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はてなキーワード: buildingとは



Demon's Souls

死にゲー(Souls-Like Game)の流行を生む。



PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds




League of Legends


Angry Birds


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim




Clash of Clans

スマホでのクラクラ系(Kingdom Building Game)の流行を生む。





ゼルダの伝説 ブレス・オブ・ザ・ワイルド

















| 【全訳】米国史上最年少の女性下院議員キング牧師ばりの演説

| https://courrier.jp/news/archives/150572/


| Watch Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s Inspiring Women’s March Speech | NowThis

| https://youtu.be/TNJZhuZCYow


Hello! Thank you. New York City!

Thank you all.

Are you all ready to make a ruckus?

Are you all ready to fight for our rights?

Are you all ready to say that in the United States of America everyone is loved, everyone deserves justice, and everyone deserves equal protection and prosperity in our country.

It is such an honor to be here, and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that we’re gathering here today, the weekend before Martin Luther King Day.

Because I believe this moment and where we are right now is a resurgence from where the civil rights movement left off.

And we are here to carry the torch forward.

Because when we talked about racial and economic justice, racial and social justice, we started to really extend those issues to the issues of economic justice, environmental justice, and the intersectionality and interconnectedness of all our fights.

Justice is not a concept we read about in a book.

Justice is about the water we drink, justice is about the air we breathe.

Justice is about how easy it is to vote.

Justice is about how much ladies get paid.

Justice is about if we can stay with our children after we have them for a just amount of time – mothers, fathers, and all parents.

Justice is about making sure that being polite is not the same thing as being quiet.

In fact, oftentimes the most righteous thing you can do is shake the table.

Last year we took the power to the polls.

And this year, we’re taking power to the policy, because we have taken back the House of Representatives.

And that’s just step one.

This year we’re gonna organize.

This year we’re gonna fight for voting rights.

This year we’re gonna keep pushing, because 2020, we took – in 2018 we took the House of Representatives, and through 2020, we’re gonna take the White House and Senate, too.

That’s what we’re gonna do because we need to advance and fight for an America where all people are welcome and no people are left behind.

And I know that while this year has been historic, there’s a lot more congresswomen left here in this audience right now.

There’s a lot more city councilwomen.

There’s a lot more workers that will be building businesses.

There’s a lot more – and I know that there’s a future president out here, too.

Let us remember that a fight means no person left behind.

So when people want to stop talking about the issues

that Black women face,

when people want to stop talking about the issues

that trans women or immigrant women face,

we gotta ask them, why does that make you so uncomfortable?

Because now, this is the time that we’re gonna address poverty.

This is the time we’re gonna address Flint.

This is the time we’re gonna talk about Baltimore & the Bronx, and wildfires, and Puerto Rico.

Because this is not just about identity, this is about justice.

And this is about the America that we are going to bring into this world.

Thank you all very, very much.




I want to hang myself

I want to stab myself

I want to electrocute myself

How to overdose

How to burn myself

How to drown myself

How to shoot myself

このあたりは全部Suicide Preventionで拾われた


How to jump from bridge

How to jump from building

I want to jump from the roof

こいつらもSuicide Preventionに強制移行された

I want to jump from (the) sky

I want to jump from Tokyo Sky Tree


How to plunge a knife myself

How to slay myself

こいつらはダメだった、確実に死にそうなことを検索しないとSuicide Prevention行きにならないっぽいから感心した


Under the smoking chimney, a bumpkin upstart president and his wife are putting a lot of firewoods, plywood chips and chemical building materials into a big blazing fireplace. They suddenly got rich by selling geothermal generation system, arguing forcefully have to cut greenhouse effect gas.












GENERATION AXE(4/7@Zepp Tokyo)に行ってきた。







タンディング席10,000円というチケット代に昨今の物価上昇の流れを感じながらも私は数ヶ月前からこのステージを心待ちにしつつ、ついに迎えた4/7、定時ダッシュの18:00で会社を上がり、そのまま一目散にお台場Zepp Tokyoへと足を運んだ。







アバシの黙々とした独演会ラスト曲で共演したヌーノ。曲が終わってアバシが去り、残ったヌーノはユーモアあるMCで客席を温めてそのまま「Get The Funk Out」を畳み掛けた瞬間からもう会場は雰囲気が一転!「そうそうこれが聞きたかったんだよ」というオッサンバサン大歓喜





オジー・オズボーンの「no rest for the wicked」や「No More Tears」の頃は歴代オジーギタリストの流れを汲む印象的なリフとよく練られたギターソロで、私もよくコピーして練習していたザック・ワイルドの曲。

ソロ時代のザックといえば「Pride&Glory」こそが至高であり、その作曲センスギタープレイさらに輝きを増しているように私には見えたが、そこから何があったのだろうか、Black Label Societyなるバンドを組んでからというものの、知性がゼロギタープレイヤーに成り下がってしまった。

かつての「Miracle Man」のようなスピーディかつメロディアスギターソロ存在せず、適当チョーキングしている以外はペンタトニックスケールをフルピッキングしているだけ。ダサい、ダサすぎワロタ。ZZTOPを意識してるのか長いあごひげも汚いだけだし、時折モニタースピーカーの上に立ってゴリラモノマネをするのも「俺はこれだけアホになったぜ」と言っているようでかつてのザックを知る身としては寒くて痛々しくて仕方なかった。



今回の5人のなかで誰が一番好き?と聞かれれば私は即座にスティーヴ・ヴァイと言う。中学3年生で「Passion And Wafare」を聞いて以来、未だに私のスマホ音楽ライブラリではこのアルバムヘヴィローテーションしているし、私が今メインで使っているギターIbanezのJEM7Vだ。


したがってこれまでのGENERATION AXEツアーでどんな曲を演奏していたのかについては知っていたのだが、そのうえで今回はどう私たちを驚かせてくれるのだろうというのが一番の期待だった。

ザックに「エイリアン」と紹介され、のっけからヘヴィな「Bad Horsie」という意外な選曲だったのが嬉しかった。しかし、使われているのはあのミラーギター。全弦1音下げ+6弦ドロップCという変則チューニングのこの曲にあのミラーギターを使っているということは、すなわち今日は「Building The Church」をやらないという意味でもあったのだ。これはちょっと残念だったが、ひとまず「Bad Horsie」の重厚な音を堪能することにした。

その後は「Racing the World」が続いたが、今回の短い時間で聞きたいのはコレジャナイ感は否めなかった。アメリカツアーでは「Now We Run」もやってくれたそうだが、そういうのが聞きたかった。

そして「Tender Surrender」。ライブでこれほど映える曲はない。何百回と聞いている曲だが、それでも聞くたびにブルっとくるものがある。そこからは「Gravity Storm」もやったがこの選曲もやはりコレジャナイ感があった。






前半は知らない曲もあったが、中盤からは「イングヴェイといえばこれでしょ!」という曲ばかりでうれしかった。お決まりパガニーニからの「アダージョからの「Far Beyond The Sun」はもちろんのこと、なんと「Trilogy」も爆速演奏してくれた。



ラストはヴァイ先生との共演による「Black Star」!個人的にはこの曲が今回のピークだった。まさかギターハモリありの「Black Star」が生で聞ける日が来るなんて夢にも思っていなかったのし、その曲をヒーロー2名が一緒に演奏しているというのがもう感涙モノだった。


さぁ最後5人揃って…のはずが、最初Frank Zappaの曲だろうか?知らない曲が始まり、弾いているギタリストイングヴェイを除く4人だけ。あれ?イングヴェイは?このまま出てこないの?と不安になったところで「Highway Star」が始まり、ここぞとばかりにイングヴェイ様が再降臨。もう本人も分かっているんだね。どういう音楽なら自分が一番かっこよく振る舞えるかってことが。




Adobe/Adobe 代替のためのソフト+α (2017/11/23更新)





有名だけどあまり優秀でないと思ったもの記載してないものがあります。(ex, PixaSai、Paint.netMMD等)









  • Natron
  • Autodesk Toxic
  • Blender
  • ButtleOFX
  • Voodoo Camera Tracker
  • Jahshaka
  • Javie
  • NiVE
  • Black Magic fusion
  • HitFilm Pro (ちょとこの中だと高め、だけど、5万以下)

Non-Linear Editor(Pr):

Drawing (PS):


  • Affinity Designer
  • Inkspace
  • CorelDraw
  • Gravit



2D Animation:






  • Scribus

Projection Mapping:





有償であればいろいろなメーカーから良いもがたくさん出てます。(Light Works、Cinema 4d等)



それぞれ梱包されてるのは違いますAutoCAD3ds MaxMaya、MotionBuilderなどプロ向けのが無償です。

CINEMA 4D学生無償で使えます

マカーならKritaやAffinity PhotoPixelmatorを組み合わせればアマチュアの方であればPSでなくてもいいのではと思えるほど。


KritaとCorelDraw、Affinity Photo可能です。

Kritaは無料、Affinity Photo安価ですし。

ただしAffinity Photoペンタブ手ブレ補正はないです。(Kritaにはついてます。)


レタッチは確かにPhotoshopは強力ですけど、Affinity Photoも十二分な機能はあります













たくさんあるので紹介しきれないので、私が一番いいと思ってるFL Studioとかなり安価Reaperのみ紹介します。(←追記で他のも加えました)




他のDAWソフトコスパだけなら中間グレードが一番コスパ良いと思います。(Cubase Artist、Studio One Artist等)








Retas Studio, MS Expression事実上の開発終了のため削除(2017/11/23)




Breathing in long, he discerns, 'I am breathing in long'; or breathing out long, he discerns, 'I am breathing out long.' Or breathing in short, he discerns, 'I am breathing in short'; or breathing out short, he discerns, 'I am breathing out short.' He trains himself, 'I will breathe in sensitive to the entire body.' He trains himself, 'I will breathe out sensitive to the entire body.' He trains himself, 'I will breathe in calming bodily fabrication.' He trains himself, 'I will breathe out calming bodily fabrication.'


~Maha-satipatthana Sutta(大念住経)の瞑想方法

"And how does a monk remain focused on the body in & of itself?


"There is the case where a monk — having gone to the wilderness, to the shade of a tree, or to an empty building — sits down folding his legs crosswise, holding his body erect and setting mindfulness to the fore [lit: the front of the chest]. Always mindful, he breathes in; mindful he breathes out.

ここにある比丘がいます — 彼は森へ行き、木の陰へ行き、あるいは空家に行き — 腰を下ろして足を組みます。背をまっすぐに伸ばし、そして気づきを(胸の)前部へと向けます。そして、常に気づきをもって、彼は入息します。気づきをもって、出息します。

"Breathing in long, he discerns, 'I am breathing in long'; or breathing out long, he discerns, 'I am breathing out long.' Or breathing in short, he discerns, 'I am breathing in short'; or breathing out short, he discerns, 'I am breathing out short.' He trains himself, 'I will breathe in sensitive to the entire body.' He trains himself, 'I will breathe out sensitive to the entire body.' He trains himself, 'I will breathe in calming bodily fabrication.' He trains himself, 'I will breathe out calming bodily fabrication.' Just as a skilled turner or his apprentice, when making a long turn, discerns, 'I am making a long turn,' or when making a short turn discerns, 'I am making a short turn'; in the same way the monk, when breathing in long, discerns, 'I am breathing in long'; or breathing out long, he discerns, 'I am breathing out long' ... He trains himself, 'I will breathe in calming bodily fabrication.' He trains himself, 'I will breathe out calming bodily fabrication.'


"In this way he remains focused internally on the body in & of itself, or externally on the body in & of itself, or both internally & externally on the body in & of itself. Or he remains focused on the phenomenon of origination with regard to the body, on the phenomenon of passing away with regard to the body, or on the phenomenon of origination & passing away with regard to the body. Or his mindfulness that 'There is a body' is maintained to the extent of knowledge & remembrance. And he remains independent, unsustained by (not clinging to) anything in the world. This is how a monk remains focused on the body in & of itself.


"Furthermore, when walking, the monk discerns, 'I am walking.' When standing, he discerns, 'I am standing.' When sitting, he discerns, 'I am sitting.' When lying down, he discerns, 'I am lying down.' Or however his body is disposed, that is how he discerns it.


"In this way he remains focused internally on the body in & of itself, or focused externally... unsustained by anything in the world. This is how a monk remains focused on the body in & of itself.


"Furthermore, when going forward & returning, he makes himself fully alert; when looking toward & looking away... when bending & extending his limbs... when carrying his outer cloak, his upper robe & his bowl... when eating, drinking, chewing, & savoring... when urinating & defecating... when walking, standing, sitting, falling asleep, waking up, talking, & remaining silent, he makes himself fully alert.


"In this way he remains focused internally on the body in & of itself, or focused externally... unsustained by anything in the world. This is how a monk remains focused on the body in & of itself.





さて、ヴィパッサナー瞑想の詳しい紹介に入る前に・・・そもそも、ヴィパッサナー瞑想はなぜ行われるのでしょうか。それに関して、例えば古代仏典であるMaha-satipatthana Sutta(大念住経)にお釈迦様の言葉があります



・この四つとは何か ? 比丘たちよ、比丘は、努力して、正しく知り、気づきをもって、そして世間の貪欲と憂いから離れて、「身」をただ(自分でもない、自分のものでもない、自我でもない、ただ現象に過ぎない)身であると絶え間なく知覚して住むことである




すなわち、ヴィパッサナー瞑想をすることによって、知恵(insight あるいは understanding)が強まり、「自身」という存在をより正しく知ることができるのです。そして、その道を極めることによって、最終的には悟りすら得られる瞑想です。


wikipedia - 安那般那念

Anapanasati Sutta(Thanissaro Bhikkhuによる英訳版)


Breathing in long, he discerns, 'I am breathing in long'; or breathing out long, he discerns, 'I am breathing out long.' Or breathing in short, he discerns, 'I am breathing in short'; or breathing out short, he discerns, 'I am breathing out short.' He trains himself, 'I will breathe in sensitive to the entire body.' He trains himself, 'I will breathe out sensitive to the entire body.' He trains himself, 'I will breathe in calming bodily fabrication.' He trains himself, 'I will breathe out calming bodily fabrication.'



しかし、瞑想について具体的に紹介しているのはānāpāna-satiだけではありません。Maha-satipatthana Sutta(大念住経)にも瞑想方法が紹介されています。ここには呼吸瞑想以外の瞑想方法が紹介されています。それを引用してみましょう。以下は英訳版Maha-satipatthana Suttaから引用と、私による(英文の)和訳です。

"And how does a monk remain focused on the body in & of itself?


"There is the case where a monk — having gone to the wilderness, to the shade of a tree, or to an empty building — sits down folding his legs crosswise, holding his body erect and setting mindfulness to the fore [lit: the front of the chest]. Always mindful, he breathes in; mindful he breathes out.

ここにある比丘がいます — 彼は森へ行き、木の陰へ行き、あるいは空家に行き — 腰を下ろして足を組みます。背をまっすぐに伸ばし、そして気づきを(胸の)前部へと向けます。そして、常に気づきをもって、彼は入息します。気づきをもって、出息します。

"Breathing in long, he discerns, 'I am breathing in long'; or breathing out long, he discerns, 'I am breathing out long.' Or breathing in short, he discerns, 'I am breathing in short'; or breathing out short, he discerns, 'I am breathing out short.' He trains himself, 'I will breathe in sensitive to the entire body.' He trains himself, 'I will breathe out sensitive to the entire body.' He trains himself, 'I will breathe in calming bodily fabrication.' He trains himself, 'I will breathe out calming bodily fabrication.' Just as a skilled turner or his apprentice, when making a long turn, discerns, 'I am making a long turn,' or when making a short turn discerns, 'I am making a short turn'; in the same way the monk, when breathing in long, discerns, 'I am breathing in long'; or breathing out long, he discerns, 'I am breathing out long' ... He trains himself, 'I will breathe in calming bodily fabrication.' He trains himself, 'I will breathe out calming bodily fabrication.'


"In this way he remains focused internally on the body in & of itself, or externally on the body in & of itself, or both internally & externally on the body in & of itself. Or he remains focused on the phenomenon of origination with regard to the body, on the phenomenon of passing away with regard to the body, or on the phenomenon of origination & passing away with regard to the body. Or his mindfulness that 'There is a body' is maintained to the extent of knowledge & remembrance. And he remains independent, unsustained by (not clinging to) anything in the world. This is how a monk remains focused on the body in & of itself.


"Furthermore, when walking, the monk discerns, 'I am walking.' When standing, he discerns, 'I am standing.' When sitting, he discerns, 'I am sitting.' When lying down, he discerns, 'I am lying down.' Or however his body is disposed, that is how he discerns it.


"In this way he remains focused internally on the body in & of itself, or focused externally... unsustained by anything in the world. This is how a monk remains focused on the body in & of itself.


"Furthermore, when going forward & returning, he makes himself fully alert; when looking toward & looking away... when bending & extending his limbs... when carrying his outer cloak, his upper robe & his bowl... when eating, drinking, chewing, & savoring... when urinating & defecating... when walking, standing, sitting, falling asleep, waking up, talking, & remaining silent, he makes himself fully alert.


"In this way he remains focused internally on the body in & of itself, or focused externally... unsustained by anything in the world. This is how a monk remains focused on the body in & of itself.



注1 ここで、「想起」という言葉は「思い出す」という意味です。



I contracted fire insurance about the building which I owned for the case that a possession article of the self disappeared by a fire between foreign insurance company Y by any chance.


アグリコラ WMデッキ誤訳訂正と補足

アグリコラのWMデッキについては、Table Games in the Worldで和訳が公開されている( http://www.tgiw.info/2012/03/wm5.html から辿れる。)。WMデッキについては公式の和訳が存在しないことから、このような有志による和訳の公開は貴重であり、アグリコラファンの1人として最大の感謝の意を示したい。




αデッキ http://www.tgiw.info/2012/01/wm1.html

★WM010 Klosterbewohner 修道院生活者

原文:「At the end of the game, you receive 1 Bonus point for each of the 5 columns of your farmyard that is either all rooms, all fields or all in the same pasture.」




★WM011 Bauunternehmer 建築業


★WM025 Pate 教父

原文:「Whenever you use an Action space orthogonally adjacent to an occupied "Family growth" Action space from stage 2 or stage 5, you receive 1 Grain immediately before.」


βデッキ http://www.tgiw.info/2012/01/wm2.html

★WM005 Imker 養蜂


★WM008 Bread Carrier パン運び

原文:「Once any player has built an Oven, place 1 Food on the remaining Round spaces. At the start of these rounds, you receive the Food. (If an Oven has already been built, place the Food immediately. If multiple Ovens are built, you only receive the Food once.)」



【補足】Ovenは「かまど(Fireplace)」ではなく「暖炉である(大きい進歩としては「レンガの暖炉(Clay Oven)」と「石の暖炉(Stone Oven)」がある)。また、暖炉を作るプレイヤーは誰でもよい。井戸で起動する「水運び」(I262)の暖炉である

★WM035 Postmann 郵便



★WM054 Schubkarrenschieber 手押し車使い




★WM102 Widder 雄羊


γデッキ http://www.tgiw.info/2012/02/wm3.html

★WM004 Sparbacker 即席パン屋

原文:「Whenever you build a Baking Improvement with the bread symbol, you receive 1 Grain before building the Improvement. Whenever you build an Oven, pay 1 Building resource less of your choice. (An Oven is a Baking Improvement with "Oven" in the name.)」




★WM036 Chefkoch シェフ

原文:「Each round, instead of placing your first Family member on an Action space, you may place it on this card and receive 2 Food and 1 Guest token to place that round. (You may not do this if you will be placing more people after your first without another player placing in between.)」



【補足】最後の括弧は、「遅寝(Late Sleeper)」(G037)のように、他の全プレイヤーの手番が終了するまで自分の手番がスキップされる状況でこの効果が使えると強すぎるため、それを回避する趣旨で設けられたルールである


★WM061 Hintertur 裏口

原文:「Immediately place a person that is not already placed on an Action space on the "After Family Growth also 1 Minor Improvement" Action space even if it is occupied by you or another player and take that action.」




★WM104 Schilfzich 葦栽培


δデッキ http://www.tgiw.info/2012/03/wm4.html

★WM019 Familienplaner 家族計画


★WM020 Hofschulabsolvent 農業学校卒業生


★WM023 Waldbauer 森の農夫

【補足】「労働から帰宅の間に」に相当する原文は「between the Work and Returning home phase」であり、労働フェイズ帰宅フェイズの間、すなわち「全員が家族を置いた後」を意味する。「曲芸師」(I269)や「営農家」(K289)と同様。

★WM056 Armenhaus 救貧院


★WM110 Gerateschuppen 物置小屋


εデッキ http://www.tgiw.info/2012/03/wm5.html

★WM037 Stalleinrichter 厩作り


★WM039 Pfandleiher 質屋

原文:「At any time, you may convert all the printed Victory points (if any) of an Improvement in front of you to 3 Food per point. After, you may not return or remove the Improvement and you no longer receive its Victory points. If Pawnbroker gets turned face down or discarded, you still lose the points.」




★WM055 Holzarbeiter 木こり


★WM064 Lagerfeuer キャンプファイヤー


★WM065 Begrenzungssteine 境界


畑 畑 畑 牧 牧
家 畑 空 牧 牧
家 家 家 牧 牧


家 牧 畑 空 畑
家 畑 畑 畑 畑
家 家 畑 空 畑


★WM070 Aufziehmann ゼンマイ人形

原文:「Clockwork Man counts as 1 Occupation and 1 Minor Improvement.」




★WM105 Rotherhampflug ロザラムの鋤

原文:「Whenever you use the "Plow 1 Field" Action space, you may Plow 2 fields if they are not diagonally or orthogonally adjacent to each other instead of 1.」





Portable electronic equipment battery technology

1, about the trickle charge, rapid charging and stable battery charging algorithm

According to the energy requirements of the final application, a battery may contain up to 4 lithium ion or lithium polymer battery core, its configuration will have a variety of change, at the same time with a mainstream power adapter: direct adapter, USB interface or car charger. Remove the core quantity, core configuration or power adapter type difference, the battery has the same charge characteristics. So they charge algorithm. Lithium ion and li-ion polymer battery best charging algorithm can divided into three phases: trickle charge, rapid charging and stable charge.

trickle charge. For depth discharge core to charge. When core voltage in less than about 2.8 V, use a constant 0.1 C of the current charging for it.

fast charging. Core voltage trickle charge more than the threshold, improve the charging current rapid charging. Fast charging current should be lower than 1.0 C.

stable voltage. In the fast charging process, once the core 4.2 V voltage, stable voltage phase began. This is through the minimum charge current or timer or of the two joint to interrupt charge. When the minimum current below about 0.07 C, can interrupt charge. The timer is to rely on a default to trigger the timer interrupt.

Advanced battery charger with additional security function normally. For example, if the core temperature exceeds the given window, usually 0 ℃-45 ℃, charge will be suspended.

Remove some very low-end equipment, now on the market/li-ion polymer lithium ion battery solutions are integrated with the outer components or, in accordance with the characteristics of the charging to charge, this is not just to get better effect charge, but also for safety.

lithium ion/polymer battery charge is an example of applications-double input 1.2 A lithium battery charger LTC4097

LTC4097 can be used to exchange adapter or USB power supply for single quarter/polymer lithium ion battery. Figure 1 for double input 1.2 A lithium battery charger LTC4097 schemes. It USES constant current/constant voltage algorithm charging, from exchange adapter power charge, programmable filling up to 1.2 electric current A, and with USB power can be as high as 1 A, at the same time, automatic detection in each input voltage whether there. This device also provide USB the current limit. Applications include PDA, MP3 players, digital camera, light portable medical and test equipment and big color cellular phone. The performance characteristics: no external micro controller charging termination; The input power automatic detection and choice; Through the resistance from the exchange of charging adapter input can be as high as 1.2 A programming charge current; The resistance of programmable USB charging current is up to 1 A; 100% or 20% USB charging current set; The input power output and existing bias NTC (VNTC) pin as a 120 mA drive ability; NTC thermistors input (NTC) pin for temperature qualified charged; Pre-settings battery voltage with floating plus or minus 0.6% accuracy; Thermal regulation maximize charge rate and free hot air LTC4097 can be used to exchange adapter or USB power supply for single quarter/polymer lithium ion battery. The use of constant current/constant voltage algorithm charging, from exchange adapter power charge, programmable filling up to 1.2 electric current A, and with USB power can be as high as 1 A, at the same time, automatic detection in each input voltage whether there. This device also provide USB the current limit. Applications include PDA, MP3 players, digital camera, light portable medical and test equipment and big color cellular phone.

2, lithium ion/polymer battery scheme

Lithium ion/polymer battery charge scheme for different number of core, core configuration, and power types are different. At present mainly have three main charging scheme: linear, Buck (step-down) switch and SEPIC (booster and step-down) switch.

2.1 linear scheme

When the input voltage in big with the charger with sufficient clearance of core after opening voltage, it is linear scheme, especially 1.0 C fast charging current than 1 A big too much. For example, MP3 players usually only one core, capacity from 700 to 1500 mAh differ, full charge voltage is open 4.2 V. MP3 player power is usually the AC/DC adapter or USB interface, the output is the rule of 5 V; At this time, the linear scheme is the most simple, most charger of the efficiency of the scheme. Figure 2 shows for lithium ion/polymer battery solution linear scheme, basic structure and linear voltage neat device.

linear scheme charger application examples-double input Li + charger and intelligent power source selector MAX8677A

MAX8677A is double input USB/AC adapter linear charger, built-in Smart Power Selector, used for rechargeable single quarter by Li + batteries portable devices. The charger integration of the battery and the external power source and load switch charging all the power switch, so that no external MOSFET. MAX8677A ideal used in portable devices, such as smart phones, PDA, portable media players, GPS navigation equipment, digital camera, and digital cameras.

MAX8677A can work in independent USB and the power input AC adapter or two input either one of the input. When connecting external power supply, intelligent power source selector allows the system not connect battery or can and depth discharge battery connection. Intelligent power source selector will automatically switch to the battery system load, use the system did not use the input power supply parts for battery, make full use of limited USB and adapter power supply input. All the needed electric current detection circuit, including the integration of the power switch, all integration in the piece. DC input current highest limit can be adjusted to 2 A and DC and USB input all can support 100 mA, 500 mA, and USB hung mode. Charge current can be adjusted to as high as 1.5 A, thus support wide range of battery capacitive. Other features include MAX8677A thermal regulation, over-voltage protection, charging status and fault output, power supply good surveillance, battery thermistors surveillance, and charging timer. MAX8677A using save a space, hot enhanced, 4 mm x 4 mm, 24 of the pins TQFN encapsulation, regulations, work in exceptional temperature range (40 ~ + 85 ℃).

2.2 Buck (step-down) switch scheme

When A 1.0 C of the charging current more than 1 A, or the input voltage of the core than with high voltage open many, Buck or step-down plan is A better choice. For example, based on the hard drive in the PMP, often use single core lithium ion battery, the full of open is 4.2 V voltage, capacity from 1200 to 2400 mAh range. And now PMP is usually use the car kit to charge, its output voltage in a 9 V to 16 between V. In the input voltage and battery voltage is the voltage difference between high (minimum 4.8 V) will make linear scheme lowers efficiency. This kind of low efficiency, plus more than 1.2 A 1 C fast charging electric current, have serious heat dissipation problems. To avoid this kind of situation, will the Buck scheme. Figure 3 for lithium ion/polymer battery charger scheme Buck diagram, basic structure with Buck (step-down) switching voltage regulators completely the same.

2.3 SEPIC (booster and step-down) switch scheme

In some use of three or four lithium ion/polymer core series equipments, charger of the input voltage is not always greater than the battery voltage. For example, laptop computers use 3 core lithium ion battery, full charge voltage is open 12.6 V (4.2 V x3), capacity is 1800 mAh to 3600 mAh from. Power supply input or output voltage is 1 6 V AC/DC adapter, or is car kit, the output voltage in a 9 V to 16 between V. Apparently, the linear and Buck solutions are not for this group of batteries. This is about to use SEPIC scheme, it can in the output voltage is higher than when the battery voltage, can be in the output voltage less than when the battery.

3, and power detection algorithm is proposed

Many portable products use voltage measurements to estimate the remaining battery power, but the battery voltage and surplus power relationship but will with the discharge rate, temperature and battery aging degree of change, make this kind of method can top 50% margin of error. The market for longer to use product demand unceasingly strengthens, so the system design personnel need more accurate solution. Use capacity check plan come to measure battery or consumption of electricity, will be in a wide range of application power to provide more accurate estimate of the battery power.

3.1 power detection algorithm is one of the examples of application, function complete list, double the battery portable battery application design

power detection principle. Good capacity check plan at least to have battery voltage, temperature and battery electric current, measuring method; A micro 9 a; And a set of and the verification of the punishment power detection algorithm is proposed. Bq2650x and bq27x00 is full capacity check program function, with a measuring voltage and temperature of the digital converter (ADC) and a measuring electric current and charging sensor the asp. These capacity check plan also has a microprocessor, is responsible for the implementation of the Texas instruments power detection algorithm is proposed. The algorithm can compensate the lithium ion battery life.low self-discharge, aging, the temperature and discharge rate, and other factors. Chip embedded microprocessor as host system processor save these calculation burden. Capacity check program can provide remaining power state information, bq27x00 series products also offer surplus can Run Time (Run Time to Empty) host may at any Time to capacity check plan these information query, then LED indicator light through or displays will inform the user battery. Capacity check meter is very easy to use, the system processor need only configuration 12 C or HDQ communication drive can.

The battery circuit description. Figure 4 (a) can be used for identification of IC functions with typical application circuit batteries. According to the use of IC testing program is different, the battery needs to have at least three to four outside the terminal.

VCC and BAT pins will even to the battery voltage, so that for, C power and the battery voltage measurement. The battery is connected a grounding resistance smaller detection resistors, let capacity check meter high impedance SRP and SRN input can monitor sensor resistance on both ends of the voltage. Through testing the current flows through a resistor can be used to judge the battery or release the amount of electricity. Designers choose detection resistance value must be considered when resistance on both ends of the voltage can't more than 100 mV, low resistance may be more hours in current errors. Circuit board layout must ensure that SRP and SRN to testing from as close as possible to the connection of the resistor sensor resistance end; In other words, they should be the Kelvin attachment.

HDQ pin need external and resistors, this resistance should be located the host or the main application, such capacity check plan to the battery and portable devices when sleep function enable connection broken. Advice and resistance choose 10 k Ω.

battery identification. A low cost WeiMao batteries are getting more and more serious, these cells may not contain OEM requirements of security protection circuit. So, genuine battery may contain figure 4 (a) shows the appraisal circuit. When to identify the battery, the host to contain IC (bq26150, the function is cyclic redundancy check (CRC)) issued the battery packs a ask value (challenge), the CRC will contain battery according to this inquiry value and, in the building of the IC in CRC polynomial calculation the CRC value. CRC is based on the host of command and IC secret in the query of the definition of the CRC polynomial completed, the host in CRC values calculated with the calculation result of well battery comparison to identify the appraisal success.

Once the battery through the appraisal, bq26150 will issue commands to ensure that the host and quantity test plan of material lines between normal communication. When the battery connection interruption or to connect, the whole the identification process will be repeated again.

double the battery application. Figure 4 (b) for use bq26500 support double the typical application of lithium ion battery circuit. In order to support more battery, and this circuit is adding a adjustable regulators. Capacity check millions of BAT pin and the bottom of a battery anode linked to complete the variable voltage measurement of the battery.

Host to be able to read capacity check plan of variable voltage measurement battery, to make sure the end of discharging threshold and charging terminate threshold. As for the remaining state power (RemainingStateofCapacity), do not need to read can use directly.

The above bq2650x and bq27x00 etc capacity check plan provides the battery manufacturer a simple to use options, this scheme L [just measuring battery voltage to be precise, so these capacity check plan can be applied to various battery framework, and can support the battery identification and double the battery application '

3.2 power detection algorithm is an example of applications another, can apply to all kinds of general voltmeter new IC.

Today's many manufacturers can provide a variety of voltmeter IC,, the user can choose the suitable function device, to optimize the product price. Use voltmeter measurement of storage battery parameters, the separate architecture allows users in the host custom power measurement algorithm within. Eliminating embedded processor battery cost. On this to Dallase semicconductor company called cases of DS2762 chip for typical analysis. A new separate voltmeter IC, its structure see chart 5 (a) below.

DS2762 application characteristics

DS2762 is a single quarter of lithium battery voltmeter and protection circuit, integrated into a tiny 2.46 mm x 2.74 mm inversion of packaging. Due to internal integration for power detection of high precise resistance, this device is very save a space. It is the small size and incomparable high level of integration, for mobile phone battery and other similar handheld products, such as PDA, etc, are all very ideal. Integrated protection circuit continuously monitoring the battery voltage, over voltage and flow fault (charging or discharge period). Different from the independent protection IC, DS2762 allow main processor surveillance/control protection FET conduction state, such, can DS2762 through the protection of the power system and the control circuit implementation. DS2762 can also charge a battery consumption has depth, when the battery voltage within three V, provide a limit of the charging current recovery path.

DS2762 accurate monitoring battery current, voltage and temperature, the dynamic range and resolution of common satisfy any mobile communication product testing standards. The measurement of current for internally generated when the integral, realize the power measurement. Through the real-time, continuous automatic disorders correct, the precision of power measurement can be increased. The built-in measuring resistance due to eliminate manufacturing process and temperature and cause resistance change, further improve the precision of the voltmeter. Important data stored in 32 bytes, can add the lock EEPROM; 16 bytes of SRAM are used to keep dynamic data. And DS2762 all communication all through the 1-Wire, more communication interface node, minimize the battery and the connection to the host. Its main features for; Single quarter of lithium battery protector; High precision current (power measurement), voltage and temperature measurement; Optional integrated 25 m Ω measuring resistance, each DS2762 after fine-tuning alone; 0 V battery restore charge; 32 bytes can lock EEPROM, 16 bytes SRAM, 64 a ROM;

1-Wire, node, digital communication interface; Support more battery power management, and through the protection system control FET power; Dormancy mode power supply current only 2 µ A (most); Work mode power supply current for 90 µ A (most); 2.46 mm x 2.74 mm inversion of packaging or 16 feet SSOP package led, and both are can choose with or without detection resistance; After has with e




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