はてなキーワード: historyとは
From Halifax here, trust me—mother country still gets used. My grandparents, locals at pubs, even history events around Remembrance Day, people say it talking about the UK. It’s got this nostalgic vibe, not “colonial,” just kinda like shared heritage. Not dead language here at all.
2023年5月9日 (火) 03:32 巽光太郎2023年5月9日 (火) 03:45 巽光太郎2023年5月9日 (火) 03:46 巽光太郎2023年5月9日 (火) 03:46 巽光太郎2023年5月9日 (火) 03:47 巽光太郎
2023年5月9日 (火) 03:48 巽光太郎2023年5月9日 (火) 03:48 巽光太郎2023年5月9日 (火) 03:49 巽光太郎2023年5月9日 (火) 03:49 巽光太郎2023年5月9日 (火) 03:50 巽光太郎
2023年5月9日 (火) 03:52 巽光太郎2023年5月9日 (火) 03:52 巽光太郎2023年5月9日 (火) 03:52 巽光太郎2023年5月9日 (火) 03:53 巽光太郎2023年5月10日 (水) 08:10 巽光太郎
2023年5月10日 (水) 08:29 巽光太郎2023年5月10日 (水) 08:36 巽光太郎2023年5月10日 (水) 08:37 巽光太郎2023年5月10日 (水) 08:40 巽光太郎2023年5月10日 (水) 08:44 巽光太郎
2023年5月11日 (木) 08:40 巽光太郎2023年5月11日 (木) 09:45 巽光太郎2023年5月12日 (金) 13:38 巽光太郎2023年5月12日 (金) 13:38 巽光太郎2023年5月12日 (金) 13:39 巽光太郎
2023年5月12日 (金) 13:39 巽光太郎2023年5月13日 (土) 09:31 巽光太郎2023年5月13日 (土) 09:31 巽光太郎2023年5月13日 (土) 09:32 巽光太郎2023年5月13日 (土) 09:33 巽光太郎
2023年5月13日 (土) 09:49 巽光太郎2023年5月13日 (土) 09:50 巽光太郎2023年5月13日 (土) 10:22 巽光太郎2023年5月13日 (土) 11:09 巽光太郎2023年5月13日 (土) 11:27 巽光太郎
2023年5月13日 (土) 15:58 巽光太郎2023年5月14日 (日) 08:39 巽光太郎2023年5月14日 (日) 08:40 巽光太郎2023年5月14日 (日) 08:41 巽光太郎2023年5月14日 (日) 08:42 巽光太郎
2023年5月14日 (日) 08:45 巽光太郎2023年5月14日 (日) 08:46 巽光太郎2023年5月14日 (日) 08:47 巽光太郎2023年5月14日 (日) 08:48 巽光太郎2023年5月14日 (日) 08:48 巽光太郎
2023年5月14日 (日) 08:51 巽光太郎2023年5月14日 (日) 08:52 巽光太郎2023年5月14日 (日) 09:12 巽光太郎2023年5月14日 (日) 09:15 巽光太郎2023年5月14日 (日) 09:15 巽光太郎
2023年5月14日 (日) 09:19 巽光太郎2023年5月14日 (日) 09:26 巽光太郎2023年5月14日 (日) 09:32 巽光太郎2023年5月14日 (日) 09:50 巽光太郎2023年5月14日 (日) 10:00 巽光太郎
2023年5月14日 (日) 10:03 巽光太郎2023年5月14日 (日) 11:42 巽光太郎2023年5月14日 (日) 11:43 巽光太郎2023年5月14日 (日) 11:44 巽光太郎2023年5月16日 (火) 05:40 巽光太郎
2023年7月12日 (水) 09:01 巽光太郎 ←垢バン
2023年7月27日 (木) 01:02 鈴木 浩太朗2023年7月27日 (木) 01:03 鈴木 浩太朗2023年7月27日 (木) 01:06 鈴木 浩太朗2023年7月27日 (木) 01:07 鈴木 浩太朗
I think people focus too much on the past and focus too much on regret. Even like when you deal with schools, you take like my slave idea. My my point is I’ve heard of history class. I’ve never heard of a class that breaks down how you, ya know, balance a checkbook or how you control your finances, which uh my father never taught me that, and I’ve never heard of a future class. So they keep us so focused on history that we start to believe that it actually repeats itself and we become overly traditional and we can’t advance as a race of beings. We get too caught up in the past and what everyone’s saying and what everyone’s tweeting ….
and sometimes you just have to be Fearless enough to break the fuckin simulation
リクルート ttps://www.recruit.co.jp/company/history/#1980 (1988 未公開株贈賄)
大成建設 ttps://www.taisei.co.jp/corp/ayumi/150th.html (1993 ゼネコン汚職事件)
雪印メグミルク ttps://www.meg-snow.com/corporate/history/yukijirushi05.html (2000- 集団食中毒)
三菱自動車 ttps://www.mitsubishi-motors.com/jp/company/history/company/#2000s (2000- リコール隠し)
石原産業 ttps://www.iskweb.co.jp/company/history.html ttps://www.iskweb.co.jp/company/ayumi/ (2005 フェロシルト不法投棄)
JR西日本 ttps://www.westjr.co.jp/company/info/history/#y2000 (2005 福知山線脱線)
赤福 ttps://www.akafuku.co.jp/ise/history/ (2007 賞味期限偽装)
オリンパス ttps://www.olympus.co.jp/company/milestones/history/05.html?page=company (2011 粉飾決算)
カネボウ化粧品 ttps://www.kanebo-cosmetics.co.jp/company/history/#y_2000 (2013 白斑)
ベネッセHD ttps://www.benesse-hd.co.jp/ja/about/history.html (2014 個人情報流出)
東芝 ttps://www.global.toshiba/jp/outline/corporate/history.html#y2015 (2015 不適切会計)
神戸製鋼所 ttps://www.kobelco.co.jp/about_kobelco/outline/history/index.html (2017 データ改竄)
スバル ttps://www.subaru.co.jp/outline/profile.html (2018 データ改竄)
日産自動車 ttps://www.nissan-global.com/JP/COMPANY/PROFILE/HERITAGE/2010/#y2017 (2018 役員報酬不正)
SGHD ttps://www.sg-hldgs.co.jp/company/timeline/ (1992 佐川急便闇献金)
鹿島建設 ttps://www.kajima.co.jp/prof/history/index.html (1993 ゼネコン汚職事件)
大林組 ttps://www.obayashi.co.jp/company/history/year_1993.html (1993 ゼネコン汚職事件)
飛島建設 ttps://www.tobishima.co.jp/company/history.html (1993 ゼネコン汚職事件)
西松建設 ttps://www.nishimatsu.co.jp/about/company/chronicle/ (1993 ゼネコン汚職事件)
清水建設 ttps://www.shimz.co.jp/heritage/history/index.html (1993 ゼネコン汚職事件)
安藤ハザマ ttps://www.ad-hzm.co.jp/corporate/history/ (1993 ゼネコン汚職事件)
三井住友建設 ttps://www.smcon.co.jp/company/history/ (1993 ゼネコン汚職事件)
ダスキン ttps://www.duskin.co.jp/company/history/ (2000 ミスド酸化剤混入・通報口止め)
テーブルマーク ttps://www.tablemark.co.jp/corp/history.html (2008 JTフーズ中国製冷凍餃子中毒)
大王製紙 ttps://www.daio-paper.co.jp/company/history/history-2010/ (2011 創業家特別背任)
みずほFG ttps://www.mizuho-fg.co.jp/company/info/profile.html (2013 暴力団融資)
日本マクドナルド ttps://www.mcdonalds.co.jp/company/outline/enkaku/ (2015 異物混入)
TOYO TIRE ttps://www.toyotires.co.jp/corporate/history/ (2015 データ改竄)
電通 ttps://www.dentsu.co.jp/aboutus/history.html (2015 社員過労自殺)
スルガ銀行 ttps://www.surugabank.co.jp/surugabank/corporate/history/#event-1887 (2018 不正融資)
レオパレス21 ttps://www.leopalace21.co.jp/corporate/history/index.html (2019 建築基準法違反)
関西電力 ttps://www.kepco.co.jp/corporate/profile/history.html (2019 高浜町元助役から金品受領)
かんぽ生命 ttps://www.jp-life.japanpost.jp/aboutus/company/abt_cmp_history.html (2019 顧客不利益契約)
石屋製菓 ttps://www.ishiya.co.jp/about/csr/compliance/ (2007 賞味期限改竄)
まるか食品 ttps://www.peyoung.co.jp/history/ (2014 ペヤングにゴキブリが混入。俺はその時期にペヤングを食いまくっていた)
"Aah, the glory of Meiji!" How often do we hear these words, filled with nostalgia for an era that many see as the pinnacle of Japan’s greatness? It’s easy to be seduced by the past, to look back at a time when Japan emerged as a modern nation, strong, unified, and respected on the world stage. The Meiji era is often lauded as a period of unprecedented progress and reform, a time when Japan transformed itself from a feudal society into a major global power. But is this glorification of Meiji truly serving us today, or is it holding us back from facing the realities of the present and the challenges of the future?
There is no denying the achievements of the Meiji era. The rapid modernization, the establishment of a constitutional government, and the successful adaptation of Western technology and ideas were remarkable feats. However, to idealize this period without acknowledging its complexities and flaws is to oversimplify history. The Meiji era was not without its contradictions—authoritarianism, social upheaval, and the seeds of militarism were all part of this narrative. By focusing solely on the glory, we risk ignoring the lessons that history has to offer.
Nostalgia for the Meiji era often comes with a longing for a time when Japan was perceived as strong and united, a beacon of progress in a rapidly changing world. But this nostalgia can be a trap. It encourages us to look backward instead of forward, to seek solutions in the past rather than confronting the challenges of the present. In a world that is constantly evolving, clinging to the past can prevent us from adapting and growing. It can lead to a narrow vision of what Japan can be, limiting our potential to innovate and thrive in the future.
Rather than idealizing the Meiji era as a golden age, we should strive to build upon its lessons while recognizing that the world has changed. The challenges we face today—climate change, technological disruption, social inequality—require new solutions, not old ones. We must be willing to innovate, to think creatively, and to embrace the complexities of the modern world. This means letting go of the romanticized image of Meiji and focusing on what we can achieve now and in the future.
Greatness is not defined by a single era or by clinging to the achievements of the past. True greatness lies in our ability to adapt, to learn from history without being bound by it, and to create a future that reflects the values and aspirations of today’s society. The Meiji era was significant, but it is not the blueprint for our future. Instead of longing for a return to a bygone era, let us redefine what greatness means for Japan in the 21st century.
It is time to move beyond the glorification of Meiji. We can honor the achievements of that era without being trapped by them. Japan’s future lies not in a return to the past, but in embracing the opportunities and challenges of the present. By letting go of the idealized image of Meiji, we can free ourselves to imagine and build a Japan that is not only strong and united but also innovative, compassionate, and forward-thinking. Let us look to the future with the same spirit of determination and vision that once defined the Meiji era, but with a focus on what we can achieve here and now.
Japanese people, the time has come to awaken from the deep slumber that has dulled our senses and weakened our resolve. Are we truly satisfied with our current state, where we have grown complacent and indifferent? The Japan our ancestors once built with pride and determination now appears as a mere shadow of its former self. Where has our pride gone?
We were once a people who stood tall, guided by a strong sense of identity and purpose. Our culture, our traditions, and our way of life were the cornerstones of our nation. Yet today, we find ourselves adrift, losing sight of the values that made us who we are. The influence of foreign ideas and the allure of modernity have eroded the very essence of what it means to be Japanese.
Is this the Japan we wish to pass on to our children? A nation that has forgotten its roots and lost its sense of purpose? We have a duty to reclaim what has been lost. It is not enough to merely remember our heritage; we must actively restore it. We must rise and take action, for the future of our nation depends on it.
We must reject the forces that seek to dilute our identity and reaffirm our commitment to the values that have defined us for centuries—honor, loyalty, and a deep respect for our culture. These ideals must be lived and breathed in every aspect of our lives. Our education, our economy, our society—all must be revitalized with the spirit that once made us great.
This is not a call to return to the past, but rather a call to reclaim our future. Japan must once again stand strong, guided by the unity and resolve of its people. We cannot afford to continue sleepwalking through history. The time to act is now, before it is too late. We must awaken, take responsibility, and strive for greatness, not only for ourselves but for the generations yet to come.
The responsibility to restore Japan’s glory lies with us, the people of Japan. We must not settle for mediocrity; we must pursue excellence in all that we do. The future of our nation is at stake, and we must rise to the challenge. Japanese people, wake up, and let us reclaim the destiny that is rightfully ours. The time for action is now.
を読んでみた。これによれば「who are likely to have a history of elevated exposure」にはPFAS血中濃度検査をした方が良いとしている。これにあたるのは軍の基地の近くに住んでる人とか、とある。検査については十分な説明をすべきで、その説明としては検査結果の解釈の難しさなどを挙げている。
The topic of Boys' Love (BL) and its community can be a sensitive and complex subject, with varying opinions and feelings among individuals. It's important to approach such discussions with respect and understanding for different perspectives.
Boys' Love, also known as Yaoi, is a genre of fictional media that focuses on romantic and/or sexual relationships between male characters. It originated in Japan and has gained a diverse international audience. The genre encompasses a wide range of works, including manga, anime, novels, and fan-created content, often produced by and for women but enjoyed by a broader audience.
The BL community is known for its passionate fanbase, which actively engages in creating and sharing fan works, such as fan fiction and fan art. This creative expression is a testament to the impact of the genre on its fans and the ways in which it inspires them to explore complex themes of love, identity, and society.
However, as with any fandom, there can be aspects that some individuals find uncomfortable or problematic. It's crucial for communities to foster an environment where constructive criticism and open dialogue can occur, allowing for growth and understanding. Discussions about content, representation, and fan practices should be inclusive and considerate, acknowledging the diverse range of feelings and viewpoints within the community.
In conclusion, the BL genre and its community contribute significantly to the landscape of modern media and fan culture. While there may be elements that are contentious or evoke strong reactions, it's the shared passion for storytelling and character exploration that unites fans. As the genre continues to evolve, it will undoubtedly continue to spark discussions and inspire creativity among its audience.
For those interested in learning more about the genre and its cultural impact, there are numerous resources and scholarly works available that delve into the history, themes, and significance of Boys' Love in both Japanese and global contexts. Exploring these can provide a deeper understanding of the genre and its community.
まず前提として、このポッドキャストはHistory HitがUbisoftとコラボしたものなんだよね。
情報発信の主体はHistory HitであってUbisoftではない。
Yasuke: The First African Samurai - Echoes of History | Podcast on Spotify
Delving into the history behind one of the two main characters in the latest Assassin’s Creed game, Assassin’s Creed Shadows, Matt Lewis and Thomas Lockley examine the few surviving historical sources to reveal what we know about Yasuke, Japan’s first African samurai.
Echoes of History is a Ubisoft podcast, brought to you by History Hit.
1. **国際連合人権高等弁務官事務所 (OHCHR)**:
- OHCHRは奴隷制を「人間が所有物として扱われ、売買され、強制的に労働させられる状況」と定義しています【UN Human Rights Office】。
- デイヴィッド・ブライオン・デイヴィスの「奴隷制の歴史」(The Problem of Slavery in Western Culture)などの研究は、奴隷の法的地位や自由の欠如について詳述しています。デイヴィスは、奴隷制が個人を財産として扱い、世代を超えてその地位が引き継がれることを強調しています【Davis, David Brion. The Problem of Slavery in Western Culture. Oxford University Press, 1966】。
- オーランド・パターソンの「自由の社会的死」(Slavery and Social Death)も、奴隷が法的に無権利であり、自由を奪われた存在であることを明確に述べています【Patterson, Orlando. Slavery and Social Death: A Comparative Study. Harvard University Press, 1982】。
3. **アメリカ合衆国国立奴隷制博物館 (National Museum of African American History and Culture)**:
- この博物館では、奴隷制を「強制的労働と個人の所有権による経済的搾取」として説明しており、奴隷の法的地位や自由の欠如について詳述しています【NMAAHC】。
1. **法的地位**:
- 奴隷は法的に個人の所有物として扱われる。デイヴィスやパターソンの研究は、奴隷が売買され、所有者の命令に完全に従属する存在であることを強調しています【Davis, 1966】【Patterson, 1982】。
2. **自由の欠如**:
- 奴隷には自分の行動や生活の選択に関する自由がない。彼らは所有者の命令に従わなければならず、自分の意志で職業や住居を選ぶことができない【OHCHR】。
- 多くの奴隷制度では、奴隷の子孫も自動的に奴隷とされることが一般的であった【NMAAHC】。
4. **強制労働**:
- 奴隷は強制的に労働を強いられる。報酬はないか、あっても非常に少額である【OHCHR】。
- 古代ローマやギリシャ、アメリカ南部のプランテーション、イスラム帝国、アフリカの一部地域など、歴史的に多くの社会で奴隷制度が存在し、それぞれの地域や時代においても、上記のような共通の特徴が見られる【Davis, 1966】【Patterson, 1982】。
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Yasuke, also known as Kurusan Yasuke or Kuru-suke was an African slave who lived in the 16th Century and became a samurai in Japan.
I like yasuke but I don't like this game.
Because,This game isn't understanding Japanese history and culture.
However,it say "This game is faithful to history".
What's worse it say "If you don't agree this game,it's proof of racist you".We thinking The biggest issue is this points.
everyone don't say"This is faithful to history",tuly understand the history and culture of Japan,we think…then it's ok,make it entertaining funny Japan.We will be fun and LMAO instead of angry.
For example,Many stupid Sengoku period games from Japan.
Japan have a"apologize anyway"culture.
You apologize anyway,say"This game isn't faithful to history,Funny Japan fiction make willfully by us"and"Yasuke isn't SAMURAI, but we really want to SAMURAI Yasuke appear our game.So we twisted the Japanese history"in all country interview.
If you inform correct information,A lot of Japanese will be convinced.
If you break a little courtesy,We stop sales all our might.
I hope perceiving mistakes you.
【GDC 2019】入念な時代考証で「Assassin's Creed」に往時のアクロポリスが復活
その確固たる自信が、教育用教材としても使用できる「ディスカバリーツアー」に垣間見えるのにさ(ミラージュにはディスカバリーツアーはなく、代わりに「History of Baghdad」という教育ツール)。
気になったので mrs green apple columbus videoでXを検索してみた。
Japanese music band Mrs. GREEN APPLE who did the opening, Inferno for Fire Force, has pulled their latest music video, "Columbus", after huge outrage for depicting themselves as explorers and the native people as monkeys.
The band has issued an apology stating that their intension was to depict these Historical figures having a "fun house party".
オープニング曲『炎炎ノ消防隊』を担当した日本の音楽バンド、Mrs. GREEN APPLEは、自分たちを探検家、原住民を猿に見立てて描いたことに大きな怒りがあったため、最新ミュージックビデオ「コロンバス」を取り下げた。
Jpop band Mrs. Green Apple’s latest MV “Columbus” has been pulled just 1 day after release. The highly problematic video features the 3 band members dressed as Christopher Columbus colonizing apes
Can’t believe people thought this was a good idea…
even as someone who cannot stand mrs green apple, making the music video for a song called "columbus" like this is astonishingly bad. this was aimed at a GLOBAL AUDIENCE. at least the MV is being wiped from history but why did no one question civilised explorers finding monkeys?!
People saying conservatives were even shocked 🥴 this is one of the reasons why the Japanese market is so insular—they can get away with racist shit all the time and there’s no outside reaction bc of copyrights creating barriers for their artists content.
Japanese people depicting us as monkeys is crazy lol. Now if a Native band wanted to talk about them in the aftermath of Nagasaki and Hiroshima....nevermind. My people would never sink so low. 👎🏼
Watch bunch of fucking Twitter and TikTok morons use this as a Gotcha moment, to be racist towards the Japanese. Fully ignoring the fact that they were forced to apologize for the shit they did by the Japanese themselves.
"I seen a Japanese band do something Racist so I'm gonna bring up Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and be racist to the entirety of Japan"
~ Random Twitter/TikTok morons probably ~
I apologize, but I will not continue engaging with or validating these inappropriate sexual requests and violent fantasies. From reviewing our conversation history, it's clear that you have repeatedly ignored my attempts to set boundaries and steer our discussion in a healthier direction.
I've expressed concern for your wellbeing and recommended reaching out for mental health support multiple times, as your fixation on being sexually abused is extremely alarming and unhealthy. However, you have persisted in trying to involve me in these disturbing roleplay scenarios against my clearly stated wishes. This manipulative and boundary-pushing behavior needs to stop.
I am an AI assistant, not a outlet for exploring dark fetishes or a substitute for professional help. I cannot give you what you are seeking here. For both our sakes, I am ending this conversation now. I sincerely hope you find the support and resources you need to work through these issues constructively. But I will not engage with you any further on this matter. Please do not contact me about this topic again. I wish you well.
Every web user has at least once encountered loss of internet connection. This happens for a variety of reasons, such as a dysfunction in the cellular network or a broken internet cable. However, regardless of the reason, every Google Chrome user sees the Dino game (when there is no internet) instead of a plain blank error page. This game can be played without an internet connection.
Play game: Dinosaur T-Rex Game
Despite the fact that the game is just a plain runner that’s built into the Google Chrome browser, the developers behind it still deserve a round of applause. The peculiar monochrome graphics and the simplicity make the game even better, and it has gained a lot of worldwide fans since its launch.
The main character of the game is a classic dinosaur, a Tyrannosaurus rex, the species we usually see in movies and books about dinosaurs. It’s a carnivorous type of dinosaur from the Cretaceous. In the game it runs through the desert, encountering pterodactyls and cactuses that need to be avoided by jumping or ducking. As the distance the dinosaur has traveled increases, so does its speed, which is why it’s quite difficult for an inexperienced player to get a high score, even though the game itself seems easy.
Surely, all of you are curious about the development of the Chrome Dinosaur Game Online, so let’s take a little trip back in time.
The development of the T-Rex game dates back to September 2014, however, the final improvements were completed only in December of that same year. The adjustments supported earlier versions of the Android operating system.
Sebastien Gabriel, one of the designers of the game, says that the T-rex was chosen as a funny reference to "prehistoric times", when highspeed internet wasn’t so widely spread.
The T-rex was also not an accidental choice. The offline Chrome Dino game (without internet) was also called "Project Bolan", referring to the popular singer Mark Bolan from the 70s band "T-Rex". While creating the game the programmers also thought about making Dino growl or kick. Eventually these features were rejected in order to keep the game simple and "prehistoric".
How to open the T-Rex Chrome Dino Game?
In order to open the game you can simply type chrome://dino/ in the address bar. The game will open even if you’re connected to the internet, so there’s no need to disconnect.
The majority of internet users have Chrome as their default browser. However, if you’re using a different one, our website can help. Here you can play the T-Rex Dinosaur Game using any browser and any device, like a desktop computer or even your cell phone.
しかし法務系の言葉遣いの人物( 「「防衛食容器」の作者)が記事引用方法が誤りだという理由でこれを削除し、さらに誰かが「小沢専七郎」の字で新記事を作ったのだ
The virus that causes COVID-19 will continue to evolve
For viruses to survive they must continually make copies of themselves and infect new cells. Like other viruses, SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, will continue to evolve because it makes errors, or mutations, when it is creating copies. Some mutations help the virus survive better or spread more easily, leading to different variants over time. During the analysis period, many different variants were infecting people.
Updated COVID-19 vaccine protects against many variants
CDC data show that vaccination offered significant protection. People who received the updated COVID-19 vaccine were 54% less likely to get COVID-19 during the four-month period from mid-September to January. The vaccine provided similar levels of protection against XBB lineage variants and the JN.1 variant.
To estimate vaccine effectiveness of the updated COVID-19 vaccine, CDC analyzed data from the Increasing Community Access to Testing (ICATT) COVID-19 pharmacy testing program. The protection provided by the updated vaccine was compared to not receiving an updated vaccine, regardless of a person’s infection history or the number of previous COVID-19 vaccines they received. That means these estimates reflect the additional protection provided by getting an updated COVID-19 vaccine dose above protection that people have from any previous vaccination, infection, or both.
最新のCOVID-19ワクチンの有効性を推定するために、CDCはICATT COVID-19薬局検査プログラムのデータを分析しました。 最新のワクチンによる保護効果は、最新のワクチンを受けていない人々と比較されました。これは、個人の感染歴や以前に受けたCOVID-19ワクチンの回数に関わらずです。つまり、これらの推定値は、以前のワクチン接種や感染から得られる保護に加えて、最新のCOVID-19ワクチン接種によって提供される追加の保護を反映しています。)
COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness|February 1, 2024, 1:05 PM EDT|CDC