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Refuting the “Israeli” Claims Regarding Evading their responsibility for the Massacre of the Gaza Baptist Hospital

Today, the “Israeli” Occupation Entity is trying to evade their responsibility for the crime of bombarding the “Baptist” Arab National Hospital in Gaza City, which the Israeli” Occupation Forces (IOF) committed on the evening of Tuesday, 17 October 2023. This heinous crime was committed against innocent Palestinian civilians while taking the hospital as a shelter from the flames of the “Israeli” brutal aggression, which left nowhere safe in the besieged enclave. It is necessary to affirm that, the Baptist Hospital belongs to the Anglican Episcopal Church in Jerusalem, and was built before the occupation of Palestine.

It is obvious that the “Israeli” enemy has been spreading lies since the very beginning of his destructive war on our people, when he with no single evidence claimed that the Palestinian resistance killed children, cut off heads and raped women. In continuation of this series of lies, they tried to evade their crime, attributing it to one of the resistance factions. Accordingly, we present some of the conclusive evidence to prove the “Israeli” Occupation Entity responsible for this heinous crime:

1) It is no secret that the IOF, several days ago, threatened several hospitals in the Gaza Strip, contacting each hospital separately and requesting their evacuation and holding the hospitals directors responsible for the consequences of neglecting the threats. In fact, there are dozens of clear statements from the IOF spokespersons in this regard.

2) Since the beginning of the ongoing aggression, the “Israeli” army has ignored the principle of distinguishing between civilian and military targets. Thus, the bombardment has systematically targeted emergency services, ambulances, civil defense facilities, schools, mosques, and churches.

3) The IOF contacted the directors of 21 hospitals in the Gaza Strip, especially those are located in the Gaza and the North of Gaza governorates, most notably: (Al-Awda, the Indonesian, Kamal Adwan, the Kuwaiti, Al-Quds, and Al-Mamadani), asking them to evacuate immediately, given that the hospitals are located within the geographical scope of “Israeli” military operations. In this regard, the official spokespersons for the IOF plus a number of hospital directors conducted interviews live on Al Jazeera, revealing the premeditated intention of the IOF to target hospitals in the Gaza Strip.

4) On 14 October, 2023, at 20:30, the IOF fired two shells towards the Baptist Hospital, and the next morning they called the hospital director, Dr. Maher الصفحة 2 من 3

Ayyad, saying to him: “We warned you last evening with two shells, so why have you not evacuated the hospital until this moment?!” Following that call, The hospital director contacted the bishop of the Evangelical Church in Britain and informed him of the incident, who in turn contacted international organizations before sending the hospital a message reassuring them that they could remain in the hospital. Yet with no warning, the IOF airstrikes returned, on Tuesday evening, to carry out the massacre against the hospital and the shelter-seekers of the displaced innocent Palestinian civilians.

5) Immediately after the massacre, the IOF spokesperson quickly published a statement on his page on the “X” and “Telegram” platforms at 21:17, which stated, “We had warned the evacuation of the Baptist Hospital and five other hospitals so that the Hamas terrorist organization would not take as a safe haven”. That statement is a clear claim of this massacre, and it is documented with a “screenshot” image attached to his page on Telegram, but he quickly deleted the post after seeing the massive scale of the massacre for the large number of victims, and the angry responses of the Arab, regional and international communities. Later on, he disavowed it, publish another

statement denying that he had issued the first statement.

6) Before and during the event, the resistance factions did not fire any missiles at the occupied territories, the “Israeli” sirens did not activate, and the Iron Dome missiles were not launched. Moreover, dozens of reconnaissance drones do not leave the sky of the Gaza Strip (365 km2 ), photographing and monitoring every inch around the clock. If the massacre was due to the resistance’s missiles, as the “Israeli” Occupation Entity falsely claim, why would not they show one picture their claims?!

7) The “Israeli” Occupation Entity claimed that this massacre was caused by a missile launched by the Islamic Jihad. However, we would wonder how they could identify and distinguish between the missiles of the resistance factions immediately after they were launched?!

8) The IOF military system documents and records all their operations by day, hour, minute and second, and in all previous times their media outlets came out to announce or deny much less severe massacres than this massacre, so what made them wait more than 4 hours before declaring their irresponsibility other than weaving scenarios of falsification, lies and deception?!

9) It is obviously known that the resistance’s missiles are somewhat “primitive” and do not have the destructive power that kills hundreds at one time. And throughout the history of previous confrontations and the current confrontation, no resistance missile has caused a tenth of this number of “Israeli” deaths.

10) The only video scene documenting the moment of the explosion reveals that the mass of flame and the sound of the explosion are identical to other “Israeli” bombs throughout the days of the ongoing aggression, which with no doubt proves that the “Israeli” origin of the missile.

الصفحة 3 من 3

The deliberate attack on hospitals is a war crime, stipulated in Article (8, 2, b, 9) of the Statute of the International Criminal Court. Accordingly, Hamas officially calls on the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to open an investigation into this crime, which falls within the framework of a genocidal war, in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of the Basic Law. These bloody acts are also based on the policy of denial pursued by the “Israeli” Occupation Entity, as they deny the existence of the Palestinian people.

There is no doubt that impunity fuels crime, and investigating crimes is a way to protect people. Furthermore, if a legal and judicial response is necessary, it is above all that the response to this crime must be humanitarian and global. Such actions must shock the conscience of the world, or else there would no longer be a reliable international community if the “Israeli” Occupation government free to decide to bomb hospitals!

In conclusion, we are facing a genocidal massacre committed by IOF against children, women, and the elderly. The “Israeli” Occupation Entity is the only responsible for the crime, no matter how much they try to weave lies and fabrications to get away with it, as they always do.

The Islamic Resistance Movement


Wednesday, 18 October 2023





Mr.Christian Riese Lassen is the most famous painter, but his face is not well known among the Japanese public, contrary to the fame of his works.

Mr.Christian Riese Lassen is the most famous painter, but his own face is not well known in Japan, contrary to the fame of his works.





















* *




[1] Fredrich Engels, 1884, The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State. The book was revived as a key text by socialist and Marxist feminists in debates about women’s liberation. Pace the 19th century social Darwinism which clearly took a lead from the Old Testament, it is now quite clear that both pastoralism and slash and burn agriculture appeared after, and not before, the advent of settled agriculture.

[2] Franz Boas, The Mind of Primitive Man, 1911; Claudia Ruth Pierpoint, ‘The Measure of America’, 2004; Ned Blackhawk and Isaiah Lorado Wilner, Indigenous Visions: Rediscovering the World of Franz Boas, 2018; Rosemary Lévy, Franz Boas: The Emergence of the Anthropologist, 2019.

[3] Very good examples of this work include Sara Hdry, Mothers and Others: The Evolutionary Origins of Mutual Understanding, 2005; Elizabeth Marshall Thomas, The Old Way, 2001; two articles by Steven Kuhn and Mary Stiner: ‘What’s a Mother To Do’, 2006 and ‘How Hearth and Home Made us Human’, 2019; Loretta Cormier and Sharon Jones, The Domesticated Penis: How Womanhood has Shaped Manhood, 2015; a key paper by Joanna Overing, ‘Men Control Women? The “Catch-22” in the Analysis of Gender’, 1987; two books by Christopher Boehm: Hierarchy in the Forest and the Evolution of Egalitarian Behavior, 1999, and Moral Origins, 2012; every book by the primatologist Frans de Waal; the two chapters by Brian Ferguson in Douglas Fry, ed., War, Peace and Human Nature, 2013; Richard Wrangham, Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human, 2010; and two books by the trans biologist Joan Roughgarden: Evolution’s Rainbow: Diversity, Gender and Sexuality in Nature and People, 2004, and The Genial Gene: Deconstructing Darwinian Selfishness, 2009.

[4] Our favourites among the ethnographies of our near contemporary hunter-gatherers are Marjorie Shostack, Nisa: The Life and Words of a !Kung Woman, 1981; Jean Briggs, Inuit Morality Play: The Emotional Education of a Three-Year-Old, 1998; Phyllis Kaberry, Aboriginal Women: Sacred and Profane, 1938, Karen Endicott and Kirk Endicott: The Headman was a Woman: The Gender Egalitarian Batek of Malaysia, 2008; Richard Lee, The !Kung San: Men, Women and Work in a Foraging Society, 1978; and Colin Turnbull, Wayward Servants: The Two Worlds of the African Pygmies, 1978.

[5] Kent Flannery and Joyce Marcus, The Creation of Inequality: How Our Prehistorical Ancestors Set the Stage for Monarchy, Slavery and Empire, 2012; and James C. Scott, The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland South-East Asia, 2009; Scott, Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States, 2017. Martin Jones, Feast: Why Humans Share Food, 2007, is also very useful.

[6] Edmund Leach had made a similar argument in 1954 in Political Systems of Highland Burma, and radically changed anthropology. For a brilliant ethnography of one group of anti-class hill rebels at the end of the twentieth century, see Shanshan Du, Chopsticks Only Work in Pairs: Gender Unity and Gender Equality Among the Lahu of Southeastern China, 2003. For Scott’s recent extension of his argument to ancient Mesopotamia, see Against the Grain.

[7] This is all succinctly described in Brian Hayden, ‘Transegalitarian Societies on the American Northwest Plateau: Social Dynamics and Cultural/Technological Changes,’ in Orlando Cerasuolo, ed., The Archaeology of Inequality, 2021.

[8] Start with Philip Drucker and Robert Heizer, 1967, To Make My Name Good: A Reexamination of the Southern Kwakiutl Potlatch; and Eric Wolf, Envisioning Power: Ideologies of Dominance and Crisis, 1999, 69-132.

[9] Jeanne Arnold, ‘Credit where Credit is Due: The History of the Chumash Oceangoing Plank Canoe’, 2007; and Lynn Gamble, The Chumash World at European Contact: Power, Trade and Fighting among Complex Hunter-Gatherers, 2011.

[10] On the Calusa, see The Dawn, 150-2; Fernando Santos-Cranero, 2010, Vital Enemies: Slavery, Predation and the Amerindian Political Economy of Life, 2010; and John Hann, Missions to the Calusa, 1991.

[11] Rita Wright, The Ancient Indus: Urbanism, Economy and Society, 2010; and Andrew Robinson, The Indus: Lost Civilizations, 2015.

[12] Robbie Ethridge and Sheri M. Shuck-Hall, Mapping the Mississippian Shatter Zone, 2009; and George Edward Milne, Natchez Country: Indians, Colonists and the Landscape of Race in French Louisiana, 2015.


The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and goodwill, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.






1 [U][C](…の)誇り自尊心プライド≪in,at≫;(…した)満足(感),得意≪to do≫.

take [have, feel] (a) pride in ...

hurt a person's pride

feel a glow of pride

His face is beaming with pride.

1a [U]〔通例the [one's] ~〕自慢の種.

the pride and joy of the family

2 [U]うぬぼれ思いあがり,高慢,横柄,自負(心).

in high pride

He swallowed his pride and kept quiet.

Pride goes [comes] before a fall.

3 〔the ~〕(集団階層で)最良[最上のもの精華.

the pride of one's collection



 って、そりゃそもそも英語pride にもそういう意味はあるからな。たとえば (as) proud as a peacock というイディオム知ってるか?

(as) proud as a peacock


extremely proud:

"He returns about three hours later looking as proud as a peacock as he carefully backs his big red car in the driveway."





 ← それって Cambridge English Dictionary の編者に向かって言えるの?  

When she left him on his own it really hurt his pride.

  Cambrige English Dictionary の "pride" の項目の例文




Sir Keir Starmer has said that “a woman is an adult femaleas he hardened his stance on gender.

The Labour leader insisted that biological women needed single-sex spaces and ruled out introducing self-identification for changing gender.





Sir Keir Starmer has said that “a woman is an adult femaleas he hardened his stance on gender.

The Labour leader insisted that biological women needed single-sex spaces and ruled out introducing self-identification for changing gender.






Sir Keir Starmer has said that “a woman is an adult femaleas he hardened his stance on gender.

The Labour leader insisted that biological women needed single-sex spaces and ruled out introducing self-identification for changing gender.




英訳 about the #Berbenheimer issue




Various things that really need to be said about the #Berbenheimer issue


In a discussion about the case, someone raised an objection to "someone who was not a party to the incident, who was not from Nagasaki, and who was not from Hiroshima, complaining about it. Seeing that opinion made me aware of my position, so I will say what I must say.


I was born in Nagasaki and am a third-generation A-bomb survivor.

I say this because I grew up hearing the stories of the A-bomb damage directly from those who suffered from the atomic bombings.


I feel that it is unacceptable for someone like me to speak about the A-bomb damage.

However, there are few A-bomb survivors left, so I will speak up.


In Nagasaki, children grow up hearing stories about the atomic bombing. We were made to sit in the gymnasium of an elementary school in the middle of summer, where there was not even an air conditioner or a fan, and for nearly an hour we were made to listen to stories about the atomic bombing. It was hard for me anyway.


I think it was even more painful for the elderly people who told the stories. But I don't think an elementary school kid could have imagined that. I, too, have forgotten most of the stories I was told. I can only remember one or two at most.


Another thing is that at this time of year, pictures of the victims of the atomic bombing are pasted up in the hallways.

In other parts of the country, these are grotesque images that would cause a fuss from the parents who are always nagging about them.

Recently, even the A-bomb museum has become more gentle in its exhibits, and most of the radical and horrifying exhibits that would have traumatized visitors have been removed.

I don't know how elementary schools now teach about the A-bomb damage. But when I was in elementary school, there were photos on display.


There was one photo that I just couldn't face as an elementary school student. It was a picture of Taniguchi Sumiteru(谷口稜曄). If you search for it, you can find it. It is a shocking picture, but I would still like you to see it.

I couldn't pass through the hallway where the photo was displayed, so I always took the long way around to another floor to avoid seeing the photo.

My grandfather was under the bomb and went to the burnt ruins of the bomb to look for his sister. I can understand now that he couldn't turn away or go another way.

There would have been a mountain of people still alive and moaning in the ruins of the burnt ruins. There would have been many more who would have died out in agony.

My grandfather walked for miles and miles, towing a rear wheelchair, through the narrow streets of rubble-strewn Nagasaki in search of his sister.

My grandfather was not a child then. But of course there were elementary school children who did the same thing he did. I am not speculating that there were. There were. I heard the story from him, and I still remember it.

A young brother and sister found their father's corpse in the ruins of the fire and burned it themselves. They didn't have enough wood to burn him alive, and when they saw his brain spilling out, they ran away, and that was the last time they ever saw him again.


I can never forget that story I heard when I was a kid, and even now it's painful and painful, my hands are shaking and I'm crying.


I keep wondering how that old man who ran away from his father's brain was able to expose to the public the unimaginably horrible trauma, the scar that will never heal, even after all these years.


Now I think I understand a little.


Why I can't help but talk about my grandfather and the old man now, even as I remember my own trauma.

Because this level of suffering is nothing compared to their words being forgotten.

It's nothing compared to the tremendous suffering that once existed that will be forgotten, like my hands shaking, my heart palpitating, my nose running with vertigo, and so on.


So maybe it's the same thing.


My grandfather, who went through an unimaginable hell, lived to see his grandchildren born, and met his sister's death in the ruins of the fire.


In other words, my grandfather was one of the happiest people in the ruins of the fire.


My grandfather and that old man were, after all, just people wading in the depths of hell.


I think that the suffering that even people who had experienced unimaginable pain could not imagine was lying like pebbles on the ground in Nagasaki 78 years ago, and no one paid any attention to it.


Their suffering, which I can't even imagine, is nothing compared to the countless, unimaginable suffering they witnessed, which they pretend never happened.


Memories fade inexorably with each passing human mouth. The memories that those people could never allow to be forgotten are almost forgotten.


The tremendous suffering of 78 years ago is mostly gone, never to be recounted.


Those who suffered the most from the atomic bombing died rotting in the ruins of the fire without being able to tell anyone about it.


Many of those who saw it with their own eyes kept their mouths shut and took it with them to their graves. Most of those who spoke a few words are still in their graves.


Compared to the words of the old men, my own words are so light. I would rather keep my mouth shut than speak in such light words.


But still, someone has to take over. I realize that even my words, which are so light, are only the top of the voices that are left in this world to carry on the story of the atomic bombing.


I know how it feels to think that I am the only one. Still, I hope that you will not shut your mouth. I know that I have closed my mouth because I thought I shouldn't talk about it, and that is the result.


Sometimes I almost choose to stop imagining the unimaginable suffering and live my life consuming other people's suffering for fun.

I am writing this while I still have some imagination of the suffering of the old people whose voices, faces, and even words I can no longer recall.





I have seen some posts asking if they should talk about "the case" even though they were not involved in it and were not born in Nagasaki or Hiroshima, and I am a bit aware of it, so I have to say what I have to say. I say this because I was born in Nagasaki, am a third generation atomic bomb survivor, and grew up hearing the stories of those who experienced the atomic bombing firsthand. I know it's a little bit too much for me, but I'm going to say this because there are very few survivors left.

In Nagasaki, children grow up hearing stories about the atomic bombing. They were stuffed into sushi for nearly an hour in the gymnasium of an elementary school in the middle of summer, with no air conditioner or fan, and told stories about the atomic bombing. That was a hard time for me. I think it must have been even harder for the old people who told the stories, but there was no way an elementary school kid could imagine such a thing, and I had forgotten most of the stories I had been told for a long time. I have forgotten most of the stories I was told. I can only remember one or two at most. There is one more hard thing. Every year around this time, a row of grotesque images that would drive the PTA crazy in other areas are prominently displayed in the hallways. These days, I hear that the atomic bomb museum has been bleached out and many of the radical and horrifying exhibits that traumatized visitors have been taken down. I don't know if they are still there, but they were there when I was in elementary school.

There was one photo that I just couldn't face when I was in elementary school. It is a picture of Sumiteru Taniguchi. If you search for it, you can find it. It is a shocking picture, but I would like you to take a look at it. I couldn't pass through the hallway where the photo was posted, so I always took the long way around to another floor of the school building to avoid seeing the photo.

Now I'm thinking that my grandfather, who headed into the burnt ruins to look for his sister, couldn't have turned away or taken a different path. There would have been a mountain of people still alive and moaning, not just pictures, and a mountain more who would have given up at the end of their suffering. He walked for miles and miles, towing his handcart through the narrow streets of rubble-strewn Nagasaki in search of his sister. My grandfather was not a child at the time, but of course there were children who did similar things. Not that there wouldn't have been. There were. I heard the story from him, and I still remember it. A young brother and sister found their father's body in the ruins of a fire and they burned it. They didn't have enough wood to burn his body, and when they saw the raw brain that spilled out, they ran away and that was the last time they ever saw him anymore.

I can never forget the story I heard when I was a kid, and even now it is painful and painful, my hands are shaking and I am crying. I keep wondering how the old man who escaped from that father's brain could have been able to unravel the most horrible trauma imaginable and expose it to the public with scars that will never heal.

Now I think I can understand a little.

The reason I can't help but talk about my grandfather and that old man, even if I have to rehash my own trauma, is that this level of suffering is nothing compared to the fact that their words will be forgotten. My hands shaking, my heart palpitating and dizzy, my nose running with tears, it's nothing compared to the tremendous suffering that was once there and will be forgotten.

So maybe it's the same thing.

My grandfather, who went through an unimaginable hell, lived to see his grandchildren born, and met his sister's death in the ruins of the fire. In other words, my grandfather was one of the happiest people in the ruins of the fire. My grandfather and that old man were, after all, just people wading in the depths of hell. I think that the suffering that even people who had experienced unimaginable pain could not imagine was lying like pebbles in Nagasaki 78 years ago, and no one paid any attention to it. Their suffering, which I can't even imagine, is nothing compared to the countless, tremendous suffering they witnessed, which they pretend never happened.

Memories fade inexorably every time people talk about them. The memories that those people could not allow to be forgotten are now largely forgotten; the tremendous suffering of 78 years ago is mostly gone, never to be recounted again. Those who suffered the most from the atomic bombing died rotting in the ruins of the fire, unable to tell anyone about it. Many of those who saw it with their own eyes kept their mouths shut and took it with them to their graves. Most of those who spoke a few words are now under the grave.

Compared to the words of the old men, my own words are so light. I would rather keep my mouth shut than speak in such light words. But still, someone has to take over. I realize that even my words, which are so light, are only the top of the voices that are left in this world to carry on the story of the atomic bombing. I know how it feels to wonder if someone like myself is allowed to speak about this. Still, I hope that you will not shut your mouth. This is the result of our silence.

Sometimes I almost choose to stop imagining the unimaginable suffering and live my life consuming other people's suffering for the fun of it. I am writing this while I still have some imagination of the suffering of the old people whose voices, faces, and even words I can no longer recall.

Translator's note: The original post in Japanese is a response to a post by a Japanese contributor who wondered if he was qualified to speak out on the subject of the A-bomb when he was not from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but still spoke out about Barbie and the A-bomb. I translated it here because I think it deserves to be read by the world.



I must talk about various things regarding the Barbie incident.

I saw a post about it from someone who is neither directly involved nor from Nagasaki or Hiroshima, and it made me realize that there are things I must say.

I was born in Nagasaki and grew up listening to stories from the survivors, being a third-generation survivor myself. Most survivors are no longer with us, so I feel compelled to speak up.

In Nagasaki, kids grow up hearing about the atomic bomb. We were packed like sushi in a gymnasium without air conditioning or even fans during the scorching summer, and we listened to stories about the bomb. It was incredibly tough for me.

I imagine it was even harder for the elderly who spoke about their experiences. As a child, I couldn't fully comprehend their pain, and now, I can hardly remember most of the stories I heard. I can only recall one or two.

Every year during this time, gruesome images that would make PTA elsewhere go crazy were displayed in the hallways. I heard that many of the horrifying exhibits that used to traumatize visitors at the Atomic Bomb Museum have been removed, and the museum has been considerably sanitized. I'm not sure about the current situation, but that's how it was when I was there.

There was one photograph that I could never bear to look at as a child – a picture of Tadashi Taniguchi. You can find it if you search, but it's a shocking image with a viewer discretion warning. Still, I want people to see it.

I couldn't walk down the hallway where that photo was displayed, and I always took a different route, avoiding it so I wouldn't have to see it.

Now, I think of my grandpa who went to the ruins to search for my sister. He couldn't look away or take a different path. The pain must have been unimaginable.

Besides photographs, there were many living people moaning in pain back then, and there must have been even more who succumbed to suffering.

My grandpa walked for miles, pulling a handcart through the debris-laden streets of Nagasaki, searching for my sister.

Even though my grandpa was not a child, I'm sure there were elementary school kids who did similar things. I don't just think they might have been there; they were there. I heard the stories from the people themselves, and I still remember them.

I can't forget the stories I heard as a child, such as the young siblings finding their father's burnt corpse in the ruins and cremating him. They didn't have enough firewood, and their father ended up half-burnt. They ran away after seeing the brain tissue oozing out, and that became their final farewell.

I can never forget those stories I heard as a child, and even now, they still bring pain and suffering, making my hands tremble and tears flow.

I wonder how my grandpa, who ran away from that father's brain tissue, could expose his unimaginable trauma and everlasting scars to the world.

Now, I feel like I understand a little.

Even someone like me, who experienced such unimaginable trauma, has gone through pain that I can't even imagine being compared to being discarded, forgotten, and ignored. Compared to what those people experienced, my suffering means nothing.

My trembling hands and the palpitations and dizziness I experienced are nothing compared to the tremendous pain that many others went through.

Memories fade irreversibly every time they pass through people's lips. The memories that I couldn't bear to be forgotten are almost forgotten now.

The unimaginable pain that existed 78 years ago has mostly disappeared, and we can no longer pass it on.

The people who suffered the most from the atomic bomb perished in the ruins, rotting away without being able to convey it to anyone.

Even those who saw it with their own eyes mostly took the memories with them to their graves. Most of them are now under the tombstones.

Compared to the words of the elderly, my words seem so light. I think that speaking with such light words would be better than keeping silent, as silence has led to this result.

I feel like I might occasionally choose to stop imagining the unimaginable pain and consume the suffering of others in an amusing way to live on.

Before I forget the pain and suffering of those elderly people, whose faces and voices I can no longer recall, I will leave this here.



A Hearing Like No Other: US President's Son Embroiled in Tax Evasion Scandal Involving Millions, Sex Workers, Drugs

It was a hearing that could have been a captivating Hollywood movie. At its center was the son of a US President who had evaded paying taxes for several years while battling drug addiction. He also broke the law by owning a gun as a drug addict and frequently filmed himself having sex with sex workers, posting the content on the porn site Pornhub. This happened while he made millions of dollars worldwide, relying solely on his father’s name.













真のスコットランド人論法(しんのスコットランドじんろんぽう、英語: No true Scotsman)、または純粋さに訴える論証(英語: appeal to purity)は、 非形式的誤謬ひとつである普遍汎化に対する反例を提出されたときトートロジーを用いて反例を除外することで主張を防衛しようとする行為をさす[1] [2] [3]。普遍汎化を放棄したり反例を否定する証拠提供したりせず、客観的基準の代わりにレトリックを用いて汎化を修正定義上その特定の反例を含まないようにする[4]。このレトリックは「真の、純粋な、正真正銘の、真正の、本物の」など感情に訴えかけるだけで本質的意味のない純粋さの形容という形をとる[5]



A: 「スコットランド人は粥に砂糖を入れないんだそうだ。」

B: 「私の叔父スコットランド人だけど、粥に砂糖を入れていたよ。」

A: 「でも、真のスコットランド人は粥に砂糖を入れないんだよ。(But no true Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge.)」





He's going to pay.

He's not getting let off the hook.

He's won't get away with it.

He's dead meat.

He's a dead man.

He's dead to me.

I won't stand for this!

I won't take it!

I'll never forgive him* <(使われ過ぎだが場合によっては適切)

I won't forgive him*


I can't believe him!*

How dare you XX*

Not on my watch*

It is unforgivable*


行動しない、できない場合、例えばすでに刑が確定している犯罪者に対して言う場合にはnever forgiveのほうがいい

"won't allow/permit"的な側面がある「許さない」には、"I won't stand for this!"が良い


“I won’t forget this

“I’m not letting this go

"I won't let you walk away!"

"I will avenge her!"

"I won't forgive you for barging in on ruru's house."


修正案:“You can’t just barge into Ruru’s house, you know.”





修正案:"This is not the time for jokes."



相手謝罪して許しを請うてるときに"I won't forgive you."と言うのは正しい

(ただしこの人は"I don't accept your apology."と訳したとのこと)


Meaning: I accept your apology. But I won’t forgive or forget. Bye ✌️


"If you don't come back... I'll never forgive you."


"We'll never forgive you for kidnapping Friend!"


"Eat my cookie and I'll never forgive you!"


"Treating a woman like that... I won't forgive him!"


これらは(a) 本来意味でもないし、(b) ネイティブ英語でもないとのこと




“If you make Naruto be burdened with even your life, I will not forgive you.”

"it can't be helped"(仕方ない)は使われ過ぎだが、(a) 一応正しい英語だし、(b) 文脈にも沿っていることが多い(forgiveはそうではないことが多い)。

"I'll never forgive you!"


吹替版の"How dare you!"のほうが遥かにいいとのこと

"I swear I won't stop until I've scrapped each and every one of you!"


Maxine Waters Says She Will “Never Ever Forgive” Black Americans That Vote for Trump.


"And if you choose to fail us, I say: We will never forgive you. We will not let you get away with this. "


‘We will not forgive, we will not forget. We will hunt you down and make you pay’


悟空バイデンのケースは状況がよく似ているが、悟空は"I won't forgive you!"としか言わなかったので不自然だが、バイデンは"We will hunt you down and make you pay"と報復意図を付け加えているので自然とのこと。

もしバイデンが"We won't forgive."としか言わなかったら、弱く聞こえるという。「もう昼飯に誘ってやらないぞ」みたいな。



ちなみに、飲酒運転子供が轢かれて、ドライバーが全く反省してない場合に"I won't forgive you!"というのは自然とのこと。



"I'll Punish you. Cry all you want, but don't expect me to forgive you."



「一体何に対してFORGIVEするんだ!?FORGIVEが必要だなんて一体どんな罪を犯したんだ!?さないは"DON'T FORGIVE"じゃない!怒りで自然発火しそうbry;おh;bsfsl」

修正案:"Cry about it all you want, but I'm not letting you guys off the hook."

"Don't you dare go all Romeo and Juliet on me!"


Fate/stay night UBW 13話 「決別の刻」

凛  :そうね、けど後悔するわよ。私は絶対に降りない。いい、キャスターを倒してアンタを取り戻す。その時になって謝っても許さないんだから・・・(That's true. But you'll regret it. I'll never quit. You hear me?I'll defeat Caster and take you back. And when I do, I won't forgive you, no matter how much you apologize.)

ペルソナ4 G 7話 「It's cliche, so what?」

マリ記憶探すのも思いで作るのも、絶対に君と一緒だから。君が持ってても同じでしょ?その代わり・・・ちゃんと返して?もったままいなくなったら、許さない。(I'll never forgive you.)」

弱虫ペダル RIDE.38 「総北の魂」

坂道「でも、もうボク・・・走れない・・・ここでリタ・・・(I'm dropping—)」


今泉ダメだ!それはオレが許さない!(No. I won't allow it.)」

この素晴らしい世界に祝福を 3話

ダ:こんな幼げな少女下着公衆面前ではぎ取るなんて・・・真の鬼畜だ、許せない!是非とも私を貴方パーティーに入れてほしい。(To strip such a young girl of her panties in a public place is trulysavage!I can't let this pass!You must let me join your party!)

東京喰種トーキョーグール 2話 「孵化

カネ「(あの時もヒデクラスに馴染めない僕に気を遣って声を掛けてきてくれたんだ・・・いやだ。ヒデ死ぬのは嫌だぁ!そんなの許せない!)《I don't want Hide・・・to die!I won't・・・I won't let that happen!》」





I won't forgive you, you liar! - Weblio Email例文集


I will not forgive his incivility. - Weblio英語基本例文集


I'll never forgive that cunt. - Weblio英語基本例文集

さない=I won't forgive you ではない


アニメマンガにおける「許さない」は、英語における Over my dead body! (おれの目の黒いうちはだめだ)と同じくらいよく見かける定型句であり、I won't forgive you. と直訳されることが多い




1. どんな理由があろうと!!おれは友達を傷つける奴は許さない!!! (One Piece, Volume 1)

Good reason or not... NOBODY hurts a friend of mine!!!!

2. しかし、強い者が弱い者を一方的に殺すことは、断じてさない! (Code Geass Episode 8)

But neither will I stand for a one-sided slaughter of the weak by the strong!

3. 私以外の奴に撃たれたら、許さないからね (Sword Art Online II, Episode 8)

So... If you let someone else shoot you, I won't forgive you.



But you better not let someone else shoot before I get to.

If you get shot out there, I'll shoot you myself. Got it?

Don't get shot out there. Your body's reserved for my bullets.

You owe me a fight, so you BETTER stay alive.

4. 俺はお前を許さない (鬼滅の刃)

You won't get away with this.

また、ニュアンスが異なるということは、日本語と同じ感覚で I won't forgive you. と言ってしまうとトラブルになる可能性が高いということでもある

実際、スマブラボコボコにされたあとに「許さない!」と悔しがるのは日本語では自然だが、同じ状況でネイティブに対して "I won't forgive you!"と言ったら大げさすぎて驚かれるだろう、というようなことを一人のネイティブが言っている





3. Choose your words wisely; AKA consider what is SEXY

"Wriggling" is a pretty standard translation of 藻掻く but in English it's associated with worms. WORMS! 🪱 "Undulating" is much nicer. e.g. A pussy doesn't wriggle, it undulates or ripples, or it convulses around his cock.

A woman doesn't wriggle her hips, she bucks them or she writhes. Your MC doesn't rock his hips he thrusts or pumps or rides. His hips aren't "moving on their own" he "can't control himself".


まんこがうねる」と言いたいときも、wriggleではなく、undulate や ripple

あるいは"it convulses around his cock."

同様に、女が尻をくねらせるとき wriggle her hips とは言わない。she bucks them or she writhesなどと言う。

男が腰を振るときrock his hipsではなくhe thrusts or pumps or rides


Sometimes a woman's skin may be described as 白魚. This is sexy in the original cultural and linguistic context. In many English-speaking cultures, fish are used for negative comparisons. Something like translucent or dewy would be an appropriate equivalent.

In JP a man going wild during sex is often likened to a monkey, but this has a more comical sound in English, where comparisons to simply a "wild animal" work better.


translucent (透き通るような)やdew(つややかな)と言い換えると良い

また、激しいセックス最中、「猿のように」と形容することがあるが、英語ではコミカルに響いてしまうのでwild animal野生動物、獣)などと言いかえるとよい

Consider the virgin "He put his penis in her vagina" vs the chad "He slid his cock into her pussy".

These sentences describe the same action, but one says "I fuck" and the other says "I've only ever seen sex in the bio textbooks my model was trained on".

On the other hand, don't throw in porny words where there shouldn't be any; if your heroine is a shy virgin and the source text is using coy words like あそこ, don't have her shouting FUCK MY TIGHT LITTLE PUSSY in English.


"He put his penis in her vagina"


"He slid his cock into her pussy".



とはいえヒロインシャイ処女で、「あそこ」と控えめに言っているのに”FUCK MY TIGHT LITTLE PUSSY”(私のキツキツオマンコを犯して!)などと絶叫させてはいけない









「略式軍服」という言葉の使用例は、国立国会図書館デジタルコレクションの全文検索では33件 - 法華狼の日記





書籍検索結果一覧 | BOOK☆WALKER









枯野瑛終末なにしてますか? 忙しいですか? 救ってもらっていいですか?











新英和大辞典 - 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション

tu'-nic [tjúːnɪk] n. 1) 〘古代ギリシャローマ襦袢, 肌着, シャチ; 2) 一種の陣羽織; 3)(現代婦人の用ひる)腰部緊着上衣; 4) 〘俗〙密着短上衣, 略式軍服(又は, 警官服); 5)〘解・動〙被膜, 膜(=integument); 7)〘植〙膜質外皮, 種皮(=husuk). [OF tunique, < L tunica]







He stood up, as if to end the discussion, and smoothed down the front of his tunic.



when he came back he looked lovely in his uniform, with all those pretty ribbons on his tunic,



Golbov took out of his tunic pocket a folded copy of the newspaper Red Star









I see that among men all things depend upon three wants and desires, of which the end is virtue, if they are rightly led by them, or the opposite if wrongly. Now these are eating and drinking, which begin at birth—every animal has a natural desire for them, and is violently excited, and rebels against him who says that he must not satisfy all his pleasures and appetites, and get rid of all the corresponding pains—and the third and greatest and sharpest want and desire breaks out last, and is the fire of sexual lust, which kindles in men every species of wantonness and madness.







1. 飲食欲、すなわち凡夫はさまざまな美味の飲食において、多くは貪愛な心を生む。2. 睡眠欲、すなわち凡夫の心は暗く塞がり、惰眠に耽って修業に励むことができない。3. 淫欲、すなわちすべての男女は互いに貪欲に染まり、それがさまざまな欲事の原因となる。














they hoped to attain the three sensuous conditions of human enjoyment -- gold, health, and immortality.
















もとはアメリカ1948年刊行された小説だが、原文だと「three main pastimes」なので「三大娯楽」かな。












これはつまりカトリック修道士が守る三誓願対義語となるような欲望貞潔↔肉欲 清貧↔所有欲 従順支配欲)を「三大欲求」と見なしているらしい。カトリックあいだでポピュラー解釈なのかは知らないが、三誓願のもの3世紀末くらいまで遡るらしいので、当時からそうした発想があったとしたら面白い。






Related questions

Was George Harrison a vegetarian?

When did George Harrison become a vegetarian?

What was George Harrison like as a person?

I've read that George Harrison frequently cheated on his wife Olivia. Who were all these women? Were any of them famous or well-known? Why did Olivia tolerate it?

Why did George Harrison say he loved (and maybe slept with) Ringo's wife?

How did Ringo Starr find out about the affair between George Harrison and





このままジョージ-ハリソンは頻繁に騙彼の妻Olivia. たったこれらすべての女性。 たったという名のもと、いくつかのか。 なぜOliviaは許容です。


ringo Starr(リンゴ-スター)の問題ジョージ-ハリソンとモーリーン-アンドStarkey?














  • ここまでくればほぼ完了なのであとはAPTをちゃちゃっと設定して完了




grass clippings 刈り取った草

the man next door is using his leaf blower to clean up grass clippings off his driveway before he revs up his lawnmower to go and get it all dirty again







The intelligence quotients by countries are taken from the studies conducted by Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen (2002), Heiner Rindermann (2007), Khaleefa and Lynn (2008), Ahmad, Khanum and Riaz (2008), Lynn, Abdalla and Al-Shahomee (2008), Lynn and Meisenberg (2010), as well as the PISA tests from 2000 to 2015. The more recent study by Richard Lynn and David Becker (PDF) at the Ulster Institute for Social Research from 2019 was also included here. In this, Lynn corrects several values of his earlier publications. The studies are not entirely uncontroversial, as they consider only specific population groups in individual countries or only a few and thus unrepresentative reference groups.

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