Eleven went out to the Mount of Olives. There, in the garden, in some manner beyond our comprehension, the Savior took upon Himself the burden of the sins of mankind from Adam to the end of the world. His agony in the garden, Luke tells us, was so intense “his sweat was as … great drops of blood falling … to the ground.” (Luke 22:44.) He suffered an agony and a burden the like of which no human person would be able to bear. In that hour of anguish our Savior overcame all the power of Satan.

The glorified Lord revealed to Joseph Smith this admonition to all mankind:

“Therefore I command you to repent …

“For … I, God, … suffered … for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent; …

“Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, …

“Wherefore, I command you again to repent, lest I humble you with my almighty power; and that you confess your sins, lest you suffer these punishments.” (D&C 19:15–16, 18, 20.)

During those days of unconsciousness I was given, by the gift and power of the Holy Ghost, a more perfect knowledge of His mission. I was also given a more complete understanding of what it means to exercise, in His name, the authority to unlock the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven for the salvation of all who are faithful. My soul was taught over and over again the events of the betrayal, the mock trial, the scourging of the flesh of even one of the Godhead. I witnessed His struggling up the hill in His weakened condition carrying the cross and His being stretched upon it as it lay on the ground, that the crude spikes could be driven with a mallet into His hands and wrists and feet to secure His body as it hung on the cross for public display.

Crucifixion—the horrible and painful death which He suffered—was chosen from the beginning. By that excruciating death, He descended below all things, as is recorded, that through His resurrection He would ascend above all things. (See D&C 88:6.)

Jesus Christ died in the literal sense in which we will all die. His body lay in the tomb. The immortal spirit of Jesus, chosen as the Savior of mankind, went to those myriads of spirits who had departed mortal life with varying degrees of righteousness to God’s laws. He taught them the “glorious tidings of redemption from the bondage of death, and of possible salvation, … [which was] part of [our] Savior’s foreappointed and unique service to the human family.” (James E. Talmage, Jesus the Christ, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1977, p. 671.)

I cannot begin to convey to you the deep impact that these scenes have confirmed upon my soul. I sense their eternal meaning and realize thatnothing in the entire plan of salvation compares in any way in importance with that most transcendent of all events, the atoning sacrifice of our Lord. It is the most important single thing that has ever occurred in the entire history of created things; it is the rock foundation upon which the gospel and all other things rest,” as has been declared. (Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1966, p. 60.)

Father Lehi taught his son Jacob and us today:

“Wherefore, redemption cometh in and through the Holy Messiah; for he is full of grace and truth.

“Behold, he offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of the law, unto all those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit; and unto none else can the ends of the law be answered.

“Wherefore, how great the importance to make these things known unto the inhabitants of the earth, that they may know that there is no flesh that can dwell in the presence of God, save it be through the merits, and mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah, who layeth down his life according to the flesh, and taketh it again by the power of the Spirit, that he may bring to pass the resurrection of the dead, being the first that should rise.

“Wherefore, he is the firstfruits unto God, inasmuch as he shall make intercession for all the children of men; and they that believe in him shall be saved.” (2 Ne. 2:6–9.)

Our most valuable worship experience in the sacrament meeting is the sacred ordinance of the sacrament, for it provides the opportunity to focus our minds and hearts upon the Savior and His sacrifice.

The Apostle Paul warned the early Saints against eating this bread and drinking this cup of the Lord unworthily. (See 1 Cor. 11:27–30.)

Our Savior Himself instructed the Nephites, “Whoso eateth and drinketh my flesh and blood unworthily [brings] damnation to his soul.” (3 Ne. 18:29.)

Worthy partakers of the sacrament are in harmony with the Lord and put themselves under covenant with Him to always remember His sacrifice for the sins of the world, to take upon them the name of Christ and to always remember Him, and to keep His commandments. The Savior covenants that we who do so shall have His spirit to be with us and that, if faithful to the end, we may inherit eternal life.

Our Lord revealed to Joseph Smith that “there is no gift greater than the gift of salvation,” which plan includes the ordinance of the sacrament as a continuous reminder of the Savior’s atoning sacrifice. He gave instructions thatit is expedient that the church meet together often to partake of bread and wine in the remembrance of the Lord Jesus.” (D&C 6:13; D&C 20:75.)

Immortality comes to us all as a free gift by the grace of God alone, without works of righteousness. Eternal life, however, is the reward for obedience to the laws and ordinances of His gospel.

I testify to all of you that our Heavenly Father does answer our righteous pleadings. The added knowledge which has come to me has made a great impact upon my life. The gift of the Holy Ghost is a priceless possession and opens the door to our ongoing knowledge of God and eternal joy. Of this I bear witness, in the holy name of Jesus Christ, amen.





[noun] UK /ˈklʌs·tər/ US /ˈklʌs·tər/

a group of similar things that are close together



The First Black Samurai-Yasuke

Please improve the following novel to be more engaging and adding plot point of Yasuke returnig to being a missionary quitting Samurai " rologue:

The sun sank behind the horizon, casting the Japanese countryside in a warm, golden glow. In the courtyard of Nobunaga's castle knelt Yasuke, a tall, muscular African man with skin as dark as midnight. His journey to this moment had been long and treacherous, but it was only the beginning.

Chapter 1: A World Away

Yasuke lived an ordinary life in a small village on the Mozambique coast, unaware of the extraordinary destiny that awaited him. Captured by slave traders and torn from his homeland, he endured a grueling voyage across the Indian Ocean, finally arriving in the bustling port of Goa, India.

It was there that Yasuke's fate took an unexpected turn when he was purchased by Jesuit missionaries. In their service, he learned about Christianity, new languages, and the ways of the Western world. But his journey was far from over.

Chapter 2: The Land of the Rising Sun

As a loyal servant to the missionaries, Yasuke accompanied them on their journey to Japan, a land of mystique and intrigue. The beauty of the land, the complexity of its customs, and the elegance of its people captivated him. As the first African to set foot in Japan, he attracted attention and curiosity from all those who encountered him.

Chapter 3: The Encounter

In Kyoto, the capital of feudal Japan, Yasuke's life changed forever when he met Oda Nobunaga, one of the most powerful and influential daimyos of the time. Nobunaga was captivated by the African's physical prowess, intelligence, and unique background. Seeing potential in Yasuke, Nobunaga decided to take him into his service as a samurai.

Chapter 4: The Path of the Warrior

Yasuke's transformation from a slave to a samurai was fraught with challenges. He had to adapt to the rigorous training, strict code of honor, and the intricacies of Japanese society. But Yasuke's strength, resilience, and determination allowed him to excel, earning the respect of his fellow samurai and the trust of Nobunaga.

Chapter 5: The Unfolding War

As Nobunaga sought to unify Japan under his rule, Yasuke fought by his side in numerous battles. The African samurai's legend grew with each victory, as did his bond with Nobunaga. Together, they faced both triumph and tragedy, navigating the treacherous landscape of alliances and betrayals that defined the era.

Chapter 6: The Turning Tide

Yasuke's reputation as a skilled and loyal samurai grew, as did his bond with Lord Nobunaga. But in the shadows, the tides of change were brewing. Mitsuhide Akechi, once a loyal ally, had grown disillusioned with Nobunaga's rule. The resentment smoldered within him, fueled by a series of perceived slights and political maneuverings. Mitsuhide's ambition and desire for power began to cloud his judgment.

Yasuke sensed the shift in Mitsuhide's demeanor and grew increasingly wary of the samurai lord. However, loyalty to Nobunaga prevented him from openly voicing his concerns. He instead focused on his duties, ever vigilant and ready to protect his lord at a moment's notice.

One fateful evening, the Oda clan gathered to celebrate their recent victories. Unbeknownst to the revelers, Mitsuhide Akechi's treacherous plan was already in motion.

As the sun rose, the first cries of battle rang out. Mitsuhide's forces had launched a surprise attack on Nobunaga's residence at the Honno-ji Temple. Yasuke fought his way to Nobunaga's side, his sword cutting through the trait "


The sun dipped below the horizon, bathing the Japanese countryside in a warm, amber embrace. Yasuke, a towering, powerfully built African man with skin as dark as midnight, knelt in the courtyard of Nobunaga's castle, his heart thundering with anticipation. A perilous journey had brought him to this moment, and yet, it was only the beginning of a story that would span continents and rewrite history.

Chapter 1: A World Away

In a small village on the Mozambique coast, Yasuke led a simple life, blissfully unaware of the extraordinary destiny that lay before him. His world shattered when slave traders captured him, ripping him from his homeland and thrusting him into a brutal odyssey across the Indian Ocean. Fate, however, had other plans when he reached the bustling port of Goa, India.

Chapter 2: Destiny's Winds

In Goa, Jesuit missionaries purchased Yasuke, altering the course of his life. Under their guidance, he embraced Christianity, mastered new languages, and absorbed the ways of the Western world. But the wind had not finished carrying him to his ultimate destination.

Chapter 3: The Enchanted Isles

Loyal to the missionaries, Yasuke accompanied them to Japan, a land shrouded in mystery and allure. He was captivated by its breathtaking landscapes, intricate customs, and refined people. As the first African in Japan, he sparked fascination and intrigue wherever he went.

Chapter 4: Fateful Encounters

Kyoto, the heart of feudal Japan, bore witness to the meeting that would forever change Yasuke's life. Oda Nobunaga, a formidable and influential daimyo, was entranced by Yasuke's physical prowess, intellect, and exotic origins. Recognizing Yasuke's potential, Nobunaga welcomed him into his service as a samurai.

Chapter 5: A Warrior Forged

Yasuke's metamorphosis from slave to samurai was laden with trials. He navigated the grueling training, a rigid code of honor, and the complexities of Japanese society. Undaunted, he flourished, earning the admiration of his fellow samurai and the unwavering trust of Nobunaga.

Chapter 6: A Land Divided

As Nobunaga pursued his vision of a united Japan, Yasuke fought valiantly by his side in countless battles. The legend of the African samurai swelled with each victory, and their unbreakable bond deepened. Together, they braved the treacherous world of shifting alliances and betrayals that shaped the era.

Chapter 7: Whispers of Betrayal

Yasuke's renown as a skilled and devoted samurai expanded, as did his connection with Lord Nobunaga. But beneath the surface, a storm was brewing. Mitsuhide Akechi, once a staunch ally, had grown disillusioned with Nobunaga's leadership. His bitterness festered, fed by perceived slights and political machinations. Consumed by ambition and lust for power, Mitsuhide's judgment faltered.

Chapter 8: The Price of Loyalty

Yasuke detected the change in Mitsuhide's spirit and grew increasingly apprehensive. But his unwavering loyalty to Nobunaga held him back from voicing his suspicions. Instead, he redoubled his efforts, ever watchful and prepared to defend his lord at any cost.

Chapter 9: A Night of Shadows

On a fateful evening, the Oda clan gathered to revel in their recent triumphs, oblivious to the treachery that lurked in the shadows. Mitsuhide Akechi's nefarious scheme had been set in motion.

Chapter 9: A Night of Shadows

As dawn broke, the piercing cries of battle shattered the night's tranquility. Mitsuhide's forces had launched a devastating surprise attack on Nobunaga's residence at the Honno-ji Temple. Yasuke fought relentlessly, his sword cleaving through the treacherous warriors as he made his way to Nobunaga's side.

Chapter 10: Flames of Betrayal

The Honno-ji Temple, once a sanctuary of peace, was now engulfed in flames and chaos. Yasuke and Nobunaga fought back to back, their swords a blur of steel, as Mitsuhide's forces closed in. Despite their valiant efforts, they were outnumbered, and Yasuke could sense the battle was lost. With a heavy heart, he whispered a prayer for Nobunaga's soul, knowing that his lord would never surrender.

Chapter 11: A Promise Unbroken

As the temple crumbled around them, Yasuke was captured by Mitsuhide's soldiers. Imprisoned and stripped of his samurai status, he reflected on the path that had led him to this moment. Amidst the darkness, he found solace in the memories of his life with Nobunaga and his time as a missionary. A fire kindled within him, reigniting a long-forgotten purpose.

Chapter 12: The Road to Redemption

In the chaos following Mitsuhide's coup, Yasuke seized an opportunity to escape. He journeyed across war-torn Japan, seeking refuge and a chance to reclaim his former life. His determination and faith guided him, as did the memory of the missionaries who had once saved him from a life of slavery.

Chapter 13: Rebirth of a Missionary

Yasuke found solace and purpose among a group of missionaries in a remote village. Embracing his past, he became an instrumental figure in their community, sharing his knowledge of Christianity, languages, and the Western world. As he nurtured their faith, Yasuke felt the shadows of his life as a samurai slowly fade, replaced by the warm embrace of spiritual fulfillment.

Chapter 14: A Legacy Unforgotten

Though Yasuke had left the life of a warrior behind, the legend of the African samurai continued to grow. His story inspired generations, a testament to the power of resilience, courage, and the human spirit. It was a tale that transcended borders and time, a reminder that even in the darkest moments, hope and redemption could be found.


As twilight draped the Japanese countryside, Yasuke stood atop a hill, gazing at the village he now called home. His journey had been one of unimaginable hardship, transformation, and ultimately, redemption. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, Yasuke knew that his story, like the sun's eternal cycle, would continue to inspire and illuminate the hearts of those who heard it.


Title: The Black Samurai - A Tale of Yasuke


The sun sank behind the horizon as the last vestiges of light bathed the Japanese countryside in a warm, golden glow. Yasuke, a tall, muscular African man with skin as dark as midnight, knelt in the courtyard of Nobunaga's castle, tending to his duties. Though he had traveled a long and treacherous path to reach this moment, his journey had just begun.

Chapter 1: A World Away

In a small village on the Mozambique coast, a young Yasuke lived an ordinary life, unaware of the extraordinary destiny that awaited him. Captured by slave traders and torn from his homeland, he endured a grueling voyage across the Indian Ocean, finally arriving in the bustling port of Goa, India.

It was there that Yasuke's fate took an unexpected turn when he was purchased by Jesuit missionaries. In their service, he learned about Christianity, new languages, and the ways of the Western world.

Chapter 2: The Land of the Rising Sun

As a loyal servant to the missionaries, Yasuke accompanied them on their journey to Japan, a land of mystique and intrigue. The beauty of the land, the complexity of its customs, and the elegance of its people captivated him. As the first African to set foot in Japan, he attracted attention and curiosity from all those who encountered him.

Chapter 3: The Encounter

In Kyoto, the capital of feudal Japan, Yasuke's life changed forever when he met Oda Nobunaga, one of the most powerful and influential daimyos of the time. Nobunaga was captivated by the African's physical prowess, intelligence, and unique background. Seeing potential in Yasuke, Nobunaga decided to take him into his service as a samurai.

Chapter 4: The Path of the Warrior

Yasuke's transformation from a slave to a samurai was fraught with challenges. He had to adapt to the rigorous training, strict code of honor, and the intricacies of Japanese society. Despite these obstacles, Yasuke's strength, resilience, and determination allowed him to excel, earning the respect of his fellow samurai and the trust of Nobunaga.

Chapter 5: The Unfolding War

As Nobunaga sought to unify Japan under his rule, Yasuke fought by his side in numerous battles. The African samurai's legend grew with each victory, as did his bond with Nobunaga. Together, they faced both triumph and tragedy, navigating the treacherous landscape of alliances and betrayals that defined the era.

Chapter 6: The Turning Tide

Yasuke's reputation as a skilled and loyal samurai grew, as did his bond with Lord Nobunaga. The warlord respected Yasuke's dedication and resilience, a stark contrast to the treachery and self-serving ambitions that plagued many samurai of the era.

Word of Yasuke's prowess reached other daimyos, and whispers of the formidable black samurai began to spread across the provinces. The year was 1579, and the Oda clan had just emerged victorious in the Battle of Tedorigawa. Yasuke had fought valiantly, his towering presence and unmatched strength striking fear into the hearts of his enemies.

As the Oda clan continued to expand its territories, Yasuke's friendship with Nobunaga deepened, and he became a trusted advisor. He learned more about Japanese culture, studied the language, and embraced the customs of his new home.

In the shadows, however, the tides of change were brewing. Mitsuhide Akechi, once a loyal ally, had grown disillusioned with Nobunaga's rule. The resentment smoldered within him, fueled by a series of perceived slights and political maneuverings. Mitsuhide's ambition and desire for power began to cloud his judgment.

Yasuke had sensed the shift in Mitsuhide's demeanor and grew increasingly wary of the samurai lord. However, loyalty to Nobunaga prevented him from openly voicing his concerns. He instead focused on his duties, ever vigilant and ready to protect his lord at a moment's notice.

One fateful evening, the air was heavy with the scent of cherry blossoms, as the Oda clan gathered to celebrate their recent victories. Laughter and the clinking of sake cups filled the air. Unbeknownst to the revelers, Mitsuhide Akechi's treacherous plan was already in motion.

As the sun rose, the first cries of battle rang out. Mitsuhide's forces had launched a surprise attack on Nobunaga's residence at the Honno-ji Temple. The chaos was overwhelming, as friend turned against friend, and the air filled with the acrid smell of smoke and blood.

Yasuke fought his way to Nobunaga's side, his sword cutting through the traitorous samurai with brutal efficiency. The two men made their final stand together, back-to-back, against the relentless onslaught.

In the end, however, they were outnumbered. As Nobunaga fell, mortally wounded, Yasuke continued to fight, but he too was eventually captured. Mitsuhide Akechi, in a twisted display of respect, spared Yasuke's life, acknowledging the loyalty and prowess of the black samurai. Yasuke was sent to the Jesuit missionaries, his future uncertain.

Yasuke's journey had been a remarkable one, from a slave in a foreign land to a trusted advisor and samurai. Despite his extraordinary circumstances, he remained true to himself and his values. His story of strength, resilience, and loyalty would be remembered and honored for generations to come.


As the sun set on another day in Japan, the whisper of the wind carried the tale of the black samurai, Yasuke, across the land. It would weave its way through the ages, inspiring countless others to rise above adversity and carve their own paths through the storms of life.

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