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だってそのイソガイとかい記者が映ってる動画ならともかく、そいつの悪口言ってるだけの話なんかおもしろくもなんともねえじゃん 2013/07/22










The Swedish integration debate should focus on the difficult trade-offs needed in a country that is not structurally optimal for immigration, rather than getting bogged down in the semantics of racism, argues political scientist Andreas Johansson Heinö.

There is a lack of political action in Sweden to address integration that has long been compensated by strong rhetoric that bashes old policies. "We might even stop talking about immigration policy," Ola Ullsten, a prominent Liberal Party (Folkpartiet) politician, said in the 1970s.

When the term "integration" came into vogue in the 1990s, it was meant to replace the then stigmatized concept of multiculturalism. And when Iranian-born professor Masoud Kamali presented the findings of a state inquiry on structural discrimination in 2006, the solution was to scrap integration policy.

More recently, some suggested ahead of the Social Democrats' party congress in Gothenburg last week that if they take power, they should abolish the job of integration minister all together. The party's governing board said that integration is "a problematic concept" that should preferably not be used.

Commentators from different political camps applauded the initiative.

Per Wirtén, a columnist with the centre-left Dagens Arena newspaper, wrote that he sympathizes with the spirit of the proposal, but would rather see a name change: let one anti-racism minister take over the fight against "structural racial discrimination."

The word "immigrant" has been purged from the new proposed party programme. While both the 1990 and 2001 programmes dealt with integration problems, the 2013 analysis says it time to face racism with a general policy of equality. The programme warns that "poor groups and impoverished areas" will be translated into an ethnic problem in the public debate. Accordingly, the Social Democrats have since called itself an "anti-racist" party.

Is this a return to traditional social democratic equality policy, a settlement with the last remnants of the craze for identity politics under the former leadership of Mona Sahlin? Hardly.



















[] <英語English 2

[Methods] 学習方法 How to study English

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  4. リンク集無料でココまで学べます! 英語学習サイト -INTERNET Watch
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  19. Youtubeで学べる英語のレッスン:厳選7チャンネル | THE NEW CLASSIC
  20. Verbling: Online language classes and private tutoring

[Media] ニュースサイト他まとめ

  1. Voxalead News
  2. TODAYshow.com
  3. CBS Evening News with Katie Couric - Latest News & Videos - CBS News
  4. The Big Idea Video - CNBC.com
  5. Big Ideas - Exploring the Essential Questions of Education

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  1. フリー英単語リストをまとめてみた 読書猿Classic: between / beyond readers
  2. 語彙力をチェックできる無料のお役立ちサイトまとめ | みんなの英語ひろば

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  1. 基礎から英語学習の目次-英語喫茶英語英文法英会話
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  6. Advanced English lessons
[Preposition] 前置詞
  1. List of English prepositions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  1. English Prepositions
  2. English Prepositions and Verbs
  3. Prepositions of time - english-at-home.com
  4. Prepositions and adjectives - english-at-home.com
  1. YouTube - Lesson 3c - Prepositions - English Grammar
  2. YouTube - ネット予備校6 英語 イメージでとらえる前置詞
  1. ENGLISH PAGE - Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs
  2. Prepositions
  3. English Study Quiz - Prepositions
  4. 前置詞の問題集 イメージ攻略しよう!
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  2. 接置詞 - Wikipedia
  3. Prepositions Worksheets
[Conjunctions] 英語接続詞を知って、文章の作り方、考え方を理解する。語学学習関連

等位 Coordinating Conjunctions

相関 Correlative Conjunctions

従属 Subordinating Conjunctions

  1. Grammatical conjunction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  2. Linda Bryson's List of English Conjunctions
  3. Conjunctions
  4. Conjunction Junction
  5. List of Conjunctions
  7. YouTube - English Grammar: Diagramming Sentences in 6 Steps
[Linking Verbs]連結動詞

Subject = Objectだと伝える動詞

  1. Linking Verbs

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  1. What do you say when you want to express sympathy? - What Helps. What Hurts. What Heals. - CarePages
  2. Sympathy Quotes, Sayings, Mourning, Bereavement, Loss, Death of Loved One
  3. How to say "I'm sorry" without actually saying it | Ask Metafilter
  4. VOA News - Finding the Right Expression of Sympathy When Someone Is Grieving
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  3. 英語褒め言葉集 - ◆ラテン旦那大和撫子妻◆ - 楽天ブログBlog
  4. 英語での褒め言葉(単語)が沢山載っているページを教えてください。人力検索はてな


  1. How to Finish a Phone Conversation Without Being Rude - wikiHow
  2. An Actual Phone Conversation. | KnowProSE.com


  1. Everyday English in Conversation
  2. Business Communications

[Unedited] 未編集備忘録 Transient stock/ Memorandum

  1. 英語勉強を始める人は必ず目を通しておきたい英語学習サイト&ツールインターネットIT | RapidHack(ラピッドハック)
  2. Is "Word Power Made Easy" by Norman Lewis available online (an interactive version and/or ebook)? - Yahoo! Answers
  3. 英単ワールド
  4. bab.la:それはあなた言語習得入門
  5. SparkNotes: Today's Most Popular Study Guides
  6. 英語学習に適したKhan Academyの教育ビデオ(とその翻訳ブログ) - YAMDAS更新履歴
  7. Khan Academy
  8. Teaching English | British Council | BBC
  9. Morgan Online - Abbreviations (AJAR) "Acronyms, Jargon, Abbreviations, and Rubbish (AJAR)"
  10. English 2126: Modern English Grammar: Teaching Usage: A Discussion
  11. Common Mistakes in English - Quizzes
  12. Learning Resources
  13. ESL Lesson Plans to Download
  14. FML: Your everyday life stories
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  16. ディスカッション - sci.lang.japan | Google グループ
  17. 英語発音入門
  18. YouTube - Learn Business English ESL Vocabulary - Marketing Vocabulary
  19. ESL Gold
  20. Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab - For ESL/EFL Students
  21. Multiple Language Guides - how to articles from wikiHow
  22. Difference between "Here you are " and "There you are"
  23. Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. (TESOL)
  24. Classic British and American Essays and Speeches - Great Essays and Speeches by British and American Writers
  25. English Irregular Verbs
  26. My First Dictionary
  27. Read.gov: Online books and resources for literacy & reading for everyone
  28. 英語好き集まれ
  29. smart.fm - it's where you learn - smart.fm
  30. 英語TOEIC英検学習法、無料教材(英単語英文法)の提供サイト
  31. Japan-in-Motion: Japanese Movies for Culture/Food/Sightseeing
  32. History and Politics Out Loud: a searchable archive of politically significant audio materials
  33. National Archives and Records Administration
  34. Learn native pronunciation for every language in the world. Forvo, the pronunciation guide
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  • 数字数学に関する読み方に迷ったらひとまずここで
  1. WebMath - Solve Your Math Problem
  2. English numerals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  3. Smories - new stories for children, read by children
  4. Beyond Books Program: Reading between the Lines
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