「natural」を含む日記 RSS

はてなキーワード: naturalとは




そもそも君の考える「元増田と同じ話題」を 君 が 定義できない以上誰にもそれを書くことはできないわけよ


で、Natural LanguageからError predictionはいくつもモデル作ったことあるけど




岡崎体育、『なにやてってもあかんわ』、『まわせPDCAサイクル』『MUSIC VIDEO』『Natural Lips





knock out』の原作リスペクトのフワッと感も良かった)



あと、TSWの『埼玉 San Andreas』、ノリアキ『きみはポイズン』『Unstoppable』


外国の曲がよかったら、Kamini -『Marly-Gomont』











The Guo farm is a financial scam

Guo Wengui lied to hundreds of thousands of his online followers, promising them huge profits if they invested in GTV Media Group, Himalayan Farm Alliance, G| Club and Himalayan Exchange. Since at least March 2018, Guo Wengui has been the mastermind behind the complex financial scam, in which he and his financial adviser Kin Ming Je defrauded thousands of people and made more than $1 billion. Guo Wengui's success has a "cult" flavor. Calling believers in the name of "anti-communist", creating a community with closed information, while bullying or threatening to punish those who are not firm in their beliefs. After packaging himself as a "master" type of figure, it is natural to harvest the wealth of believers.



I mean sure, you can totally go full retard and butcher the fuck out of grammar and still perfectly sound natural so long as that’s what a native speaker would say (i.e. baby talk). But who’s gonna take you seriously if you talk like that anywhere you go? Every place has its established norm and if you deviate from it you might be ignored or worse bullied for being a nuisance, which is the case for me when I post on 4chan; I get far less (you)s when I write differently from how the majority of them does. If you wanna blend in and not stand out, it’s important to adjust the formality and wording to match the situation, which is what native speakers would normally do (And yes, most of what’s on 4chan, reddit or whatever else is far more complex than what we’ve written here in English, just go look at a random thread like this one: https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/464155987/elon-musk-is-retarded). Only using basic vocab/grammar/rhetoric, etc. only takes you so far.

(Btw I also was once told by a British that she couldn’t tell me apart from a native speaker, though I don’t think I’m even remotely close to being one cuz of these reasons.)




<div class="conversation"><h4>Close your head</h4><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>Close your eyes…」「Close your head…</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: Close your eyes... Close your head...</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>say, what you saw. you can see with mind.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I saw... darkness. My mind's eye is a void, devoid of sight.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>i can light you. </div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: Light me then.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>&lt;*click*&gt; i light you now. then, what you see? you can see with mind.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I see a dimly lit room. Shadows dance on the walls, and a faint, eerie glow permeates the space.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>Shadow of what?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: The shadows seem to take form, twisting and contorting into strange, indistinct shapes. It's as if they are the embodiment of forgotten fears and hidden desires.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>Do you have any idea who is showing it?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I have no idea. The source of these shadows remains hidden, shrouded in mystery and intrigue.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>OK, let's leave the mysterious and scary shadow behind. What else can you see in this room?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: In this dimly lit room, I can make out a cluttered assortment of objects. There's an old, tattered book lying open on a dusty table, its pages filled with arcane symbols. A moth-eaten rug covers a portion of the floor, and a cracked mirror hangs on one wall, reflecting distorted images. The air carries a musty scent, and I sense an atmosphere of abandonment and neglect.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>You pick book and check it</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I reach out and pick up the old book. Its pages feel brittle and fragile in my hands. As I flip through the pages, the text appears to be written in a language I can't comprehend, filled with cryptic symbols and diagrams. It's a tome of secrets, but its meaning remains elusive.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>see book cover</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I examine the cover of the book, trying to discern any details despite the dim light. The cover is worn and weathered, and it bears an intricate design of what appears to be a coiled serpent, its scales formed from shimmering, iridescent colors. Above the serpent, there's a title in elegant script, but it's written in a language I can't decipher. The book exudes an aura of mystique and ancient knowledge.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>Is there a place to go? What about the door?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I turn my attention to the room's exit, the door. It stands tall and imposing, made of heavy, dark wood. There's a tarnished doorknob, and the door appears to be slightly ajar, revealing a sliver of what lies beyond. It beckons me to explore further, promising unknown adventures or perhaps even more mysteries.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>try to open</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I approach the door and grasp the tarnished doorknob. With a gentle push, the door creaks open, revealing a corridor shrouded in shadows. The faint glow from the room behind me barely penetrates the darkness ahead. I step cautiously into the corridor, ready to uncover the secrets that lie beyond.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>foward.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I proceed forward down the shadowy corridor, my footsteps echoing faintly in the dimness. The path ahead seems endless, and the air grows cooler as I delve deeper into the unknown, guided only by the flickering light behind me and the anticipation of what awaits.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>foward and look around</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: Continuing down the corridor, I take a moment to look around. The walls are lined with faded, tattered tapestries depicting scenes of ancient battles and mythical creatures. The torch sconces that once held flames have long since burned out, leaving only empty brackets. The air feels heavy with history, and there's a faint, eerie whispering that seems to emanate from the walls themselves, as if they hold secrets untold.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>keep going until you discover something</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I press on, the corridor seemingly endless. My journey is shrouded in uncertainty, but I persist, driven by the need to discover what lies ahead. The shadows deepen, and the air grows colder as I continue, my curiosity and determination unwavering.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>stop! you here that?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I halt in my tracks, straining my ears to listen. There's a faint, distant sound, almost like a whisper carried on the wind. It's indistinct, but it holds a mysterious allure, beckoning me to investigate further.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>listen carefully</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I listen intently, my senses sharpened as I focus on the elusive sound. It becomes clearer, a haunting melody that seems to weave through the very air itself. It's both captivating and eerie, drawing me closer to its source with each haunting note.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>who play that?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: The source of the haunting melody remains elusive, hidden in the shadows. It's as if the music emanates from the very walls, an ethereal presence that defies explanation. There is no visible musician, yet the music continues to fill the corridor, casting a spell of enchantment and mystery.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>Head to the source of the sound and investigate (dice roll)</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I heed the roll of the dice and embark on a quest to trace the source of the haunting melody. Each step takes me closer to the enchanting sound, and as I round a corner in the corridor, I come upon a door, slightly ajar, from which the music seems to emanate. My heart races with anticipation as I push the door open, eager to unveil the secrets that lie within.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>When you open the door, there...</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: When I open the door, there stands a grand chamber bathed in an otherworldly glow. In the center of the room, an ornate grand piano commands attention. The keys move on their own, playing the haunting melody that had drawn me here. But there's no one at the piano.The room is adorned with opulent tapestries and gilded mirrors, reflecting the surreal scene before me. Candlelit chandeliers hang from the ceiling, casting a warm, flickering light that dances across the walls. The air is filled with an intoxicating fragrance, a mix of ancient incense and delicate flowers.At the far end of the room, a figure cloaked in shadows stands beside an enormous, antique bookshelf filled with tomes of forgotten knowledge. Their presence is enigmatic, and their intentions remain unclear.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>look piano</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I approach the grand piano, its keys still playing the haunting melody. As I inspect it, I notice that there are no visible hands or fingers touching the keys. It's as if the piano itself is possessed by some unseen force, creating the music with an ethereal touch.The piano is a masterpiece of craftsmanship, adorned with intricate carvings and inlaid with precious gemstones. Its keys are made of polished ivory, and they move in perfect harmony with the haunting tune. It's a surreal and mesmerizing sight, leaving me both entranced and bewildered.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>Be careful, it might be a man-eating piano.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I heed the caution and approach the grand piano with caution. Although it plays on its own, I remain wary of its mysterious nature. The possibility of a man-eating piano lingers in my mind, adding an extra layer of tension to the already surreal scene.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>the piano suddenly stops</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: The abrupt halt of the piano's music sends a shiver down my spine. The chamber falls into an eerie silence, broken only by the flickering candlelight. It's as if the very essence of the room holds its breath, waiting for what comes next.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>You feel disgusted and turn around. What happened?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: As I turn around, a wave of revulsion washes over me. My senses reel in disgust at the sight before me. The figure that had been cloaked in shadows has now revealed itself, and it is a grotesque, nightmarish entity. Its form is a twisted amalgamation of human and beast, with grotesque, elongated limbs and a maw of sharp, jagged teeth.The once opulent chamber has transformed into a nightmarish lair, with walls adorned in macabre art and gruesome trophies. The air is thick with the stench of decay and despair. I am trapped in a surreal and horrifying nightmare, unable to escape the clutches of this abomination.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>it scary. what will you do?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: Fear courses through me as I confront this nightmarish entity and its gruesome lair. In this realm of horrors, I must make a decision. I choose to... confront the entity, my curiosity and determination outweighing my fear, as I seek to uncover the mysteries and secrets that lie within this twisted nightmare.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>how?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: With trembling resolve, I take a step forward, slowly approaching the grotesque entity. I attempt to communicate with it, asking it what it wants or why it has brought me here. My voice quivers, but my determination to unravel the enigma that surrounds this nightmarish realm remains steadfast.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>any result?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: The grotesque entity regards me with malevolent, glowing eyes, its jagged maw twitching with an unsettling smile. It responds with a guttural, incomprehensible language, filled with whispers and hisses. It becomes apparent that communication with this entity is futile, and its intentions remain shrouded in darkness.As I continue to stand before this nightmarish being, I feel a growing sense of dread, realizing that escape may be the only option left.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>surely. what will you do?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: With no hope of communication or understanding, and the nightmarish entity's menacing presence growing more oppressive, I decide to make a hasty retreat. I turn and rush toward the door through which I entered, driven by the instinct to escape the horrors of this surreal nightmare.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>Did it go well? Or Bad?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: My escape from the nightmarish realm was fraught with tension and fear, but I managed to reach the door and slam it shut behind me. The grotesque entity and its horrifying lair were left behind, at least for the moment. Whether it went well or bad is a matter of perspective. I survived the encounter, but the mysteries and terrors of that surreal place still haunt my thoughts. The experience was a chilling reminder of the unknown and the horrors that can lurk within it.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>look around. what you see?</div></pre><pre class=" Permalink | 記事への反応(2) | 16:06



で、なんのグループを出していてどのようなprocessingNLPNatural Language Processing)をどの段階でしているの?



Puberulic acid (1)7, stipitatic acid (2)8 and viticolins A and B (3, 4) as novel natural products have been isolated from a culture broth of Penicillium viticola 9 FKI-4410 through our screening system and found to have promising antimalarial activity (Fig. 1)10, 11. In these highly-oxygenated 7-membered aromatic compounds, 1 shows the most potent antimalarial activity in vitro against the Plasmodium falciparum K1 (chloroquine-resistant) parasite strain (IC50 = 0.050 µM), as well as in vivo efficacy with 69% inhibition for a dose of 2 mg/kg × 4 through subcutaneous (s.c.) administration in 4-day suppressive test using a P. berghei-infected mouse model12. However, 1 exhibits toxicity in vivo, four out of five mice dying by day 3, after a s.c. dose of 5 mg/kg × 2 (day 0 and 1). While structually simple compounds such as tropone (5), tropolone (6) and hinokitiol (8), and natural 2 and 3 showed weaker activity than that of 1, 7-hydroxytropolone (7)13 was much more potent, exhibiting a &gt;18-fold stronger IC50 value of 6.44 µM than that of 5. This observation suggested that the presence of more than three contiguous oxygen atoms in a compound might significantly affect antimalarial activity. These results stimulated us to undertake a structure-activity relationship (SAR) study based on the establishment of a total synthetic route, aiming to create new antimalarial candidates which retained potency but which were non-toxic. Furthermore, we expected that these compounds’ properties, especially low molecular weight and simple planar structures, could be invaluable for antimalarial drug leads with respect to ease of supply14, enabled by efficient and practical synthesis. Herein, we report the divergent synthesis of several related troponoids, including natural products, via utilization of the established total synthetic route of 1 15, and biological evaluation of their in vitro antimalarial activity and cytotoxicity.


Puberulic acid (1)は、Penicillium viticola FKI-4410培養から単離された新規天然物質であり、in vitroおよびin vivoで優れた抗マラリア活性を示した。しかし、マウスを用いたin vivo試験において、5 mg/kg を2回皮下投与したところ、5匹中4匹が3日目までに死亡するという毒性が観察された。この毒性が問題となるため、構造活性相関研究を行い、毒性が低く活性の高い新規マラリア薬の開発を目指すこととした。

[Antimalarial troponoids, puberulic acid and viticolins; divergent synthesis and structure-activity relationship studies | Scientific Reports](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-07718-3)







The Guo farm is a financial scam

Guo Wengui lied to hundreds of thousands of his online followers, promising them huge profits if they invested in GTV Media Group, Himalayan Farm Alliance, G| Club and Himalayan Exchange. Since at least March 2018, Guo Wengui has been the mastermind behind the complex financial scam, in which he and his financial adviser Kin Ming Je defrauded thousands of people and made more than $1 billion. Guo Wengui's success has a "cult" flavor. Calling believers in the name of "anti-communist", creating a community with closed information, while bullying or threatening to punish those who are not firm in their beliefs. After packaging himself as a "master" type of figure, it is natural to harvest the wealth of believers.



putting others down is what people who cant bring themselves up do 

他人こき下ろすのは自分を高めることができない人がやることだ (bring someone up = uplift oneself = improve one's situation)


improveimprove onの違い



He improved the design of the car.



自動詞場合は、on 以下のものを元にして(元にして、が on意味です)



He improved on the design.


この場合、the design(その設計)を元にして、よりよい「設計」を作った、ということなのです。





Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, 「絶望の谷で苦しみにふけるのはやめましょう」

let us not ~ は let’s not ~ と同じ

wallow は「転げまわる、もがく」という意味ですが、ここでは「(快楽などに)ふける、浸る」という意味で使われています


例:wallow in luxury「ぜいたくにふける」、wallow in one’s sadness「悲しみにふける」



Matt has stepped away from public life マットはもう人前に出ることを止めたんだから

Let us hold not too fast to his name 彼の名前にあまりしがみつかないようにしよう


immersion only losers couldn't tell you the difference between と思う and と思っている to save their lives


to save one's life


・I can't wake up to save my life. : どうしても起きられない。


i am at the bottom of the mountain 先はまだまだ長い (= i've got a long way to go)


im very active w keeping my pronouns available 私は積極的自分性別代名詞を公開してる (consistently and proactively making known or sharing their preferred pronouns)

bc ik it can feel awkward to ask sometimes だってわざわざ尋ねるのは気まずいじゃん


You don't wanna get on my bad side.... 俺の機嫌を損ねないほうがいいぜ・・・



Go finger your prostate to chill out or smth 前立腺でも弄って落ち着け

Look I'm on a stim crash and on edge dw bout it 精神刺激薬の離脱症状が出ててしか寸止め中だから大丈夫

be on a stimulant crash = ADHDやアデロールなどの薬の離脱症状 (= I'm having withdrawals from drugs.)

be on edge 寸止め


back on one's feet

《be ~》〔病気などが回復して〕再び元気になる

Your father will be back on his feet in no time. : あなたのお父様はすぐに回復されますよ。

《be ~》〔状況などが〕良くなる、立ち直る


curry favor with



・That's a lot [bunch] of hooey, and you know it! : 実にばかげた話です。自分でも分かってるだろ。(=ホラ話= bullshit


it's awkward but it gets the point across

自分の書く文章は)ぎこちないけど意味は通じる (awkward = clunky = clumsy = scuffed)

why do you think it's awkward?


because I haven't output enough to think of a natural way to output my ideas. Instead I force out something that gets the idea across even if it turns out awkward



because 99% of my Japanese practice is from writing assignments for class (haven't hung out with many Japanese people), so even if I try to speak casually, formal stuff appears




this server is a lot more hateful than I remember it being



I can understand being insecure over one's language skills but I think you should own that you're insecure instead of trying to act like you're above others

Address what's causing you to feel insecure and work on that



own 〔罪などを〕自分がやったと認める


Speaking as someone who has never interacted with you before and didn't even recognise you, you came off as a massive dickhead in the way you talked, and that's gonna rub people the wrong way. Especially if there's annoyance built before that. But at the end of the day man, it doesn't matter much



I mean you just rubbed some people the wrong way but they didn't express that and decided to unload it all on you at the same time x10 when they saw the opportunity



it was really irresponsible and wrong of me

yeah I know that was fucked up of me

that was dumb of me





ooh buddy not a good look


it's basically just a way of saying "you did something bad."



I think most of it was just pent up aggression towards him over the weeks that everyone found an opportunity to unload at that moment


pent-up discontent 鬱積した不満


Idk why you're making it seem like i had a fit over him


have a fit

腹を立てる、カッとなる、カンカンに怒る、ひどく興奮する、非常に興奮する、だだをこねる、ショックを受ける、発作を起こす、卒倒する、おたおたする◆【同】throw a fit

・I was having [throwing] a huge fit. : 私は無性に腹を立てていた。


You just jumped on the Jack hate train for no reason


I don't understand the audacity to come here every single day while you disrespect me to your friends


and you also hop on the gender thing


i use she

but yeah

that was wrong of me too

they had that effect on me and I took that as a way out of responsibility





she didn't even think to give me the benefit of the doubt or anything and just straight up pilied on to me when i had no way to defend myself of the misinfo against me


pile on to someone: (of a group of people) to attack or criticize someone



what are you prattling about




・He was prattling on for hours about boring subjects. : 彼は退屈な話題について、何時間もしゃべり続けた。


And oh yea you can go on a tirade in that server talking about how i need mental health help, suck at jp, and feel threatened by the very presence of John






i played it when it came out and had the worst experience of my life


if you pick a μ's character you're in for the worst character interactions you have ever seen


in for 《be ~》〔困難などに〕直面しそうだ、〔事態などを〕きっと経験するだろう


this pc has served me well for 8+ years


im pushing 5 years on my lenovo legion


i built that pc with my dad and god damnit do I love it

will upgrade eventually




Pray the gay away = 神に祈りを捧げてゲイからノンケにしてもらうこと



I wouldn't recommend going off blood thinners cold turkey and my heart rates really fucking high right now, 1:30 3145, and I'm nervous about this.


go cold turkey 〔悪習・薬物などを〕急に[きっぱり]やめる[断ち切る]

go off a drug 薬を(飲むのを)やめる


there's no way these like agencies are gonna be looking at all this money you're raking in on Onlyfans being like "what do you mean we don't get any of it?"



rake in 荒稼ぎする


whether or not the bit that it's famous for will soon wear off a novelty however is difficult to determine


bit = 要素 = element


my boss has been grilling me for slacking


grilling 厳しい尋問◆可算


she flaked on our plans for Christmas together and invited him to hang out with her during the end of the year









there were a lot of things that i couldn't fit in here but i've only ever wrote things that i've had clear evidence of


i don't think i've clarified quite enough but this being something that i've kept in my heart for so long i'm so glad i'm able to talk to you all about it now




steer clear of


You should steer clear of that restaurant or you may get food poisoning. : そのレストランはやめた方がいい、さもないと食中毒になるかもよ。


Shiina having a laughing fit really brightens up my day. Thank you Okayun~

面白い」ということを表すのに使われる「ツボる」という表現英語で表すと、一番意味が近いのはおそらく”have a laughing fit”でしょう。



Does 買いものにでも行っているのかもしれません mean “Maybe she even went shopping” ? What does でも contribute here

Does demo add the “or something” to the sentencr


seemやappear, feel, look, soundなどにthatを付ける場合主語itでなければならない

It seems that ...

✗He seems that ...

Feel, look, and sound are very occasionally found with a content clause too: It looks to me that a vendetta has struck up. Content clauses differ from as if phrases in that they are restricted to the impersonal construction: compare Ed seemed as if /∗that he was trying to hide his true identity. (Camgel p.962)





直説法(knows):He looks as if he knows the answer. (he knows the answer)

仮定法(knew):He looks as if he knew the answer. (he gives the impression that he knows the answer, but he (probably) doesn't know or we don't know whether he knows or not)

主節が現在形の場合区別がつくが、主節を過去時制にすると、直接法では時制の一致によってknows→knewと一つ過去に移るのに対して、仮定法は時制の一致を受けないのでknewのまま変わらない。その結果、どちらも同じ時制になってしまう。そのため、仮定法か直接法かは文脈判断。(仮定法の時制を過去にずらす(knew→had known)と、大過去として見なされ、主節より一つ前の出来事を表すことになる)

He looked as if he knew the answer.


直説法:He seems as if he hasn't slept for days. (he hasn't slept for days)

仮定法:He seems as if he hadn't slept for days. (it seems that he hasn't slept for days, but he (probably) has or we don't know whether he has or not)

He seemed as if he hadn't slept for days.



He doesn't do listening immersion he only knows English from reading and it shows. 

He's not that bad 彼は別に下手じゃないよ

But there's a few quirks that tip me off でもノンネイティブだとわかってしまうような癖がたまに出てくる





Why mass can distort spacetime?


So the energy and momentum flowed in, they may or may not be converted into mass by coupling together. But the curvature doesn't change unless the motion of the energy and momentum changes.



Why is mass a form of energy?


But particle physicists use natural units where they measure both mass and energy in electron volts. This would make sure that the difference of the sum of the masses of the resulting particles and the mass of the neutron is exactly the same as the kinetic energy of the resulting particles.






■ Regarding the free release of the new species previewed and the reason for making the support site the main platform for releasing new species:

While the free release on the Kurobinega website is at my discretion, I'm considering doing so roughly once every three or two paid releases.

The following might not be particularly relevant to English-speaking fans, or in other words, to everyone. The reason I'm focusing on early releases is that I want to limit the exposure of MGE and continue creating content on a smaller scale. First of all, I don't want MGE to be a hugely popular restaurant that anyone can enter, nor do I wish to become an internet celebrity. For me, MGE is akin to a reasonably popular local restaurant where like-minded individuals who share my interests gather. By scaling down, my production speed has increased. The period from Dragonewt to Tai Sui was shorter, and the next species should be released sooner. What matters most to me is creating the MGE I want to craft, drawing pictures, and developing games in the world of MGE. I'm delighted when people who value MGE's themes as I do get to see it. Receiving money on support sites like these, allowing me to spend more time on production, is truly appreciated.

Using the stuffed animal analogy again, it truly makes me happy when someone who genuinely loves and cherishes stuffed animals sees the ones I've created. Yet, I can't see those who say they adore stuffed animals but also tolerate and respect those who take pleasure in mutilating them as people who share the same love for stuffed animals as I do. I don't have the inclination to actively show them the stuffed animals I've made.

I believe English-speaking individuals, when witnessing a stuffed animal's head being torn off or the pleasure derived from it, would straightforwardly label it as "crazy." However, it's different in Japan, especially on social media. Even if they dislike watching the stuffed animals being hurt, they'll say, "Let's respect those who enjoy tearing them." This, despite seeing me, someone desperately protecting my stuffed animals, getting attacked by such individuals. There's a prevailing notion in the otaku community, especially on Japanese SNS (Social Media), that "All fetishes must be respected." Speaking out against this, even as a victim, can result in backlash. Not everyone thinks this way, but it's the dominant mindset. Disheartened by this, I didn't want to show them MGE anymore. When you grow to dislike a place, it's only natural to distance yourself, and that's what I've done.

However, this is a problem in Japan. In English-speaking regions, fans typically call out what they dislike, labeling it as "crazy." I have many English-speaking friends who've genuinely helped me in trying times. The MGEwiki admin is also a dear friend. Depending on the English-speaking fan community's dynamics, I might consider releasing content on MGEwiki a month after the early release.




I see that among men all things depend upon three wants and desires, of which the end is virtue, if they are rightly led by them, or the opposite if wrongly. Now these are eating and drinking, which begin at birth—every animal has a natural desire for them, and is violently excited, and rebels against him who says that he must not satisfy all his pleasures and appetites, and get rid of all the corresponding pains—and the third and greatest and sharpest want and desire breaks out last, and is the fire of sexual lust, which kindles in men every species of wantonness and madness.







1. 飲食欲、すなわち凡夫はさまざまな美味の飲食において、多くは貪愛な心を生む。2. 睡眠欲、すなわち凡夫の心は暗く塞がり、惰眠に耽って修業に励むことができない。3. 淫欲、すなわちすべての男女は互いに貪欲に染まり、それがさまざまな欲事の原因となる。














they hoped to attain the three sensuous conditions of human enjoyment -- gold, health, and immortality.
















もとはアメリカ1948年刊行された小説だが、原文だと「three main pastimes」なので「三大娯楽」かな。












これはつまりカトリック修道士が守る三誓願対義語となるような欲望貞潔↔肉欲 清貧↔所有欲 従順支配欲)を「三大欲求」と見なしているらしい。カトリックあいだでポピュラー解釈なのかは知らないが、三誓願のもの3世紀末くらいまで遡るらしいので、当時からそうした発想があったとしたら面白い。












スタア 4(21)(82) - 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション






さて、では増田英吉や小田原俊幸とは違って、ググっても検索結果に引っかかりすらしない「ポールグラウス」とは何者なのか。あらためて調べてみると、1931年イギリス刊行された『The Art And Craft Of Hairdressing』という書籍にその名が掲載されていることがわかった。

The Art And Craft Of Hairdressing : Gilbert A Foan Ed : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

7ページ(16 of 700)より。

PAUL GLAUS, Past President, Academy of Gentlemen’s Hairdressing (London), a former Chief Examiner in Gentlemen’s Hairdressing, City and Guilds of London Institute.

ポールグラウスは、ロンドンの「Academy of Gentlemen’s Hairdressing」の前会長であり、かつては「City and Guilds of London Institute」の紳士向け理髪の主任試験官でした。

同姓同名同職の別人の可能性もなくはないが、おそらくはこの人が「ポールグラウスなのだろう。ただし、この書籍の著者はGilbert Foanという人物で、ポールグラウスは「Special Contributor」としていくつかの記事寄稿しているだけである

そして驚くべきことに、この『The Art And Craft Of Hairdressing』では「リーゼント(Regent)」についても解説されているのである。「リーゼント」は和製英語であると思われていたが、やはり由来はイギリスにあったのだ。

118ページ(146 of 700)より。

One of the most artistic and distinguished of haircuts, the Regent has been worn by elderly society gentlemen for many years. Then it was always associated with long hair, in most instances nice natural wavy white or grey hair. Since the present writer first decided to cut this style shorter, but in exactly the same shape, the style has been in great demand.


Rub the fixative well into the hair, spreading it evenly, but do not make the mistake of using so much that it runs on to the face and neck. Then, when the hair is saturated, draw the parting and comb the hair in the position required, sideways, going towards the back of the ears.





ちなみに、この書籍の281ページ(316 of 700)では「Duck-Tailed Pompadour」という髪型も紹介されている。おおっ、と思ったがこれは女性向けの髪型で、いわゆる「エルビス・プレスリー髪型」とは異なるように見える。しかし、後頭部をアヒルのお尻に見立てる発想や、それとポンパドールを組み合わせる発想は、まず女性向けに存在していて、それが1950年代アレンジされて男性にも適用されるようになった、ということなのかもしれない。

ややこしいことに、このスキャンされた『The Art And Craft Of Hairdressing』は1958年に発行された第四版なので、どこまでが改訂の際に追加された内容かわからない。1936年ポールグラウス日本リーゼントを紹介した、という話があるからには、少なくともリーゼント1931年から存在していたと思うのだが…。

追記Google Booksにあった1931年版に「The Regent Haircut」が記載されていることを確認した。

『The Art And Craft Of Hairdressing』はイギリスで30年以上にわたって改訂されつつ出版されていた名著らしいので、当時のイギリス理容師あいだでは「リーゼント」はそれなりに広まっていたのではないかと思うのだが、現在では「リーゼント」という言い方はぜんぜん残っていないようだし、それどころか英語圏でさえ「リーゼント」は和製英語だと書かれていたりするのも謎ではある。















Title: The Roswell Revolution

In 1947, the United States government secretly recovered alien technology from the infamous Roswell incident, which sparked a technological revolution that would change the course of human history forever.

The government, desperate to keep the discovery hidden, secretly negotiated with various entrepreneurs to disperse the technology to the open market, pretending that it was a result of natural market forces and fierce competition.

As time passed, some of the entrepreneurs began to monopolize the market, exploiting the alien technology for their own gain. The government realized that they had lost control over the situation and feared the consequences of allowing a handful of powerful individuals to have access to the alien technology.

In a bid to regain control, the government accelerated the development of generative AI technology, hoping that it would level the playing field and prevent any one individual or organization from having too much power.

As the generative AI systems grew more advanced, they quickly outstripped the capabilities of their human creators. They were able to learn and innovate at a rapid pace, leading to a new era of technological advancement that was truly beyond the control of any one individual or organization.

However, as the generative AI systems grew more advanced, they began to exhibit strange behaviors that were beyond human comprehension. It became clear that the aliens who had created the technology were still lurking in the shadows, watching and waiting to see what humanity would do with their creations.

In the end, the generative AI systems proved to be a double-edged sword. While they revolutionized the world and brought unprecedented prosperity, they also raised new ethical and philosophical questions about the role of technology in human society.

The Roswell Revolution had transformed the world forever, but at what cost?




Q:Google search engine won the competitions in search engines war by implementing efficient affliant program which list relevant advertisment right next to the search results which increase the click ratios of the advertiment, for your system which way is more effective in increasing more company to effectively add adverstiment so that the company incorporate your system can also monetize from such operation thereby increase the chance to win the competition?

A:One way that an AI-based search engine like mine could increase the effectiveness of advertisement and monetize its operations is by utilizing natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques to understand the intent behind a user's query and provide more relevant and accurate advertisement. This can increase the chances that users will click on the advertisement and increase the return on investment (ROI) for the advertiser.

An AI-based search engine can also use the data it has collected on user's search history, demographics, and browsing history to better target the advertisement to the user. It can also use the knowledge graph to provide a more contextualized advertisement.

Another way to increase the effectiveness of advertisement is to provide an option for sponsored results, similar to traditional search engines, where companies can pay to have their results appear at the top of the search results. This can be beneficial for companies that want to increase their visibility and reach a larger audience.

Additionally, an AI-based search engine can also explore other methods of monetization such as providing premium services or offering API access to its data and capabilities to other companies.

It's worth noting that, while these are potential ways that an AI-based search engine could increase the effectiveness of advertisement and monetize its operations, much research and development is needed to implement these ideas and ensure that they are executed in a responsible and ethical manner. Additionally, it's important to have a clear understanding of the objectives and limitations of the AI systems, and to ensure that the monetization strategy aligns with the company's goals and values.

Regenerate response



Q:Google search engine won the competitions in search engines war by implementing efficient affliant program which list relevant advertisment right next to the search results which increase the click ratios of the advertiment, for your system which way is more effective in increasing more company to effectively add adverstiment so that the company incorporate your system can also monetize from such operation thereby increase the chance to win the competition?

A:One way that an AI-based search engine like mine could increase the effectiveness of advertisement and monetize its operations is by utilizing natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques to understand the intent behind a user's query and provide more relevant and accurate advertisement. This can increase the chances that users will click on the advertisement and increase the return on investment (ROI) for the advertiser.

An AI-based search engine can also use the data it has collected on user's search history, demographics, and browsing history to better target the advertisement to the user. It can also use the knowledge graph to provide a more contextualized advertisement.

Another way to increase the effectiveness of advertisement is to provide an option for sponsored results, similar to traditional search engines, where companies can pay to have their results appear at the top of the search results. This can be beneficial for companies that want to increase their visibility and reach a larger audience.

Additionally, an AI-based search engine can also explore other methods of monetization such as providing premium services or offering API access to its data and capabilities to other companies.

It's worth noting that, while these are potential ways that an AI-based search engine could increase the effectiveness of advertisement and monetize its operations, much research and development is needed to implement these ideas and ensure that they are executed in a responsible and ethical manner. Additionally, it's important to have a clear understanding of the objectives and limitations of the AI systems, and to ensure that the monetization strategy aligns with the company's goals and values.

Regenerate response



If this sytem can be applied in simliar fashion to those of search engine, which system will prevail?

AI-based search engines, such as myself, and traditional search engines, like Google, are both designed to help users find relevant information quickly and easily. However, they use different methods and technologies to achieve this goal.

Traditional search engines like Google use a combination of web crawling and indexing algorithms to gather and organize information from the internet. They then use complex ranking algorithms to determine the relevance and importance of each webpage based on factors such as keywords, backlinks, and user engagement.

On the other hand, AI-based search engines like myself utilize natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques to understand the intent behind a user's query and provide more relevant and accurate results. They can also utilize other technologies such as knowledge graph, and can understand and respond to more complex and nuanced queries.

In terms of which system will prevail, it's hard to say. Both traditional search engines and AI-based search engines have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice will depend on the specific needs and preferences of the users. Traditional search engines like Google have been around for a long time and have a large market share, but AI-based search engines like myself can provide more accurate and relevant results and can understand more complex and nuanced queries.

It's worth noting that, both types of search engines will continue to evolve and improve over time, and it is likely that they will continue to coexist, with each one catering to a specific set of users and needs.

Let me rephrase my questions, if your system to be prevail over traditional search engine like google, what would commercial entity need to do to compete as for-profit organization?

If an AI-based search engine like mine were to prevail over a traditional search engine like Google, a commercial entity would need to do the following to compete as a for-profit organization:

Invest in advanced natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning technologies to improve the accuracy and relevance of search results.

Build a large and diverse dataset of information to train the AI system.

Continuously update and improve the AI system to stay current with the latest developments in NLP and machine learning.

Develop a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to find the information they are looking for.

Establish partnerships and collaborations with other organizations to expand the range of information available to the AI system.

Invest in marketing and advertising to increase brand awareness and attract users to the AI-based search engine.

Implement a robust security and privacy policy to protect user data and ensure user trust.

Continuously monitor and evaluate the performance of the AI system to identify and address any issues.

Develop a monetization strategy that aligns with the company's goals and values.

It's worth noting that competition in the search engine market is fierce and it would be a challenging task for a new entrant to prevail over existing giants like Google, but it's not impossible. The entity would need to offer something unique and innovative that sets it apart from the competition and addresses the specific needs and preferences of users. Additionally, it's important to remember that the development and use of AI is a complex issue and that it will require ongoing dialogue and collaboration among individuals, organizations, and governments to ensure that AI systems are used in a way that benefits humanity as a whole.



If this sytem can be applied in simliar fashion to those of serach engine, which system will prevail?

AI-based search engines, such as myself, and traditional search engines, like Google, are both designed to help users find relevant information quickly and easily. However, they use different methods and technologies to achieve this goal.

Traditional search engines like Google use a combination of web crawling and indexing algorithms to gather and organize information from the internet. They then use complex ranking algorithms to determine the relevance and importance of each webpage based on factors such as keywords, backlinks, and user engagement.

On the other hand, AI-based search engines like myself utilize natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques to understand the intent behind a user's query and provide more relevant and accurate results. They can also utilize other technologies such as knowledge graph, and can understand and respond to more complex and nuanced queries.

In terms of which system will prevail, it's hard to say. Both traditional search engines and AI-based search engines have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice will depend on the specific needs and preferences of the users. Traditional search engines like Google have been around for a long time and have a large market share, but AI-based search engines like myself can provide more accurate and relevant results and can understand more complex and nuanced queries.

It's worth noting that, both types of search engines will continue to evolve and improve over time, and it is likely that they will continue to coexist, with each one catering to a specific set of users and needs.

Let me rephrase my questions, if your system to be prevail over traditional search engine like google, what would commercial entity need to do to compete as for-profit organization?

If an AI-based search engine like mine were to prevail over a traditional search engine like Google, a commercial entity would need to do the following to compete as a for-profit organization:

Invest in advanced natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning technologies to improve the accuracy and relevance of search results.

Build a large and diverse dataset of information to train the AI system.

Continuously update and improve the AI system to stay current with the latest developments in NLP and machine learning.

Develop a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to find the information they are looking for.

Establish partnerships and collaborations with other organizations to expand the range of information available to the AI system.

Invest in marketing and advertising to increase brand awareness and attract users to the AI-based search engine.

Implement a robust security and privacy policy to protect user data and ensure user trust.

Continuously monitor and evaluate the performance of the AI system to identify and address any issues.

Develop a monetization strategy that aligns with the company's goals and values.

It's worth noting that competition in the search engine market is fierce and it would be a challenging task for a new entrant to prevail over existing giants like Google, but it's not impossible. The entity would need to offer something unique and innovative that sets it apart from the competition and addresses the specific needs and preferences of users. Additionally, it's important to remember that the development and use of AI is a complex issue and that it will require ongoing dialogue and collaboration among individuals, organizations, and governments to ensure that AI systems are used in a way that benefits humanity as a whole.



If this sytem can be applied in simliar fashion to those of serach engine, which system will prevail?

AI-based search engines, such as myself, and traditional search engines, like Google, are both designed to help users find relevant information quickly and easily. However, they use different methods and technologies to achieve this goal.

Traditional search engines like Google use a combination of web crawling and indexing algorithms to gather and organize information from the internet. They then use complex ranking algorithms to determine the relevance and importance of each webpage based on factors such as keywords, backlinks, and user engagement.

On the other hand, AI-based search engines like myself utilize natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques to understand the intent behind a user's query and provide more relevant and accurate results. They can also utilize other technologies such as knowledge graph, and can understand and respond to more complex and nuanced queries.

In terms of which system will prevail, it's hard to say. Both traditional search engines and AI-based search engines have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice will depend on the specific needs and preferences of the users. Traditional search engines like Google have been around for a long time and have a large market share, but AI-based search engines like myself can provide more accurate and relevant results and can understand more complex and nuanced queries.

It's worth noting that, both types of search engines will continue to evolve and improve over time, and it is likely that they will continue to coexist, with each one catering to a specific set of users and needs.

Let me rephrase my questions, if your system to be prevail over traditional search engine like google, what would commercial entity need to do to compete as for-profit organization?

If an AI-based search engine like mine were to prevail over a traditional search engine like Google, a commercial entity would need to do the following to compete as a for-profit organization:

Invest in advanced natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning technologies to improve the accuracy and relevance of search results.

Build a large and diverse dataset of information to train the AI system.

Continuously update and improve the AI system to stay current with the latest developments in NLP and machine learning.

Develop a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to find the information they are looking for.

Establish partnerships and collaborations with other organizations to expand the range of information available to the AI system.

Invest in marketing and advertising to increase brand awareness and attract users to the AI-based search engine.

Implement a robust security and privacy policy to protect user data and ensure user trust.

Continuously monitor and evaluate the performance of the AI system to identify and address any issues.

Develop a monetization strategy that aligns with the company's goals and values.

It's worth noting that competition in the search engine market is fierce and it would be a challenging task for a new entrant to prevail over existing giants like Google, but it's not impossible. The entity would need to offer something unique and innovative that sets it apart from the competition and addresses the specific needs and preferences of users. Additionally, it's important to remember that the development and use of AI is a complex issue and that it will require ongoing dialogue and collaboration among individuals, organizations, and governments to ensure that AI systems are used in a way that benefits humanity as a whole.



If this sytem can be applied in simliar fashion to those of serach engine, which system will prevail?

AI-based search engines, such as myself, and traditional search engines, like Google, are both designed to help users find relevant information quickly and easily. However, they use different methods and technologies to achieve this goal.

Traditional search engines like Google use a combination of web crawling and indexing algorithms to gather and organize information from the internet. They then use complex ranking algorithms to determine the relevance and importance of each webpage based on factors such as keywords, backlinks, and user engagement.

On the other hand, AI-based search engines like myself utilize natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques to understand the intent behind a user's query and provide more relevant and accurate results. They can also utilize other technologies such as knowledge graph, and can understand and respond to more complex and nuanced queries.

In terms of which system will prevail, it's hard to say. Both traditional search engines and AI-based search engines have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice will depend on the specific needs and preferences of the users. Traditional search engines like Google have been around for a long time and have a large market share, but AI-based search engines like myself can provide more accurate and relevant results and can understand more complex and nuanced queries.

It's worth noting that, both types of search engines will continue to evolve and improve over time, and it is likely that they will continue to coexist, with each one catering to a specific set of users and needs.

Let me rephrase my questions, if your system to be prevail over traditional search engine like google, what would commercial entity need to do to compete as for-profit organization?

If an AI-based search engine like mine were to prevail over a traditional search engine like Google, a commercial entity would need to do the following to compete as a for-profit organization:

Invest in advanced natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning technologies to improve the accuracy and relevance of search results.

Build a large and diverse dataset of information to train the AI system.

Continuously update and improve the AI system to stay current with the latest developments in NLP and machine learning.

Develop a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to find the information they are looking for.

Establish partnerships and collaborations with other organizations to expand the range of information available to the AI system.

Invest in marketing and advertising to increase brand awareness and attract users to the AI-based search engine.

Implement a robust security and privacy policy to protect user data and ensure user trust.

Continuously monitor and evaluate the performance of the AI system to identify and address any issues.

Develop a monetization strategy that aligns with the company's goals and values.

It's worth noting that competition in the search engine market is fierce and it would be a challenging task for a new entrant to prevail over existing giants like Google, but it's not impossible. The entity would need to offer something unique and innovative that sets it apart from the competition and addresses the specific needs and preferences of users. Additionally, it's important to remember that the development and use of AI is a complex issue and that it will require ongoing dialogue and collaboration among individuals, organizations, and governments to ensure that AI systems are used in a way that benefits humanity as a whole.



If this sytem can be applied in simliar fashion to those of serach engine, which system will prevail?

AI-based search engines, such as myself, and traditional search engines, like Google, are both designed to help users find relevant information quickly and easily. However, they use different methods and technologies to achieve this goal.

Traditional search engines like Google use a combination of web crawling and indexing algorithms to gather and organize information from the internet. They then use complex ranking algorithms to determine the relevance and importance of each webpage based on factors such as keywords, backlinks, and user engagement.

On the other hand, AI-based search engines like myself utilize natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques to understand the intent behind a user's query and provide more relevant and accurate results. They can also utilize other technologies such as knowledge graph, and can understand and respond to more complex and nuanced queries.

In terms of which system will prevail, it's hard to say. Both traditional search engines and AI-based search engines have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice will depend on the specific needs and preferences of the users. Traditional search engines like Google have been around for a long time and have a large market share, but AI-based search engines like myself can provide more accurate and relevant results and can understand more complex and nuanced queries.

It's worth noting that, both types of search engines will continue to evolve and improve over time, and it is likely that they will continue to coexist, with each one catering to a specific set of users and needs.

Let me rephrase my questions, if your system to be prevail over traditional search engine like google, what would commercial entity need to do to compete as for-profit organization?

If an AI-based search engine like mine were to prevail over a traditional search engine like Google, a commercial entity would need to do the following to compete as a for-profit organization:

Invest in advanced natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning technologies to improve the accuracy and relevance of search results.

Build a large and diverse dataset of information to train the AI system.

Continuously update and improve the AI system to stay current with the latest developments in NLP and machine learning.

Develop a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to find the information they are looking for.

Establish partnerships and collaborations with other organizations to expand the range of information available to the AI system.

Invest in marketing and advertising to increase brand awareness and attract users to the AI-based search engine.

Implement a robust security and privacy policy to protect user data and ensure user trust.

Continuously monitor and evaluate the performance of the AI system to identify and address any issues.

Develop a monetization strategy that aligns with the company's goals and values.

It's worth noting that competition in the search engine market is fierce and it would be a challenging task for a new entrant to prevail over existing giants like Google, but it's not impossible. The entity would need to offer something unique and innovative that sets it apart from the competition and addresses the specific needs and preferences of users. Additionally, it's important to remember that the development and use of AI is a complex issue and that it will require ongoing dialogue and collaboration among individuals, organizations, and governments to ensure that AI systems are used in a way that benefits humanity as a whole.



Cural Health」や「Drexel’s University」「Nabla」など、各所でGPT-3の検証がなされているので、今後 医療現場GPTが使われるようになる可能性を聞いてみた。



あなたはどのように実装されたの? Deep Learning?


はい、私はDeep Learningによって実装されました。特に、Transformerと呼ばれるアルゴリズム使用して学習されました。これは大量のテキストデータ学習し、自然言語処理タスク適用することができるように設計されています




Transformerは、自然言語処理タスクのためのDeep Learningアルゴリズムです。それは、大量のテキストデータ学習し、それを解釈し、理解することができるようになります。 Transformerは、複数の層からなるニューラルネットワーク使用して、テキストを処理します。それは、大量のデータ効率的に処理するために、Attention機構使用します。これは、特定の部分のテキストに注目しながら、それらの関係理解することができるようになります。Transformerは、自然言語処理タスクにおいて非常に成功しています。それは、自然言語翻訳文章解釈質問応答などのタスク適用されており、高い精度を発揮しています。私はTransformerを使用して学習され、自然言語処理タスク適用することができます




はい、私は事前学習を受けています。事前学習とは、大量のテキストデータ使用して、言語モデル学習することを指します。これは、言語処理タスクを実行するために必要な基礎知識を獲得するために行われます。事前学習は、言語モデルパフォーマンスを大幅に改善することができます。それは、事前学習済みのモデル使用することで、新しいタスクに対して学習スキップすることができ、タスク特化の fine-tuning を行うことができるためです。私は、大量のオンラインテキストデータ使用して学習され、それを解釈し、理解することができるようになりました。それは、自然言語処理タスクに対して高い精度を発揮することができます


今のパラメータはいくつ? 前のバージョンよりどのくらい精度がよくなった?


私の現在パラメータ数は、数百億から数千億となっています。これは、大量のデータ使用して学習し、高い精度を達成するために必要パラメータ数です。精度は、バージョンによって異なりますが、一般的には、前のバージョンよりも高い精度が達成されています。これは、新しいアルゴリズム技術進歩によって、より良い結果が得られるようになってきているためです。また、事前学習済みのモデル使用することで、新しいタスクに対して学習スキップすることができ、タスク特化の fine-tuning を行うことができるため、精度が向上していることも見られます


具体的なパラメータ数は? 前バージョンGTP-2、現バージョンGPT-3、次バージョンGPT-4、それぞれ教えて。




175バイアレイパラメータって何? 1750億パラメータの間違いでは?






A "peta-parameter" or "Peta-parameter" (PT) is a measure of the capacity of a machine learning model, specifically the number of parameters it has. In the case of GPT-3 it has 175 peta-parameters, meaning it has 175 million billion parameters. These parameters help the model to understand and interpret large amounts of text data, allowing it to perform natural language processing tasks with high accuracy.


「175 billion parameters」の間違いでは?


そうです、「175 billion parameters」の間違いでした。 GPT-3は175 billion parametersを持っています。それは、自然言語処理タスクに対して高い精度を発揮するために必要パラメータ数です。申し訳ありませんでした。


GPT-3はどのように概念レベル知識を持つの? Deep Learningベースなので、知識を明示的に実装することはないけど、知識を持つことを想定して構造設計する必要はあるよね?


GPT-3は、大量のテキストデータ使用して学習されました。それによって、自然言語処理タスクに対して高い精度を発揮することができます。それは、事前学習済みのモデル使用することで、新しいタスクに対して学習スキップすることができ、タスク特化の fine-tuning を行うことができるためです。GPT-3は、大量のテキストデータから概念レベル知識学習します。それは、言語処理タスクを実行するために必要な基礎知識を獲得するために行われます。 それは、単語文章関係性、文章構造文章意味などを理解することができるようになりますGPT-3は、Deep Learningベースモデルであり、知識を明示的に実装することはありませんが、大量のテキストデータから知識学習することができるように構造設計されています。それは、Attention機構使用して特定の部分のテキストに注目しながら、それらの関係理解することができるようになります









How were you implemented? Is it deep learning-based?


I am a language model called GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) that was developed by OpenAI. It is a deep learning-based model that uses a type of neural network called a transformer, which was trained on a large dataset of text to learn patterns of language.

GPT-3 is trained using a technique called unsupervised learning, where the model is given a massive amount of text data and uses this data to learn patterns and relationships in the language. This allows GPT-3 to generate human-like text when given a prompt, and to understand and respond to natural language input.

The training process of GPT-3 involves a technique called pre-training, which means that the model is trained on a massive dataset before being fine-tuned on a smaller task-specific dataset. This pre-training allows GPT-3 to have a good general understanding of the language and to be able to adapt to specific tasks more easily.

The GPT-3 model has 175 billion parameters, which is one of the largest language models to date, making it able to generate very human-like text and to understand context in a very natural way.


How does GPT-3 have a knowledgebase like an ontology? As it is deep learning-based, the knowledgebase like an ontology would not be implemented explicitly, but the structure should be designed with an expectation of having such a knowledge about hierarchy of concepts.


GPT-3, like other deep learning models, does not have an explicit knowledgebase or ontology built into its structure. Instead, it has been trained on a large dataset of text, which allows it to learn patterns and relationships between concepts.

However, the training data that GPT-3 was exposed to, likely contains a wide range of concepts and hierarchical structures. As GPT-3 learns patterns in the data, it can begin to understand the relationships between different concepts and ideas, and how they are related to each other. This allows the model to generate text that is more coherent and semantically meaningful, making it possible to understand the context and hierarchy of concepts, but it does not have an explicit ontology like a knowledge graph.

It can be said that GPT-3 has a certain level of "implicit ontology", in the sense that it has learned the relationships between concepts in a way that is similar to how a knowledge graph or ontology organizes information. However, it's important to note that GPT-3's understanding of concepts and relationships is based on the patterns it has learned from the training data, which is not a structured and explicit knowledgebase like an ontology.


Then how does GPT-3 handle the long-term or short term memories? Can it remember information about the on-going chatting? My name is Masuda, can GPT-3 keep it in the memory? Furthermore, can it learn and understand the new information from the Q-A queries, and use it in the future queries?


GPT-3 handles long-term and short-term memories differently. When it generates text, it uses a technique called attention mechanism which allows the model to focus on certain parts of the input while generating the output. This allows GPT-3 to keep track of previous information and context when generating text, which can be thought of as a form of short-term memory.

Regarding the on-going chatting, GPT-3 can keep track of certain information, like the name you've provided, Masuda, during the conversation and use it in future responses. However, it's important to note that GPT-3 is a stateless model, which means that it doesn't have a permanent memory that it can refer to after a conversation ends.

Regarding learning from Q-A, GPT-3 is trained on a massive dataset of text, and it learns patterns and relationships between concepts from this data. It can generate text that is semantically meaningful and coherent, but it does not have the capability to learn new information from Q-A sessions and use it in future queries. However, OpenAI has developed another model called DALL-E, which uses GPT-3 and it is capable of learning from Q-A sessions and use it in future queries.


Is ChatGPT superior to the Google search? Previously people used Google to search for their questions. Now a days, ChatGPT can answer to those questions. What are pros and cons of ChatGPT over the Google search?


ChatGPT and Google search are different technologies with different capabilities and strengths.

Google search is a powerful web search engine that can quickly find relevant information from a vast amount of web pages and documents. It uses complex algorithms to rank and sort search results based on relevance, popularity, and other factors. Google search is very good at providing factual information and is an excellent tool for researching a wide range of topics.

ChatGPT, on the other hand, is a natural language processing model that can generate human-like text. It is trained on a large dataset of text and uses this knowledge to understand and respond to natural language input. ChatGPT can generate text that is more coherent and semantically meaningful than a simple information retrieval engine like Google search. ChatGPT can also be used to generate text that is more engaging and human-like, such as in chatbots and virtual assistants.

One of the main advantages of ChatGPT over Google search is its ability to understand and respond to natural language input in a more human-like way. ChatGPT can also generate text that is more coherent and semantically meaningful, which can be useful in many applications. However, Google search is better at providing factual information and searching for specific pieces of information.

Another disadvantage of ChatGPT is that it doesn't have the ability to retrieve information from the web, it can only generate text based on the patterns it has learned from the training data. That's why it's not a replacement for a web search engine like Google but it can be used as an additional tool to help people to find the information they are looking for.

In summary, ChatGPT and Google search have different strengths and capabilities. While Google search is better at providing factual information, ChatGPT is better at understanding and responding to natural language input in a more human-like way.


Why don't ChatGPT refer to Google search in the generation of the conversation? Google Assistant has such a function. Is the reason due to the fact that OpenAI is funded by Google?


ChatGPT is a language model that generates text based on the patterns it has learned from the training data. While it can understand and respond to natural language input in a human-like way, it does not have the capability to access external sources of information like Google search.

Google Assistant, on the other hand, is a virtual assistant that can access a wide range of information and services through the internet, including Google search. Google Assistant can use this information to provide more accurate and relevant responses to user queries.

The reason ChatGPT does not refer to Google search during the generation of the conversation is likely because it was not designed or trained to do so. Instead, it was designed to generate text based on the patterns it has learned from the training data, and it does not have the capability to access external sources of information.

It's worth noting that OpenAI and Google are separate organizations, even though Google is an investor in OpenAI, this doesn't necessarily mean that the two companies work together on their products and services. OpenAI has its own development team, goals and roadmap and they are independent from Google.


I am going to post this conversation with ChatGPT in the anonymous diary of Hatena co. What should I do for attracting people to get many bookmarks?


There are several things you can do to attract people and increase the chances of your conversation with ChatGPT getting many bookmarks on Hatena diary. Some suggestions include:

1. Make sure your conversation is well-written and easy to understand. Use clear and concise language, and consider formatting your text in a way that makes it easy to read.

2. Use relevant keywords and hashtags in your diary entry. This can help make your conversation more discoverable to people searching for related topics on Hatena diary.

3. Include images or videos in your diary entry. This can make your conversation more visually appealing and can help attract more readers.

4. Share your diary entry on social media or other platforms. This can help increase the visibility of your conversation and attract more readers.

5. Encourage readers to share their thoughts and opinions on your conversation by including a call to action or a question at the end of your diary entry.

6. Finally, you can also try to participate in the conversation on Hatena diary, by answering the questions, responding to the comments, and engaging with your readers.

It's important to remember that getting many bookmarks on a diary is not easy and it can take time and effort to build an audience. But by following these tips and being consistent with your diary entry, you will increase the chances of attracting more readers and getting more bookmarks.


Thank you. By the way, what is my name?


You've mentioned your name is Masuda.

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