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おおよそ中立的立場であると見受けられるC.Sarah Sohという研究者2009年出版された"The Comfort Women"という本は海外でも評判が高いようなので、色々調べようと思った。


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"The Comfort Women: Sexual Violence and Postcolonial Memory in Korea and Japan" by C.Sarah Soh


After its liberation from Japanese rule in August 1945,the Korean Peninsula was divided into two: Soviet troops occupied the northern half and the US military the southern half. The ongoing US military presence in South Korea led to the formation and maintenance of “Camp towns” (kijich’on, in Korean) around the military bases, a development that has had a striking social impact on Korean communities. Kijich’on (literally, base or camp [kiji] village [ch’on]) refers to the civilian world of commercial establishments and residential buildings that have sprung up around the US military bases and cater to the needs of the American GI’s. It is “ a place where Koreans and Americans- mostly male military personnel- meet in an economic and emotional marriage of convenience”. As of the end of 1996, 37,000 American troops supported the economies of ninety-six kijich’on. The estimated number of kijich’on prostitutes over the first four decades of the American presence ranges between 250,000 and 300,000.


The kijich'on sex trade consolidated and expanded during the second phase, which began with the Korean War. In her testimony, Pak Sun-i who had laboured at three different comfort startions in Japan 1944 to the end of the war, recalled:

"At twenty-seven years of age, I was having a hard time making ends meet in Tongduch'on (the largest kijich'on just outside Seoul). I ended up cohabiting with a staff sergeant of the USArmy for about two years... One of my friends from the days at a comfort station in Japan also worked as yang-gonju, but she passed away."

An American veteran who served in Korea in the 1950s after the end of the Korean War recounted that on Friday nights half-ton trucks would bring into the base a few hundred women to stay the night or the weekend with the soldiers. In 1958, five years after the armistice, the majority of about 300,000 prostitutes in Korea reportedly served American soldiers. Some of them, like their earlier Japanese counterparts(RAA), married and emigrated to the United States as wives of servicemen.

The fact that the Korean military also availed themselves of the "special comfort unit" during the Korean War has received little public attention even after the Korean women's movement in support of the "comfort women" began in the 1990s. Only piecemeal anecdotal materials on it had come to light from memoirs written by retired generals and generals and the testimony of soldiers who fought in the war.


Characterizing the Korean military comfort system as an "unfortunate offspring" of the Japanese colonial legacy, Kim Kwi-ok called for victimized women, civic organizations, and scholars to come together and confront the unresolved issues of this historical injustice. The media reports of Kim's work, however, have generated little response. There has been no public outcry regarding the Korean military's use of "comfort women" during the Korean War or its violation of women's human rights. Korean silence over these issues is reminiscent of earlier societal indifference toward survivors of imperial Japan's comfort system, It mirrors the reticence of many Japanese to come to terms with the history of their country's wartime comfort system. As in the case of Japan, many in Korea, including retired military leaders, apparently regard the women's sexual labour simply as the performance of gendered customary sex labour in order to meet the needs of fighting men. It is noteworthy that military authorities have acknowledged that the system of special comfort units contradicts the national policy of banning licensed prostitution. Nonetheless, they have insisted that the special units were created to fulfill an important strategic end.



However, when it comes to the issue of Japan's wartime "comfort women" system, which has been redefined by the international community as a prominent case of violence against women in armed conflict, no social critic or public intellectual in Korea would dare to take the customary masculinist position that such a system benefits the economy or promotes national security. This is because the comfort women issue has been redefiend as military sexual slavery and a war crime by the international community owing largely to women's collaborative movement for redress in Japan and Korea.

Still, little critical public discourse has occurred on the legacies of that historical institution or the social structural dimension of Korea'S comfort women tragedy. Few are willing to consider the unsavoury fact that, accustomed to indigenous public institutions that have granted customary sex rights to men, and licensed by the colonial government, many Koreans did not hesitate to collaborate in recruiting and runing comfort stations by trafficking in girls and young women. Rather than deal with the messy and unpleasant complications of the historical record, Korean public discourse has simplistically elevated the survivors to heroic symbols of national suffering under Japanese colonialism and its imperialist war of aggression.

By contrast, Japan, which is unavoidably seen as the perpetrator nation, has been in turmoil over contested representations of the comfort women phenomenon and its responsibility in the matter. Meanwhile, the international - as well as domestic - trade in public sex prospers in capitalist economies of Japan and Korea despite endless incidents of criminal abuse of women so employed by both foreigners and compatriots. The social historical legacies of masculinist sexual culture and political economic realities in the two countries continue to help construct women'S sexual labour as stigmatized yet customary care labour for masculine "need".



ウェーバー概念は、Gewaltmonopol des Staates、直訳すれば「国家暴力独占」。


英語だと The monopoly on legitimate violence (合法的な暴力の独占: 日本語での一般的な訳)となって、この時点で意味がちょっと違ってるような気がする。











これはとても不思議なんだけど、通常の人間関係社会で、破壊で脅さなければ強制できないという事例ってごくまれだと思うし、それが基本だとはとても信じがたいんだけど、あなたはそう信じているの? 強制力は人間関係の維持や社会の大多数の承認によって生じるもので、それは暴力を基本的に必要としないと思うけど。

でもあなたの定義では元々そこが違って、強制力の源泉は破壊的なものでなくても暴力と言うんだ? そこがよく分からない。



























lisagasu 私も何度も痴漢に遭ったから性犯罪への嫌悪なら負けないよ。だけどそうしたフィクションに浸ると、嫌悪や恐怖のストレスから一時的に解放される。楽しんだあと「こんなこと現実には絶対に嫌」という締めは欠かせない 2009/05/20


complex_cat sexual violence 若い青年どころかチンコ付いている限りサポーターは荷が重過ぎる。サバイバー暴力的性表現のプロダクツを求める例があるようなテキストネットで散見する。生み出した世界や男への怒り?嘲笑なんだろうか。















これはむしろ検索エンジンの問題だと思う。PageRanking は内容を考慮しないから。

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 That we are in the midst of crisis is now well understood.




 Our nation is at war, against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred.




 Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age.




 Homes have been lost; jobs shed; businesses shuttered.




 Our health care is too costly; our schools fail too many; and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet.




 These are the indicators of crisis, subject to data and statistics.




 Less measurable but no less profound is a sapping of confidence across our land - a nagging fear that America's decline is inevitable, and that the next generation must lower its sights.




 Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real.




 They are serious and they are many.




 They will not be met easily or in a short span of time.




 But know this, America - they will be met.




 On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord.




 On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn out dogmas, that for far too long have strangled our politics.





Understanding Genocide: The Social Psychology of the Holocaust


Product Description

When and why do groups target each other for extermination? How do seemingly normal people become participants in genocide? Why do some individuals come to the rescue of members of targeted groups, while others just passively observe their victimization? And how do perpetrators and bystanders later come to terms with the choices that they made? These questions have long vexed scholars and laypeople alike, and they have not decreased in urgency as we enter the twenty-first century. In this book--the first collection of essays representing social psychological perspectives on genocide and the Holocaust-- prominent social psychologists use the principles derived from contemporary research in their field to try to shed light on the behavior of the perpetrators of genocide. The primary focus of this volume is on the Holocaust, but the conclusions reached have relevance for attempts to understand any episode of mass killing. Among the topics covered are how crises and difficult life conditions might set the stage for violent intergroup conflict; why some groups are more likely than others to be selected as scapegoats; how certain cultural values and beliefs could facilitate the initiation of genocide; the roles of conformity and obedience to authority in shaping behavior; how engaging in violent behavior makes it easier to for one to aggress again; the evidence for a "genocide-prone" personality; and how perpetrators deceive themselves about what they have done. The book does not culminate in a grand theory of intergroup violence; instead, it seeks to provide the reader with new ways of making sense of the horrors of genocide. In other words, the goal of all of the contributors is to provide us with at least some of the knowledge that we will need to anticipate and prevent future such tragic episodes.



Celui où savait, l'estimation déjà déjà pensée s'il y avait beaucoup il, mais j'ai éprouvé règle et un viol le passé.

Une personne détruite le caractère par lui a associé à un certain groupe religieux pour le manquer.

Pas volonté, je devais chanter par qu'événements depuis que j'étais jeune.

S'il ne fait pas donc il, j'attrape les cheveux à lui et il est traîné autour et il est touché un corps et la raison est parce que j'ai été emmené à la place par force.

J'étais violent.

Ses yeux tels que le serpent qui a toujours stagné m'ont raidi.

Il n'y avait personne pour appeler aide.

Non, même la voix n'est pas sortie.

Il ne s'est pas produit à mots devant être dits pour "l'aider."

Vous deviez le suivre.

En d'autres termes la musique était pas un outil de fortune un rêve pour moi.

S'il chante tranquillement, la raison est parce que c'était capable de s'échapper au moins de peur et violence dans ce temps.

Là n'a pas n'avait pensé qu'une chanson était une fois agréable simple.

Son corps ne comprenait pas ce qui avait lieu.

Dans les jours de 14 ans, il étend enfin au viol.

Je pensais que je "étais sur" au moment.

Là n'ayez pas besoin d'être la chose qui oublie le jour avec ces yeux partout dans la vie de M.. UN.

Je décide d'apprendre ..... maintenant audacieusement.

Comme pour la peur pour M.. UN, pas seul le corps mais aussi le coeur a été taché avec noir dans la substitution pour désespoir et haine après le jour.

Seulement la mémoire du jour a été laissée hors de mon esprit que je ne peux pas endurer en quelques minutes.

La mémoire d'un jour a envahi pour le cauchemar du seul jour après jour lorsque je suis venu d'âge et marié a ranimé et il est devenu difficile de vivre dans la paix.

C'est effrayant de sortir à un mari et je suis encore désolé pour un mari.

Je qui était faible a choisi le divorce que maintenant et s'est échappé de la place.

Alors je passe les temps cassés.

Il y a la colère intense et désespère en moi.

Je comprends comment long je qui est un tel être humain devenu les apparences laides.

Je n'avais pas le pouvoir de résister ce jour sans l'existence de la voix élevé.

Une voix n'est pas sortie.Ce n'était pas capable de bouger.

Mais je l'observe quand donc j'étais maintenant.

Il a été étendu dans le désespoir et le légitime défense égal a pu tuer un envahisseur si j'avais le tel pouvoir.

La colère intense comme lui a ruisselé en bas mon corps.

J'ai été assassiné quand et n'était pas étrange l'un ou l'autre et n'était pas étrange même si je vous avais assassinés.

Mais heureusement l'envahisseur et moi n'avions pas de capacité.

J'étais à une perte beaucoup de fois.

Est-ce que vous confesserez?

Je l'ai maintenant reconnu quand a reçu si j'avais confessé par ce réglage lorsque c'était des coups de pub.

J'ai eu envie de devenir une personne couvert de coups de pub, avidité pour célébrité, avidité pour l'argent, une telle chose.

Il a besoin de ni la célébrité ni l'argent.

Il y a quelquefois une personne pour aller évaluer la sympathie, mais n'achète pas de chose.

Il y avait les temps durs, mais il ne peut pas y avoir la chose que je pensais que je me suis senti désolé pour héroïne... de la tragédie, soi.










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