「main」を含む日記 RSS

はてなキーワード: mainとは




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int main(){ int a; cin >> a; for (int i = 0; i < a; i++) { cout << a / (i + 1) << endl; } retun 0; } int isolation 925; cin-out 925; i++ isolation925; cin-all 925; cin-in 925; i+++ isolation925; cin-rex; k+d*d; k+r; re'd;

Anond AI作成


[{adjustment: false, retsuBng: null, usF: null, point_x: 0, point_y: 0, main: null, sub: null},…]


{adjustment: false, retsuBng: null, usF: null, point_x: 0, point_y: 0, main: null, sub: null}



{adjustment: false, retsuBng: "250", usF: 1, point_x: 822, point_y: 93,…}






{no: "2002", type: "2000"}












{no: "1001", type: "1000"}






{adjustment: false, retsuBng: "252", usF: 1, point_x: 483, point_y: 320,…}






{no: "1502", type: "1000"}












{no: "1101", type: "1000"}






{adjustment: false, retsuBng: "253", usF: 0, point_x: 753, point_y: -20,…}






{no: "1002", type: "1000"}











{no: "1501", type: "1000"}





{adjustment: false, retsuBng: "255", usF: 0, point_x: 79, point_y: -20, main: {no: "10", type: "10"},…}






{no: "10", type: "10"}











{no: "21", type: "20"}





{adjustment: false, retsuBng: "254", usF: 1, point_x: 1158, point_y: 320, main: {no: "22", type: "20"},…}






{no: "22", type: "20"}












{no: "501", type: "500"}






{adjustment: false, retsuBng: "251", usF: 0, point_x: 483, point_y: 212,…}






{no: "305", type: "300"}












{no: "502", type: "500"}





「女らしさ」の戦略と罠 -ゴフマン分析視角から高橋 裕子

( 『立命館産業社会論集』 第35巻第2号 1999年9月)




上記発言こそがまさに彼女が組み立てた戦略なのだが,ここで彼女は分類図式をことさら強調し,main trackとsubtrackとの混乱に乗じて,情状酌量を勝ち取ると同時に西山攻撃を仕掛けようとしたのである本来この事件において,両者が性的関係にあったか否かは,main trackとは何ら関係がなかったのである。少なくとも蓮見に性的関係をsubtrackに留める意志さえあれば,そうすることは十分に可能であった。ところが蓮見は性的関係を敢えて「告白」することで-それをmain trackとして採用することで-「西山加害者,蓮見被害者」とする設定に真実味を帯びさせていったのである





しかし髙橋氏は「本来この事件において,両者が性的関係にあったか否かは,main trackとは何ら関係がなかった」とまで言うが、それは言い過ぎだろう。






'Hoshikuzu Telepath' Unveils Main Staff, 2023 Premiere

Publisher Houbunsha opened an official website for the television anime adaptation of Rasuko Ookuma's Hoshikuzu Telepath (Stardust Telepath) manga on Thursday, revealing the main staff members and a key visual (pictured above). The anime is set to premiere in 2023. Staff Directo... mangamanhwa.org



Confidence Scoreをつけてくれと言ってみた。


Yes, I can provide confidence scores with my answers when they might be inaccurate. However, please note that the confidence score is based on the model's understanding of the input and context and is not a measure of the accuracy of the answer.




Can you add the confidence score for each sentence?


I apologize, as a language model, I don't have the capability to calculate confidence scores for individual sentences. However, I have been trained on a large dataset, and I will do my best to provide accurate information based on my knowledge cut-off.

Please note that the information provided might not be up-to-date and it's always good to double-check the information with the official source.



You said "Yes, I can provide confidence scores with my answers when they might be inaccurate. ".


I apologize for the confusion, as a language model, I do not have the capability to assign confidence scores to my responses. I apologize for any confusion caused by my previous response. My main goal is to provide the most accurate information based on my training data, however, the information provided may not be up-to-date or may contain inaccuracies.






How were you implemented? Is it deep learning-based?


I am a language model called GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) that was developed by OpenAI. It is a deep learning-based model that uses a type of neural network called a transformer, which was trained on a large dataset of text to learn patterns of language.

GPT-3 is trained using a technique called unsupervised learning, where the model is given a massive amount of text data and uses this data to learn patterns and relationships in the language. This allows GPT-3 to generate human-like text when given a prompt, and to understand and respond to natural language input.

The training process of GPT-3 involves a technique called pre-training, which means that the model is trained on a massive dataset before being fine-tuned on a smaller task-specific dataset. This pre-training allows GPT-3 to have a good general understanding of the language and to be able to adapt to specific tasks more easily.

The GPT-3 model has 175 billion parameters, which is one of the largest language models to date, making it able to generate very human-like text and to understand context in a very natural way.


How does GPT-3 have a knowledgebase like an ontology? As it is deep learning-based, the knowledgebase like an ontology would not be implemented explicitly, but the structure should be designed with an expectation of having such a knowledge about hierarchy of concepts.


GPT-3, like other deep learning models, does not have an explicit knowledgebase or ontology built into its structure. Instead, it has been trained on a large dataset of text, which allows it to learn patterns and relationships between concepts.

However, the training data that GPT-3 was exposed to, likely contains a wide range of concepts and hierarchical structures. As GPT-3 learns patterns in the data, it can begin to understand the relationships between different concepts and ideas, and how they are related to each other. This allows the model to generate text that is more coherent and semantically meaningful, making it possible to understand the context and hierarchy of concepts, but it does not have an explicit ontology like a knowledge graph.

It can be said that GPT-3 has a certain level of "implicit ontology", in the sense that it has learned the relationships between concepts in a way that is similar to how a knowledge graph or ontology organizes information. However, it's important to note that GPT-3's understanding of concepts and relationships is based on the patterns it has learned from the training data, which is not a structured and explicit knowledgebase like an ontology.


Then how does GPT-3 handle the long-term or short term memories? Can it remember information about the on-going chatting? My name is Masuda, can GPT-3 keep it in the memory? Furthermore, can it learn and understand the new information from the Q-A queries, and use it in the future queries?


GPT-3 handles long-term and short-term memories differently. When it generates text, it uses a technique called attention mechanism which allows the model to focus on certain parts of the input while generating the output. This allows GPT-3 to keep track of previous information and context when generating text, which can be thought of as a form of short-term memory.

Regarding the on-going chatting, GPT-3 can keep track of certain information, like the name you've provided, Masuda, during the conversation and use it in future responses. However, it's important to note that GPT-3 is a stateless model, which means that it doesn't have a permanent memory that it can refer to after a conversation ends.

Regarding learning from Q-A, GPT-3 is trained on a massive dataset of text, and it learns patterns and relationships between concepts from this data. It can generate text that is semantically meaningful and coherent, but it does not have the capability to learn new information from Q-A sessions and use it in future queries. However, OpenAI has developed another model called DALL-E, which uses GPT-3 and it is capable of learning from Q-A sessions and use it in future queries.


Is ChatGPT superior to the Google search? Previously people used Google to search for their questions. Now a days, ChatGPT can answer to those questions. What are pros and cons of ChatGPT over the Google search?


ChatGPT and Google search are different technologies with different capabilities and strengths.

Google search is a powerful web search engine that can quickly find relevant information from a vast amount of web pages and documents. It uses complex algorithms to rank and sort search results based on relevance, popularity, and other factors. Google search is very good at providing factual information and is an excellent tool for researching a wide range of topics.

ChatGPT, on the other hand, is a natural language processing model that can generate human-like text. It is trained on a large dataset of text and uses this knowledge to understand and respond to natural language input. ChatGPT can generate text that is more coherent and semantically meaningful than a simple information retrieval engine like Google search. ChatGPT can also be used to generate text that is more engaging and human-like, such as in chatbots and virtual assistants.

One of the main advantages of ChatGPT over Google search is its ability to understand and respond to natural language input in a more human-like way. ChatGPT can also generate text that is more coherent and semantically meaningful, which can be useful in many applications. However, Google search is better at providing factual information and searching for specific pieces of information.

Another disadvantage of ChatGPT is that it doesn't have the ability to retrieve information from the web, it can only generate text based on the patterns it has learned from the training data. That's why it's not a replacement for a web search engine like Google but it can be used as an additional tool to help people to find the information they are looking for.

In summary, ChatGPT and Google search have different strengths and capabilities. While Google search is better at providing factual information, ChatGPT is better at understanding and responding to natural language input in a more human-like way.


Why don't ChatGPT refer to Google search in the generation of the conversation? Google Assistant has such a function. Is the reason due to the fact that OpenAI is funded by Google?


ChatGPT is a language model that generates text based on the patterns it has learned from the training data. While it can understand and respond to natural language input in a human-like way, it does not have the capability to access external sources of information like Google search.

Google Assistant, on the other hand, is a virtual assistant that can access a wide range of information and services through the internet, including Google search. Google Assistant can use this information to provide more accurate and relevant responses to user queries.

The reason ChatGPT does not refer to Google search during the generation of the conversation is likely because it was not designed or trained to do so. Instead, it was designed to generate text based on the patterns it has learned from the training data, and it does not have the capability to access external sources of information.

It's worth noting that OpenAI and Google are separate organizations, even though Google is an investor in OpenAI, this doesn't necessarily mean that the two companies work together on their products and services. OpenAI has its own development team, goals and roadmap and they are independent from Google.


I am going to post this conversation with ChatGPT in the anonymous diary of Hatena co. What should I do for attracting people to get many bookmarks?


There are several things you can do to attract people and increase the chances of your conversation with ChatGPT getting many bookmarks on Hatena diary. Some suggestions include:

1. Make sure your conversation is well-written and easy to understand. Use clear and concise language, and consider formatting your text in a way that makes it easy to read.

2. Use relevant keywords and hashtags in your diary entry. This can help make your conversation more discoverable to people searching for related topics on Hatena diary.

3. Include images or videos in your diary entry. This can make your conversation more visually appealing and can help attract more readers.

4. Share your diary entry on social media or other platforms. This can help increase the visibility of your conversation and attract more readers.

5. Encourage readers to share their thoughts and opinions on your conversation by including a call to action or a question at the end of your diary entry.

6. Finally, you can also try to participate in the conversation on Hatena diary, by answering the questions, responding to the comments, and engaging with your readers.

It's important to remember that getting many bookmarks on a diary is not easy and it can take time and effort to build an audience. But by following these tips and being consistent with your diary entry, you will increase the chances of attracting more readers and getting more bookmarks.


Thank you. By the way, what is my name?


You've mentioned your name is Masuda.











ふと思ったんだけど本州ってmain islandって意味だよね。

Honshu island (or island of Honshu)って多摩川バーみたいな重複があるね























不正解score += 0; と書いているのは静的解析がelse節を省略すると指摘してくるから



import java.util.*;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // 入力parse
       (中略:int numに問題の数、String list[i][] に問題リストを格納している)

        // 採点
        int point = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
            String question = list[i][0];
            String answer   = list[i][1];
            if (question.equals(answer)) {
                // 完全一point += 2;
            } else {
                if (question.length() == answer.length()) {
                    // 文字数は等しい(部分点の可能性がある)
                    point += scoring(question, answer);                    
                } else {
                    // 不正解
                    point += 0;

    // 長さが同じ文字列を採点する
    // 長さが違う文字列を受け渡したときは正しく動作しない
    private static int scoring(String question, String answer) {
        int length = question.length();
        int score  = 2;
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        return score;





勝手に tampermonkey とかに突っ込んで使ってヨロ


これ参考とかにしてもっとかっちょよくしたのを greasy fork あたりに公開してくれ




localStorage.hatebu_ng_word_list に非表示トリガーになる文字列を|区切り登録する。

localStorage.hatebu_ng_word_list = "池田信夫|フェミ|弱者男性|やまもといちろう"



// ==UserScript==
// @name         はてブの一覧NG記事非表示
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      0.1
// @description  try to take over the world!
// @author       masuda
// @match        https://b.hatena.ne.jp/*
// @icon         https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=hatena.ne.jp
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
	'use strict';

	if (!localStorage.hatebu_ng_word_list) {
	console.log("はてブの一覧NG記事非表示", localStorage.hatebu_ng_word_list);

	 * 例:
	 * localStorage.hatebu_ng_word_list =
	 * "池田信夫|フェミ|弱者男性|やまもといちろう|togetter.com";
	let words = localStorage.hatebu_ng_word_list.split('|').map(w => new RegExp(w));

	function entryDelete(els) {
		els.forEach(el => {
			let hit = false;
			words.forEach(w => {
				hit = hit|| w.test(el.textContent);
			if (hit) {

	// entrylist-header-main li 1つ目のアイテム
	entryDelete(document.querySelectorAll('.entrylist-header-main > li'));
	// 2つ目以降の li アイテム
	entryDelete(document.querySelectorAll('.entrylist-item > li'));









もともとroot directoryとかで使ってたし、いろんな枝が生える元である根っ子って意味でもふさわしいと思うんだが。






















  "name": "GomiMute",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "manifest_version": 2,
  "description": "このゴミミュートするChrome拡張",
  "content_scripts": [{
    "matches": ["https://anond.hatelabo.jp/20220626151746"],
    "js": [


document.querySelector(".body .section").innerText = "みゅーと";



Приветствую всех и с добрым временем суток. Меня зовут Юра. Я из России. Это не моё настоящее имя, действую в целях анонимности, прошу любить и жаловать. В мире, как мы все знаем, 24 февраля началась и продолжается по сей день "Спецоперация на Украине". Воистину это ужасное событие, которое влечёт за собой тысячи и тысячи жертв с обеих сторон конфликта. Цель "Спецоперации на Украине" - Денацификация Украины. Если вам в новостных каналах и в средствах массовой информации говорят, что цель спецоперации - не денацификация - значит таковы новости, таковы их источники, ничего не поделать. Каково моё мнение на этот счёт? Начну с того, что лично я против любой войны. Для меня война - это зло, это насилие. И то, что всю Россию и россиян в целом считают агрессором и просто ужасными людьми - это плохо, потому что ужасные люди и аггресоры - это те люди, которые ведут себя подобным образом и хотят тем самым разжигать пламя войны ещё сильнее дабы получить с этого удовлетворение в виде ещё одного убийства, прощения со стороны жертв, которые молят о пощаде и прочего. В России и так находятся миллионы людей, которые категорически против войны и которые не хотят, чтобы их считали последними тварями только потому, что так всё получилось. У меня, например, есть несколько друзей с Украины, которые сейчас находятся там и переживают эти взрывы, бомбы, ракеты и всё остальное, что перечислять не хочу. Я продолжаю держать с ними контакт и мы, слава богу, не думаем обо всём этом и стараемся поддерживать друг друга благодаря весёлым мемам, смешным видео, просто хорошим новостям из разных индустрий, чтобы хоть как-то разрядиться. Ведь самое главное, самое главное - война не изменила наши умы потому, что мы знаем что война не должна быть тем препятствием, благодаря которому наша дружба должна рухнуть. За это я их и ценю. Что держатся и не падают духом даже в такие тяжёлые дни и не "ищут предателей среди своих друзей, только потому что они русские", так сказать. Конечно же, есть и обратные примеры, что с начала войны некоторые мои знакомые начали отстаивать свою позицию как русских, что украинцы не люди и вообще спецоперация всё сделает к лучшему, что "мы сравняем города с землёй" и "денацифируем всё"... К сожалению, с такими людьми уже и общаться стыдно, что уж говорить, всё очевидно. В моём городе, например, я пока не наблюдаю сильной пропаганды, что "мы должны верить в то, что мы следуем справедливой цели", что всё образуется именно так как надо. Ну, даже если пропаганда и существует у нас, то я её и не наблюдаю. Да и не хочу наблюдать, потому что, как мне кажется, такую информацию стоить игнорировать и жить дальше, следуя своей цели в жизни. Я никогда не считал себя патриотом своей страны. Это звучит странно, да, но и врать мне нет смысла в этом. Я родился в России - значит так должно было случиться. Тем более я б хотел, что бы один из моих друзей на Украине, вот как раз один из них, смог пережить эту войну и смог поиграть в ту же самую Kingdom Hearts 4, т.к. я его с этой серией игр и познакомил. Я бы очень хотел, чтобы он увидел продолжение данной серии игр, чтобы он смог это вё увидеть. Я очень на это надеюсь. Ведь я, он, и многие другие такие же обычные люди - ходим на работу, спим, едим, играем, отдыхаем. И также я просто хочу, чтобы те, кто слушает меня сейчас не считали всех русских и россиян плохими, потому что я в вас верю, абсолютно всех. И неважно какой вы расы, неважно какой религии верите, это неважно. Главное, что вы остаётесь теми людьми, в которых можно верить, на которых можно надеяться и которые продолжают думать о том, что всё будет хорошо. И даже если у кого-то есть силы на то, чтобы исправить эту всю ситуацию, у кого есть эти возможности - то они смогут это изменить к лучшему и всё сделать мирно, что очень очень важно для нас сейчас. Поэтому я верю в мир, который обязательно наступит. И он наступит именно таким, что украинцы, что русские смогут пожать руки и сказать, что "Всё. У нас будет мир, у нас будет всё." Спасибо за внимание.

Greetings to all and with a good time of day. My name is Yura. I'm from Russia. This is not my real name, I act for the purposes of anonymity, I ask you to love and favor. In the world, as we all know, on February 24, the "Special Operation in Ukraine" began and continues to this day. Truly, this is a terrible event that entails thousands and thousands of victims on both sides of the conflict. The purpose of the "Special Operation in Ukraine" is the Denazification of Ukraine. If you are told in the news channels and in the media that the purpose of the special operation is not denazification, then this is the news, these are their sources, nothing can be done. What is my opinion on this? To begin with, I personally am against any war. For me, war is evil, it is violence. And the fact that the whole of Russia and Russians as a whole are considered an aggressor and just terrible people is bad, because terrible people and aggressors are those people who behave in this way and thereby want to kindle the flames of war even more in order to get satisfaction from this in the form of another murder, forgiveness from the victims who beg for mercy and other things. There are already millions of people in Russia who are categorically against the war and who do not want to be considered the last creatures just because everything turned out that way. For example, I have several friends from Ukraine who are currently there and are experiencing these explosions, bombs, rockets and everything else that I do not want to list. I continue to keep in touch with them and, thank God, we don't think about all this and try to support each other through funny memes, funny videos, just good news from different industries to somehow discharge. After all, the most important thing, the most important thing is that the war has not changed our minds because we know that war should not be the obstacle through which our friendship should collapse. That's why I appreciate them. That they hold on and do not lose heart even in such difficult days and do not "look for traitors among their friends, just because they are Russians," so to speak. Of course, there are also reverse examples that since the beginning of the war, some of my friends have begun to defend their position as Russians, that Ukrainians are not people and in general the special operation will do everything for the better, that "we will level cities to the ground" and "denazify everything"... Unfortunately, it's already a shame to communicate with such people, what can I say, everything is obvious. In my city, for example, I have not yet observed strong propaganda that "we must believe that we are following a fair goal," that everything will work out exactly as it should. Well, even if propaganda exists here, I don't observe it. And I don't want to watch, because, as it seems to me, such information should be ignored and live on, following my goal in life. I have never considered myself a patriot of my country. It sounds strange, yes, but there's no point in lying to me about it. I was born in Russia - so it had to happen. Moreover, I would like one of my friends in Ukraine, just one of them, to be able to survive this war and be able to play the Kingdom Hearts 4, because I introduced him to this game series . I would really like him to see the continuation of this game series, so that he could see it. I really hope so. After all, I, he, and many others are just ordinary people - we go to work, sleep, eat, play, relax. And also I just want those who are listening to me now not to consider all Russians and Russians bad, because I believe in you, absolutely everyone. And no matter what race you are, no matter what religion you believe, it doesn't matter. The main thing is that you remain the people in whom you can believe, on whom you can hope and who continue to think that everything will be fine. And even if someone has the strength to fix this whole situation, who has these opportunities, they will be able to change it for the better and do everything peacefully, which is very very important for us now. Therefore, I believe in peace, which will surely come. And it will come exactly like that, that Ukrainians, that Russians will be able to shake hands and say that "Everything. We will have peace, we will have everything." Thanks for attention.



これについての私の意見は何か? まず、私は個人的にあらゆる戦争に反対します。私にとって戦争は悪で、暴力です。また、ロシア全体やロシア人全体を侵略者や単に悪人のようにとらえるのはよくないことです。なぜなら悪人侵略者とは、このように行動して戦火さら燃え上がらせることで殺人被害者の命乞いから満足感を得る人々のことだからです。















The main issue...the bid price has been reaching ¥80/kWh every day since the beginning of the year.

I can finally get into what I really want to tell you.

The reason why new power companies have stopped accepting bids or have withdrawn from the business is because the days when this JEPX spot market price reaches 80 yen/kWh have been going on and on since the beginning of 2010.

The electricity market is a market. If there is a surplus of electricity, the bid price goes down, and if there is a shortage of electricity, the bid price goes up. The spot market is a blind single-price auction, which means that once a contract price is determined, all market prices are traded at that price. Even if Masuda-san bids 10 yen, if many people bid 20 yen, it will be 20 yen, and if many people bid 5 yen, it will be 5 yen.

And as I said before, if they fail to purchase, the power retailer has to pay the imbalance fee.

Then what happens? Many people think, "I'm going to buy it at the imbalance fee of 80 yen/kWh anyway, so I'll bid 80 yen for it. Here is the URL of Enexchange's website, which shows the spot market price in an easy-to-understand manner.


For March 31, it's in the 20 yen range. That's bright red. It is cheaper than the 80 yen I mentioned earlier.

How is that possible?

Imagine this. TEPCO's Standard S plan is 20~30 yen/kWh. You see, what we sell for 20-30 yen, we have to buy for more than 20 yen, or even 80 yen.

How much is the gross profit on something that sells for 25 yen? 8 yen, 5 yen, 3 yen? Let's assume that 90 out of every 100 jobs generate a gross profit of 5 yen, which is a profit of 450 yen. If 10 out of 100 sell at that price, the profit is 550 yen.

450 - 550 = -100.

This is the impact of a spot market price of 80 yen. Imagine if you had a customer base of tens of thousands of dollars, and you have to blow millions of dollars every day for a month. I think you can understand a little bit of the logic behind the suspension of acceptance and shutdown of business.

Of course, calculating the cost of procuring electricity is not this simple. I mean, I can't write about the inside story of procurement in my business because it would violate confidentiality. I wrote what I could find out just from the spot market, where the amounts are visualized by the general public. I didn't tell the whole story, if you think about it. Sorry. It's a title fraud.

Supplement... why is this happening?

To be honest, even as someone in the new power company, I am troubled by this situation. How did this happen? ......

In essence, I think "don't liberalize the infrastructure in the first place" is right. However, to put some position talk into it, I think that the various things that happened in the aftermath of Fukushima and the licking at the Kashiwazaki nuclear power plant were the result of being lenient because it was infrastructure, and I think there is some nuance to that.

However, I don't think that the designers of the system anticipated this level of instability in the power supply when the system was liberalized in April 2004. I was impressed when the supply-demand crunch warning came out. I was like, "This is it! That rumored !!!! Supply and demand crunch alert: !!!!!!!" I was so excited. There's no way there's going to be rolling blackouts! It's about to happen!

However, in the extreme, retailers are wholesalers, and while they are wholesalers, the products they sell are not all that different. How can you make a difference in a commodity like electricity? It is usually impossible. It's hard to add value to a product because it's all about price. Of course it's not impossible. There are plans, decarbonization, optional services, and so on. But there is no difference in the electricity itself. I think it's possible to point out that the reason why various new electric power companies flocked to the market was because hyenas gathered in the industry that was assured of a sweet deal in infrastructure ......, and that's true for a percentage of the population. I think all electric power companies are looking for ways to add value to electricity.

I hope this case will make the market healthier.

Incidentally, there is a new electric power company that is getting a tailwind from this current situation. Where is it? The answer is after the commercial!

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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