「le」を含む日記 RSS

はてなキーワード: leとは



キリスト教の神には名前があるのだが、みだりに口にしてはいけないことになっているので普通は単に神(the God とか der Gott とか le Dieu とか Deus とか)言う。

ちなみに Jesus は正真正銘名前苗字はたぶん無かった。





習近平(シーチンピン) → jinからジンが正確。

趙楽際(チャオローチー) → zhao le ji だから、ヂャオラージーが正確。







Positive message や Positive Role Model という概念



例えばポケモン ↓


Parents need to know that the long-running Pokémon series is based on characters from a popular video game, and is part of a giant licensing juggernaut. The Pokémon are kid-appealing, but the series features lots of fantasy violence, and pits the cute, monster-like characters against each other on behalf of their trainers. There are some positive messages (teamwork, sportsmanship, respecting elders), but it may be too intense for younger children.



Over the years, the energetic, imagination-filled, Japanese-inspired fantasy series has cut across cultural, gender, and age barriers to captivate a global audience of girls, boys, and even adults. But like any product that inspires obsessions, it has received its share of criticism. Folks may also find the franchise's massive commercial appeal disturbing, especially since the show is mainly geared towards kids.

The whole concept of human characters summoning subordinates to battle on their behalf may be troubling to some. This can potentially send iffy messages to children with pets, too. But despite the endless fantasy violence, Pokémon attempts to promote messages about choosing the right path in life and resolving differences peacefully--before the fighting starts.



Families can talk about the popularity of Pokémon in the United States. Why do people of all ages find it appealing? What are the most popular Pokémon? Why?

What are the differences between Pokémon and real-life pets. How do Ash and his friends care for their Pokémon? How do we care for pets differently? Why are the Pokémon loyal to them and fight on their behalf? How about Team Rocket? Can we ever expect animals to fight on our behalf?



英語の語尾 le (オ)は、ルと書かれるが、発音は、スタイオ(スタイル)、メンタオメンタル)、インテオ(インテル)、マッスオ(マッスル)















  • 🟡Sujeewa Salgado
  • Thank you Nas daily for showing what is happening and what people think as many of us are unable to travel....💖
  • which is a dream of mine. 😃...so a big thank you for all of you 👏👏
  • 訳:Nas dailyさん、私を含め多くの人々が旅行できないなか、出来事と人々の考えを見せてくれて本当にありがたいです。








His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy

There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti

He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready

To drop bombs, but he keeps on forgettin'

What he wrote down, the whole crowd goes so loud

He opens his mouth, but the words won't come out

He's chokin', how, everybody's jokin' now

The clocks run out, times up, over, blaow

Snap back to reality, ope there goes gravity

Ope, there goes Rabbit, he choked

He's so mad, but he won't give up that easy? No

He won't have it, he knows his whole back's to these ropes

It don't matter, he's dope, he knows that, but he's broke

He's so stagnant, he knows, when he goes back to this mobile home, that's when it's

Back to the lab again, yo, this whole rhapsody

Better go capture this moment and hope it don't pass him



le cinemaさんちーす!

le cinemaになんの執着もないけど、le cinemaのフェミ関連ニュースの執着って低能先生匹敵たからな




le cinemaだったか















どうなるかな?Le's see what happensって感じだな。





Приветствую всех и с добрым временем суток. Меня зовут Юра. Я из России. Это не моё настоящее имя, действую в целях анонимности, прошу любить и жаловать. В мире, как мы все знаем, 24 февраля началась и продолжается по сей день "Спецоперация на Украине". Воистину это ужасное событие, которое влечёт за собой тысячи и тысячи жертв с обеих сторон конфликта. Цель "Спецоперации на Украине" - Денацификация Украины. Если вам в новостных каналах и в средствах массовой информации говорят, что цель спецоперации - не денацификация - значит таковы новости, таковы их источники, ничего не поделать. Каково моё мнение на этот счёт? Начну с того, что лично я против любой войны. Для меня война - это зло, это насилие. И то, что всю Россию и россиян в целом считают агрессором и просто ужасными людьми - это плохо, потому что ужасные люди и аггресоры - это те люди, которые ведут себя подобным образом и хотят тем самым разжигать пламя войны ещё сильнее дабы получить с этого удовлетворение в виде ещё одного убийства, прощения со стороны жертв, которые молят о пощаде и прочего. В России и так находятся миллионы людей, которые категорически против войны и которые не хотят, чтобы их считали последними тварями только потому, что так всё получилось. У меня, например, есть несколько друзей с Украины, которые сейчас находятся там и переживают эти взрывы, бомбы, ракеты и всё остальное, что перечислять не хочу. Я продолжаю держать с ними контакт и мы, слава богу, не думаем обо всём этом и стараемся поддерживать друг друга благодаря весёлым мемам, смешным видео, просто хорошим новостям из разных индустрий, чтобы хоть как-то разрядиться. Ведь самое главное, самое главное - война не изменила наши умы потому, что мы знаем что война не должна быть тем препятствием, благодаря которому наша дружба должна рухнуть. За это я их и ценю. Что держатся и не падают духом даже в такие тяжёлые дни и не "ищут предателей среди своих друзей, только потому что они русские", так сказать. Конечно же, есть и обратные примеры, что с начала войны некоторые мои знакомые начали отстаивать свою позицию как русских, что украинцы не люди и вообще спецоперация всё сделает к лучшему, что "мы сравняем города с землёй" и "денацифируем всё"... К сожалению, с такими людьми уже и общаться стыдно, что уж говорить, всё очевидно. В моём городе, например, я пока не наблюдаю сильной пропаганды, что "мы должны верить в то, что мы следуем справедливой цели", что всё образуется именно так как надо. Ну, даже если пропаганда и существует у нас, то я её и не наблюдаю. Да и не хочу наблюдать, потому что, как мне кажется, такую информацию стоить игнорировать и жить дальше, следуя своей цели в жизни. Я никогда не считал себя патриотом своей страны. Это звучит странно, да, но и врать мне нет смысла в этом. Я родился в России - значит так должно было случиться. Тем более я б хотел, что бы один из моих друзей на Украине, вот как раз один из них, смог пережить эту войну и смог поиграть в ту же самую Kingdom Hearts 4, т.к. я его с этой серией игр и познакомил. Я бы очень хотел, чтобы он увидел продолжение данной серии игр, чтобы он смог это вё увидеть. Я очень на это надеюсь. Ведь я, он, и многие другие такие же обычные люди - ходим на работу, спим, едим, играем, отдыхаем. И также я просто хочу, чтобы те, кто слушает меня сейчас не считали всех русских и россиян плохими, потому что я в вас верю, абсолютно всех. И неважно какой вы расы, неважно какой религии верите, это неважно. Главное, что вы остаётесь теми людьми, в которых можно верить, на которых можно надеяться и которые продолжают думать о том, что всё будет хорошо. И даже если у кого-то есть силы на то, чтобы исправить эту всю ситуацию, у кого есть эти возможности - то они смогут это изменить к лучшему и всё сделать мирно, что очень очень важно для нас сейчас. Поэтому я верю в мир, который обязательно наступит. И он наступит именно таким, что украинцы, что русские смогут пожать руки и сказать, что "Всё. У нас будет мир, у нас будет всё." Спасибо за внимание.

Greetings to all and with a good time of day. My name is Yura. I'm from Russia. This is not my real name, I act for the purposes of anonymity, I ask you to love and favor. In the world, as we all know, on February 24, the "Special Operation in Ukraine" began and continues to this day. Truly, this is a terrible event that entails thousands and thousands of victims on both sides of the conflict. The purpose of the "Special Operation in Ukraine" is the Denazification of Ukraine. If you are told in the news channels and in the media that the purpose of the special operation is not denazification, then this is the news, these are their sources, nothing can be done. What is my opinion on this? To begin with, I personally am against any war. For me, war is evil, it is violence. And the fact that the whole of Russia and Russians as a whole are considered an aggressor and just terrible people is bad, because terrible people and aggressors are those people who behave in this way and thereby want to kindle the flames of war even more in order to get satisfaction from this in the form of another murder, forgiveness from the victims who beg for mercy and other things. There are already millions of people in Russia who are categorically against the war and who do not want to be considered the last creatures just because everything turned out that way. For example, I have several friends from Ukraine who are currently there and are experiencing these explosions, bombs, rockets and everything else that I do not want to list. I continue to keep in touch with them and, thank God, we don't think about all this and try to support each other through funny memes, funny videos, just good news from different industries to somehow discharge. After all, the most important thing, the most important thing is that the war has not changed our minds because we know that war should not be the obstacle through which our friendship should collapse. That's why I appreciate them. That they hold on and do not lose heart even in such difficult days and do not "look for traitors among their friends, just because they are Russians," so to speak. Of course, there are also reverse examples that since the beginning of the war, some of my friends have begun to defend their position as Russians, that Ukrainians are not people and in general the special operation will do everything for the better, that "we will level cities to the ground" and "denazify everything"... Unfortunately, it's already a shame to communicate with such people, what can I say, everything is obvious. In my city, for example, I have not yet observed strong propaganda that "we must believe that we are following a fair goal," that everything will work out exactly as it should. Well, even if propaganda exists here, I don't observe it. And I don't want to watch, because, as it seems to me, such information should be ignored and live on, following my goal in life. I have never considered myself a patriot of my country. It sounds strange, yes, but there's no point in lying to me about it. I was born in Russia - so it had to happen. Moreover, I would like one of my friends in Ukraine, just one of them, to be able to survive this war and be able to play the Kingdom Hearts 4, because I introduced him to this game series . I would really like him to see the continuation of this game series, so that he could see it. I really hope so. After all, I, he, and many others are just ordinary people - we go to work, sleep, eat, play, relax. And also I just want those who are listening to me now not to consider all Russians and Russians bad, because I believe in you, absolutely everyone. And no matter what race you are, no matter what religion you believe, it doesn't matter. The main thing is that you remain the people in whom you can believe, on whom you can hope and who continue to think that everything will be fine. And even if someone has the strength to fix this whole situation, who has these opportunities, they will be able to change it for the better and do everything peacefully, which is very very important for us now. Therefore, I believe in peace, which will surely come. And it will come exactly like that, that Ukrainians, that Russians will be able to shake hands and say that "Everything. We will have peace, we will have everything." Thanks for attention.



これについての私の意見は何か? まず、私は個人的にあらゆる戦争に反対します。私にとって戦争は悪で、暴力です。また、ロシア全体やロシア人全体を侵略者や単に悪人のようにとらえるのはよくないことです。なぜなら悪人侵略者とは、このように行動して戦火さら燃え上がらせることで殺人被害者の命乞いから満足感を得る人々のことだからです。











Positive message や Positive Role Model という概念



例えばポケモン ↓


Parents need to know that the long-running Pokémon series is based on characters from a popular video game, and is part of a giant licensing juggernaut. The Pokémon are kid-appealing, but the series features lots of fantasy violence, and pits the cute, monster-like characters against each other on behalf of their trainers. There are some positive messages (teamwork, sportsmanship, respecting elders), but it may be too intense for younger children.



Over the years, the energetic, imagination-filled, Japanese-inspired fantasy series has cut across cultural, gender, and age barriers to captivate a global audience of girls, boys, and even adults. But like any product that inspires obsessions, it has received its share of criticism. Folks may also find the franchise's massive commercial appeal disturbing, especially since the show is mainly geared towards kids.

The whole concept of human characters summoning subordinates to battle on their behalf may be troubling to some. This can potentially send iffy messages to children with pets, too. But despite the endless fantasy violence, Pokémon attempts to promote messages about choosing the right path in life and resolving differences peacefully--before the fighting starts.



Families can talk about the popularity of Pokémon in the United States. Why do people of all ages find it appealing? What are the most popular Pokémon? Why?

What are the differences between Pokémon and real-life pets. How do Ash and his friends care for their Pokémon? How do we care for pets differently? Why are the Pokémon loyal to them and fight on their behalf? How about Team Rocket? Can we ever expect animals to fight on our behalf?




予算が2千円台ならTRIPOWIN Leá

5千円台ならHZSOUND Heart Mirror

8千円出せるならTinHiFi T3 Plus

1万2千出せるならTRI Meteor





The main issue...the bid price has been reaching ¥80/kWh every day since the beginning of the year.

I can finally get into what I really want to tell you.

The reason why new power companies have stopped accepting bids or have withdrawn from the business is because the days when this JEPX spot market price reaches 80 yen/kWh have been going on and on since the beginning of 2010.

The electricity market is a market. If there is a surplus of electricity, the bid price goes down, and if there is a shortage of electricity, the bid price goes up. The spot market is a blind single-price auction, which means that once a contract price is determined, all market prices are traded at that price. Even if Masuda-san bids 10 yen, if many people bid 20 yen, it will be 20 yen, and if many people bid 5 yen, it will be 5 yen.

And as I said before, if they fail to purchase, the power retailer has to pay the imbalance fee.

Then what happens? Many people think, "I'm going to buy it at the imbalance fee of 80 yen/kWh anyway, so I'll bid 80 yen for it. Here is the URL of Enexchange's website, which shows the spot market price in an easy-to-understand manner.


For March 31, it's in the 20 yen range. That's bright red. It is cheaper than the 80 yen I mentioned earlier.

How is that possible?

Imagine this. TEPCO's Standard S plan is 20~30 yen/kWh. You see, what we sell for 20-30 yen, we have to buy for more than 20 yen, or even 80 yen.

How much is the gross profit on something that sells for 25 yen? 8 yen, 5 yen, 3 yen? Let's assume that 90 out of every 100 jobs generate a gross profit of 5 yen, which is a profit of 450 yen. If 10 out of 100 sell at that price, the profit is 550 yen.

450 - 550 = -100.

This is the impact of a spot market price of 80 yen. Imagine if you had a customer base of tens of thousands of dollars, and you have to blow millions of dollars every day for a month. I think you can understand a little bit of the logic behind the suspension of acceptance and shutdown of business.

Of course, calculating the cost of procuring electricity is not this simple. I mean, I can't write about the inside story of procurement in my business because it would violate confidentiality. I wrote what I could find out just from the spot market, where the amounts are visualized by the general public. I didn't tell the whole story, if you think about it. Sorry. It's a title fraud.

Supplement... why is this happening?

To be honest, even as someone in the new power company, I am troubled by this situation. How did this happen? ......

In essence, I think "don't liberalize the infrastructure in the first place" is right. However, to put some position talk into it, I think that the various things that happened in the aftermath of Fukushima and the licking at the Kashiwazaki nuclear power plant were the result of being lenient because it was infrastructure, and I think there is some nuance to that.

However, I don't think that the designers of the system anticipated this level of instability in the power supply when the system was liberalized in April 2004. I was impressed when the supply-demand crunch warning came out. I was like, "This is it! That rumored !!!! Supply and demand crunch alert: !!!!!!!" I was so excited. There's no way there's going to be rolling blackouts! It's about to happen!

However, in the extreme, retailers are wholesalers, and while they are wholesalers, the products they sell are not all that different. How can you make a difference in a commodity like electricity? It is usually impossible. It's hard to add value to a product because it's all about price. Of course it's not impossible. There are plans, decarbonization, optional services, and so on. But there is no difference in the electricity itself. I think it's possible to point out that the reason why various new electric power companies flocked to the market was because hyenas gathered in the industry that was assured of a sweet deal in infrastructure ......, and that's true for a percentage of the population. I think all electric power companies are looking for ways to add value to electricity.

I hope this case will make the market healthier.

Incidentally, there is a new electric power company that is getting a tailwind from this current situation. Where is it? The answer is after the commercial!

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


Putin Assassination Attempt

In mother Russia, you don’t assassinate the President, the President assassinates you.

When Putin is late to school, his teachers apologize for being early.

Putin is the type of guy that reads the whole terms & agreements and clicks “I disagree”

When Putin was born, he named himself and congratulated his parents

When Putin late to school, his teacher apologized for being early.

When Putin's cell phone rings in the theater, they put the movie on pause.

When Putin's little toe hits a corner, the corner cries in pain

Putin didn't lose hair , the hair simply realised that they weren't worthy enough to be over his head.

When Putin showed up late, everyone apologized for being on time.

When Putin wants the lights on, he simply turns the dark off.

When Putin Reads a book, the book gains knowledge.

Fun fact: Putin once saved water from drowning

Putin is that type of guy who tells Gordon Ramsay he doesn't like his food

when he calls the wrong number, the person apologizes for being the wrong person

Putin Skipped 2 days of school, those days are now known as Saturday and Sunday

When Putin washes his hands, the water gets cleaner.

Putin is the type of guy who says \"I don't like it\" to the barber.


[] alleviate

意味対訳 軽くする、緩和する、楽にする




/əlíːvièɪt(米国英語), ʌˈli:vi:ˌeɪt(英国英語)/





動詞 他動詞としての意味・使い方【語源】としての意味・使い方



動詞: alleviating(現在分詞) alleviated(過去形) alleviated(過去分詞) alleviates(三人称単数現在)








音節al・leviate 発音記号・読み方/əlíːvièɪt/

動詞 他動詞


A cold compress often alleviates pain. 冷湿布をするとよく痛みがやわらぐ.



英語他動詞一覧 「大学院以上の水準の他動詞」の一覧



該当件数 : 949件


to alleviate a pain発音を聞く例文帳に追加

痛みを静める - EDR日英対訳辞書

to alleviate inflation発音を聞く例文帳に追加

インフレを緩和すること - EDR日英対訳辞書

This will be used as medicine and is hoped to alleviate fever.発音を聞く例文帳に追加

これは解熱作用を期待して薬として利用される。 - Weblio Email例文集

Nothing less than drastic measures are going to alleviate the depression.発音を聞く例文帳に追加

不況時に生なかの対策ではたいして役に立たない. - 研究社 新和英中辞典

It will greatly lighten [alleviate] our burden.発音を聞く例文帳に追加

そうなれば我々の負担も大いに軽減されることだろう. - 研究社 新和英中辞典

The Japanese designed houses with good ventilation to alleviate the summer heat.発音を聞く例文帳に追加

日本人は夏の暑さを緩和するために風通しのよい家を設計した. - 研究社 新和英中辞典








2022年3月以降、自動車CMには「短距離の移動は徒歩や自転車で(Pour les trajets courts,

privilegiez la marche ou le velo)」「相乗り検討しましょう(Pensez a covoiturer)」「公共交通機関

利用を心掛けましょう(Au quotidien, prenez les transports en commun)」という文面を含ませる義務が生じます










ノベルゲーhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8xFzVbmo7k https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RXvVp3zpWa41aOjFCYHEfrIuiOb0oz2v/view

漫画https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5GG30j5RaA https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iPu7mfpBi7INUO8pitnTbVZI3V62Z5ny/view?usp=sharing




Model 1.5:

Is it highly contagious? Is the vaccine working? The whole world is wary of the new strain of coronavirus, the Omicron strain. It's because it has far more mutations than any other mutant strain in the past.

Model 2.0:

Is it highly contagious? Is the vaccine effective? At a stage when we still don't know much, the whole world is growing wary of the new coronavirus's Omicron strains. The reason for that is that they possess far more mutations than any other mutant strains that have spread in the past.


Is it highly infectious? Will the vaccine work? The world is on high alert for the Omicron strain of the new coronavirus. The reason for this is that it has far more mutations than any other strain that has spread in the past.






Ma version des faits.


Depuis fin Mars – début avril 2021 jusqu’à maintenant, un groupe discord d’une vingtaine de personne avec qui j’étais autrefois en bon terme cherche à me nuire et à me faire « cancel » par tous les moyens qu’ils ont.

Leur discord comporte une trentaine de personnes, et j’en faisais parti depuis pratiquement le début du jeu. Le discord était privé et en sachant cela tout le monde se faisaient le plaisir de parler sur tout le monde, moi y compris. J’ai donc pu dire des choses déplacés dans ce serveur sur des membres de la communauté c’était privé donc je me disais juste que c’était de la vanne sans forcément le penser dans le fond, je me complaisais juste dans le serveur et je prenais aucun recul sur la situation.

En fin mars, j’ai pris du recul et je me suis enfin éloigné de ce groupe discord. À la suite de ça, il y à eu une altercation bateau sur un serveur de la communauté. Ils en ont donc profité pour contacter une vingtaine de personne importantes de la communauté DBFZ dans le but de me faire cancel, inventant certaines choses, envoyant tous types de screen à mon égard, parfois de manière détournée parfois non. J’ai donc eu une discussion avec les concernés, au début en essayant de me dédouaner en renvoyant la faute ailleurs, mais j’ai vite réalisé que cela n’avait aucun but car ça ne menait à rien de ne pas assumer, je me suis donc « expliqué » sur ce qui était explicable et qui n’était pas juste méchant et gratuit pour rien, je me suis excusé sur tout ce qui a pu être dit, même si cela ne pardonne rien c’est la moindre des choses. J’ai ensuite proposé une solution à tout cela : quitter la communauet on me reverrait plus, au moins on aurait plus à faire avec moi, choses a laquelle ils ont refusés. La seule chose condition aura été qu’on ne se parle plus.

Voyant que leur plan n’a pas fonctionle groupe a donc cherché à ce moment là plus de personne, tout en ressortant encore une fois pleins de screen avec à chaque uniquement des paroles dites par moi sans contexte de conversation ou sans des choses qu’ils ont pu dire, pour prétendre auprès de ceux qu’ils aillaient voir que c’était juste pour les mettre en garde contre moi et qu’eux à contrario étaient clean.

L’histoire s’est laissé couler jusqu’en septembre ou là ils ont continué à chercher des histoires à des potes, en cherchant encore une fois des histoires et encore une fois en partant loin. J’ai donc pris lacision de prendre le compte d’un pote qui était dans leur serveur pour avoir accès a tout ce qu’ils disent depuis le début de l’année et même avant, J’ai parlé de l’idée à quelques personnes qui ont du coup pu voir eux aussi tout le contenu de leur serveur dans leur intégralité. J’ai donc eu accès a absolument tous leurs messages et j’ai pu tout screen ainsi qu’enregistrer l’entièreté du contenu dans leur serveur. Je constate donc qu’il y a environ 600 pages de messages concernant juste mon pseudo, tout y passe ça spam des photos de moi, proférant des menaces physiques, me souhaitant le sida, la mort, en menaçant qu’apparemment ils ont mes codes de CB et peuvent s’en servir à tout moment, mon adresse mais surtout se ventant avoir crée un fake compte de moi et qu’ils se le passent (J’ai évidemment tout screen / enregistré),




Rajoute à cela du trash talk sur absolument toutes les personnes de la et mêmes des personnes partiellement extérieures qui sont là depuis peu (cf : https://i.imgur.com/P6TagB6.png ) rajoutant qu’il ne pourra rien leur arriver car de toutes façons ils ont « le pilier » de la communauté de leur côté, maintenant ces mêmes personne m’accuse de racisme entre autres alors qu’ils sont suffisamment à l’aise pour dire ce genre de chose sous couvert apparemment de second degré :




Aujourd’hui encore une fois ils essaient donc de me cancel en envoyant cette fois-ci des screens a toutes les personnes qu’ils peuvent étant donné que les fois précédentes n’ont pas fonctionné, c’est pourquoi je tenais donc à m’excuser publiquement envers toutes les personnes que j’ai pu offenser.

Oui j’ai eu un comportement de merde je le reconnais, à l’heure actuelle je regrette tous les dires que j’ai pu proférer et je continuerai de m’excuser à propos de ça (je suis bien conscient que cela n’efface en rien la chose) et m’expliquerais plus amplement envers ceux qui le souhaitent en DM.

N’ayant absolument rien à cacher tous ceux qui souhaitent lire le contenu de leur serveur ont juste à me DM et j’enverrai le lien donnant accès à tout ce qui a pu se dire sur leur serveur depuis là création et pas de simple screen avec juste mon pseudo.

A l’époque j’avais laissé une chance et je n’étais pas allé jusqu’à déposer plainte malgré tout l’harcèlement depuis le début d’année. Cette affaire est actuellement entre les mains d’autorité publique. Je ne souhaite plus développer dessus et laisse les décisions au soin de la justice française.























42 名無しさんピンキー[sage] 2021/06/11(金) 16:27:06.82 ID:DlH9jjB+





43 名無しさんピンキー[sage] 2021/06/11(金) 17:57:47.59 ID:KQC/x+Le



44 名無しさんピンキー[sage] 2021/06/11(金) 18:34:03.91 ID:st2j+Vyf




45 名無しさんピンキー[sage] 2021/06/11(金) 19:49:31.18 ID:KQC/x+Le























42 名無しさんピンキー[sage] 2021/06/11(金) 16:27:06.82 ID:DlH9jjB+





43 名無しさんピンキー[sage] 2021/06/11(金) 17:57:47.59 ID:KQC/x+Le



44 名無しさんピンキー[sage] 2021/06/11(金) 18:34:03.91 ID:st2j+Vyf




45 名無しさんピンキー[sage] 2021/06/11(金) 19:49:31.18 ID:KQC/x+Le



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