「Gets」を含む日記 RSS

はてなキーワード: Getsとは


I want to display mathematical formulas with SSG, so I'm having trouble using it in conjunction with the KaTeX plugin.

I want to display mathematical formulas in SSG, so I have installed the KaTeX plugin.

In the case of SSG (honkit) that I use, I want to convert the part to a mathematical formula into

Enclose it in $ (dollar mark) and write the contents in so-called TeX.

In fact, the github site also supports math rendering.

I think it's pretty familiar.

I wanted to mention Excel's built-in functions. What are Excel functions?

I use the dollar mark when I want to keep the cell fixed even if it gets copied and pasted.

I want the dollars to remain dollars inside the code block.

Problems/Errors occurring

For example on the markdown source side




I thought I could escape it by adding a backslash, so that's what I did.

In the case of the SSG that I use, when converted to html,


\{% math_inline %}A\{% endmath_inline %}2


It will become. _| ̄|○

As for the hosting method, I also store the html files in a GIT repository and host them on the `vercel.app` site. Regarding markdown → html, I do it in the local environment instead of using GitHub Actions.

Things I tried myself

I confirmed that if I use full-width instead of half-width for the dollar, it would not be recognized, so I confirmed that it would work.

But this isn't a fundamental solution, is it?

Also, open the html file and use the batch replacement function to replace `{% math_inline %}` and `{% endmath_inline %}` with dollars. It seems that you need some wisdom to selectively replace only the fence code blocks at once.

Do I have no choice but to ask the plugin author?


Markdown's fence code block is a guy who repeats backticks three times.

In some cases, the only option is to ask the author to ignore the dollar sign conversion.

Don't you have any hands?

The author of the plugin seems to have stopped development a long time ago.

It seems like they won't be able to respond.

Also, in the case of inline math, it says to surround it with two dollars each, and in the case of block math, it says to surround it with two dollars + a new line, which is different from the normal syntax. I'm curious.

However, it will work even if you write it in the md source using normal syntax.











putting others down is what people who cant bring themselves up do 

他人こき下ろすのは自分を高めることができない人がやることだ (bring someone up = uplift oneself = improve one's situation)


improveimprove onの違い



He improved the design of the car.



自動詞場合は、on 以下のものを元にして(元にして、が on意味です)



He improved on the design.


この場合、the design(その設計)を元にして、よりよい「設計」を作った、ということなのです。





Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, 「絶望の谷で苦しみにふけるのはやめましょう」

let us not ~ は let’s not ~ と同じ

wallow は「転げまわる、もがく」という意味ですが、ここでは「(快楽などに)ふける、浸る」という意味で使われています


例:wallow in luxury「ぜいたくにふける」、wallow in one’s sadness「悲しみにふける」



Matt has stepped away from public life マットはもう人前に出ることを止めたんだから

Let us hold not too fast to his name 彼の名前にあまりしがみつかないようにしよう


immersion only losers couldn't tell you the difference between と思う and と思っている to save their lives


to save one's life


・I can't wake up to save my life. : どうしても起きられない。


i am at the bottom of the mountain 先はまだまだ長い (= i've got a long way to go)


im very active w keeping my pronouns available 私は積極的自分性別代名詞を公開してる (consistently and proactively making known or sharing their preferred pronouns)

bc ik it can feel awkward to ask sometimes だってわざわざ尋ねるのは気まずいじゃん


You don't wanna get on my bad side.... 俺の機嫌を損ねないほうがいいぜ・・・



Go finger your prostate to chill out or smth 前立腺でも弄って落ち着け

Look I'm on a stim crash and on edge dw bout it 精神刺激薬の離脱症状が出ててしか寸止め中だから大丈夫

be on a stimulant crash = ADHDやアデロールなどの薬の離脱症状 (= I'm having withdrawals from drugs.)

be on edge 寸止め


back on one's feet

《be ~》〔病気などが回復して〕再び元気になる

Your father will be back on his feet in no time. : あなたのお父様はすぐに回復されますよ。

《be ~》〔状況などが〕良くなる、立ち直る


curry favor with



・That's a lot [bunch] of hooey, and you know it! : 実にばかげた話です。自分でも分かってるだろ。(=ホラ話= bullshit


it's awkward but it gets the point across

自分の書く文章は)ぎこちないけど意味は通じる (awkward = clunky = clumsy = scuffed)

why do you think it's awkward?


because I haven't output enough to think of a natural way to output my ideas. Instead I force out something that gets the idea across even if it turns out awkward



because 99% of my Japanese practice is from writing assignments for class (haven't hung out with many Japanese people), so even if I try to speak casually, formal stuff appears




this server is a lot more hateful than I remember it being



I can understand being insecure over one's language skills but I think you should own that you're insecure instead of trying to act like you're above others

Address what's causing you to feel insecure and work on that



own 〔罪などを〕自分がやったと認める


Speaking as someone who has never interacted with you before and didn't even recognise you, you came off as a massive dickhead in the way you talked, and that's gonna rub people the wrong way. Especially if there's annoyance built before that. But at the end of the day man, it doesn't matter much



I mean you just rubbed some people the wrong way but they didn't express that and decided to unload it all on you at the same time x10 when they saw the opportunity



it was really irresponsible and wrong of me

yeah I know that was fucked up of me

that was dumb of me





ooh buddy not a good look


it's basically just a way of saying "you did something bad."



I think most of it was just pent up aggression towards him over the weeks that everyone found an opportunity to unload at that moment


pent-up discontent 鬱積した不満


Idk why you're making it seem like i had a fit over him


have a fit

腹を立てる、カッとなる、カンカンに怒る、ひどく興奮する、非常に興奮する、だだをこねる、ショックを受ける、発作を起こす、卒倒する、おたおたする◆【同】throw a fit

・I was having [throwing] a huge fit. : 私は無性に腹を立てていた。


You just jumped on the Jack hate train for no reason


I don't understand the audacity to come here every single day while you disrespect me to your friends


and you also hop on the gender thing


i use she

but yeah

that was wrong of me too

they had that effect on me and I took that as a way out of responsibility





she didn't even think to give me the benefit of the doubt or anything and just straight up pilied on to me when i had no way to defend myself of the misinfo against me


pile on to someone: (of a group of people) to attack or criticize someone



what are you prattling about




・He was prattling on for hours about boring subjects. : 彼は退屈な話題について、何時間もしゃべり続けた。


And oh yea you can go on a tirade in that server talking about how i need mental health help, suck at jp, and feel threatened by the very presence of John






i played it when it came out and had the worst experience of my life


if you pick a μ's character you're in for the worst character interactions you have ever seen


in for 《be ~》〔困難などに〕直面しそうだ、〔事態などを〕きっと経験するだろう


this pc has served me well for 8+ years


im pushing 5 years on my lenovo legion


i built that pc with my dad and god damnit do I love it

will upgrade eventually




Pray the gay away = 神に祈りを捧げてゲイからノンケにしてもらうこと



I wouldn't recommend going off blood thinners cold turkey and my heart rates really fucking high right now, 1:30 3145, and I'm nervous about this.


go cold turkey 〔悪習・薬物などを〕急に[きっぱり]やめる[断ち切る]

go off a drug 薬を(飲むのを)やめる


there's no way these like agencies are gonna be looking at all this money you're raking in on Onlyfans being like "what do you mean we don't get any of it?"



rake in 荒稼ぎする


whether or not the bit that it's famous for will soon wear off a novelty however is difficult to determine


bit = 要素 = element


my boss has been grilling me for slacking


grilling 厳しい尋問◆可算


she flaked on our plans for Christmas together and invited him to hang out with her during the end of the year









there were a lot of things that i couldn't fit in here but i've only ever wrote things that i've had clear evidence of


i don't think i've clarified quite enough but this being something that i've kept in my heart for so long i'm so glad i'm able to talk to you all about it now




steer clear of


You should steer clear of that restaurant or you may get food poisoning. : そのレストランはやめた方がいい、さもないと食中毒になるかもよ。


Shiina having a laughing fit really brightens up my day. Thank you Okayun~

面白い」ということを表すのに使われる「ツボる」という表現英語で表すと、一番意味が近いのはおそらく”have a laughing fit”でしょう。



Does 買いものにでも行っているのかもしれません mean “Maybe she even went shopping” ? What does でも contribute here

Does demo add the “or something” to the sentencr


seemやappear, feel, look, soundなどにthatを付ける場合主語itでなければならない

It seems that ...

✗He seems that ...

Feel, look, and sound are very occasionally found with a content clause too: It looks to me that a vendetta has struck up. Content clauses differ from as if phrases in that they are restricted to the impersonal construction: compare Ed seemed as if /∗that he was trying to hide his true identity. (Camgel p.962)





直説法(knows):He looks as if he knows the answer. (he knows the answer)

仮定法(knew):He looks as if he knew the answer. (he gives the impression that he knows the answer, but he (probably) doesn't know or we don't know whether he knows or not)

主節が現在形の場合区別がつくが、主節を過去時制にすると、直接法では時制の一致によってknows→knewと一つ過去に移るのに対して、仮定法は時制の一致を受けないのでknewのまま変わらない。その結果、どちらも同じ時制になってしまう。そのため、仮定法か直接法かは文脈判断。(仮定法の時制を過去にずらす(knew→had known)と、大過去として見なされ、主節より一つ前の出来事を表すことになる)

He looked as if he knew the answer.


直説法:He seems as if he hasn't slept for days. (he hasn't slept for days)

仮定法:He seems as if he hadn't slept for days. (it seems that he hasn't slept for days, but he (probably) has or we don't know whether he has or not)

He seemed as if he hadn't slept for days.



He doesn't do listening immersion he only knows English from reading and it shows. 

He's not that bad 彼は別に下手じゃないよ

But there's a few quirks that tip me off でもノンネイティブだとわかってしまうような癖がたまに出てくる



he's mooching off his parents = leeching off



it's infamously difficult to explain

just feel it out is the best advice here sadly




ok srsly ketchup fried rice has no right being this good



stubbed my toe in the dark and it still hurts 暗闇の中で足の指をぶつけたんだけどまだ痛い

stub out your cigarette now; 今、タバコをもみ消してください.


we can only give you a 1-day course of medicine. お薬は1日分しか出せません。

Always finish a course of medicine unless advised otherwise 特別な指示がない限り、薬は必ず(処方された分を)最後まで飲みきること


His past has caught up with him 過去に行った悪行が問いただされる時が来た


I got food poisoning eating at xxx xxxで食事したら食中毒になった


That took for fucking ever どんだけ時間かかっとんねん


talk out of one's ass 〈卑〉〔きちんとした内容{ないよう}ではない〕ばかな[適当{てきとう}な・くだらない]ことを言う、くそ発言{はつげん}をする

talk through one's hat 大ぼらを吹く、くだらないことを言う|

talk out of both sides of one's mouth 矛盾したことを言う

You can't trust him. He talks out of both sides of his mouth. : 彼は信用できないよ。矛盾したことばかり言うからね。

pull it out of my ass でっちあげる


comparison is the thief of joy ものごとを楽しむ秘訣は人と比較しないこと



・Ah, touche. : これは1本取られたな。/痛いところを突かれたな。


join in は行為に焦点をおいた表現

"To join the party" means to be(come) part of the party, = パーティの一員になる

"To join IN the party" means to take part in the activities of the party. = パーティというアクティティに参加する



He ran too fast for me to keep up with him. → himはあってもなくてもかまわない(too to構文でforが付くと文末にhimなどを付けても許容される傾向にあるらしい)



looked on in horror 恐怖しながら眺めていた・傍観していた

Bystanders looked on in horror as car plowed through parade 通行人は車がパレードに突っ込んでいくのを恐怖して眺めていた


You have to thread the needle very carefully to make it work properly, ちゃんと動かすには針の穴を通すかのように慎重にやらないといけない


Don't lump me in with them. : あんなのと一緒{いっしょ}にしないでよね。


what's the rush? 何をそんなに急いでるの?


All you do is talk about war. Don't you have anything else to talk about? 口を開けば戦争の話ばかり。会話のレパートリーなすぎだろ


dunno how retarded ud have to be to believe that kinda story そんなストーリー信じるとかアホすぎん?


delusion of persecution 被害妄想

Does he have persecutory delusions? あの人は被害妄想癖なの?

typical paranoid populist with delusions of persecution looking everywhere but within to find scapegoats he can pin the blame for his loser life's pratfalls on



punch down

to attack or criticize someone who is in a worse or less powerful position than you = 自分より弱いもの攻撃避難すること (punch upはその逆)

He punched down at opponents who couldn't fight back. 彼は反撃できない相手攻撃した

Simply put: punching up is okay; punching down is not. 強いものに歯向かうのはいいが、弱い者いじめはいけない


the only people who call out samefags are people who samefag 自演を叩くのは自演してるやつだけ

its a paranoia thing 妄想みたいなもの

like if you murder people then you'll realize how easy it is and think everyones gonna murder you 殺人を犯して人を殺すのが簡単なことに気づいたせいで、みんなが自分を殺そうとしてると思いこむようなもの


yeah, logging is autistic, but helpful. Ever since I started logging, I literally went from 1 hr of daily immersion to 4 hours, just to try to beat other people and see my numbers rack up. It's a good way to keep yourself accountable, which is something 4chan users chronically avoid




There's no fixing that person = あの人はどうしようもない/ 救いようがない/ 付ける薬がない = There's no way you can fix that person


yeah but that's no excuse for him to act like a bitch lol まあ確かにそうだが、だからといってあいつがクソみたいに振る舞っていい理由にはならないわ


he was a cool guy like way back then 前はいいやつだったんだよ

emphasis on "was" 「前は」だけどな

then shit kinda went downhill, he had a spat with Dave regarding some shit i didnt care about そこから色々とクソみたいな状況になって、どうでもいいことでジョンと喧嘩した

i didnt pay attention tbh

and then after some back and forths we just never really talked to each other そんで色々と言い合いを重ねた結果、あいつとは喋らなくなった

maybe John can fill you in on the details, because im a secondary source here 詳しいことはジョンに聞けばわかると思う 俺は又聞きだから

because while they were raging at each other i was out of the server being a productive member of society こいつらが喧嘩してたとき俺は社会の一員として建設的なことをしてたからな

ye, i think i will try to find out about all this later ああ、それについては後で調べてみるわ


he wants to be alone he literally said that. So just give him some time and he will come back on his own time. 一人にさせてほしいって言われたんだろ?なら少し時間を与えれば、自分が戻りたいと思ったときに戻ってくるだろう


I went to the hospital to get blood work done → 病院に行って、採血された




get(pick) the best of everything(both)

get the best of both worlds

skim the cream

cherry pick



Babble like an idiot using what few words you already know, and then only look stuff up when you cannot properly express yourself.




・I had a heart-to-heart with Stacy last night.(昨晩、ステイシーさんと本音を語り合いました。)

・He had a heart-to-heart talk with his dad about his future.(彼は自分の将来について父親本音で話し合いました。)

Let’s have a heart-to-heart conversation.(腹を割った話し合いをしましょう!)



how do u keep coming up with these absolute bangers every day omg !!



They literally just slap the word "AI" on everything now. なんでもかんでもAI文字を貼り付けている

= They're literally just plastering the word "AI" onto everything now.


how much of the shit he is in is he responsible for?



that's like in the avg range それは平均身長くらいでしょ

my aunt is 140 i think, my mom is 150 うちの叔母は140で母は150だし

even for japan that's on the shorter side いや日本ですらそれは低い方に入るぞ


what the fuck have i been missing out on まじかよ俺そんなのを見逃したのか

Idk I was gone before and after that 俺はその間ここにいなかったからしらん

well thank you for letting us know sir まあ知らせてくれて助かる

we pride ourselves on being the opposite of an echochamber so your complaints really help us! 俺たちはエコーチャンバーにならないことに誇りを持ってるから文句を言ってくれるのは助かる

personally im against inviting people we have bad blood with 個人的には仲の悪いやつを招待するのには反対だな


i got all of the fairly common grammar points down just from looking up stuff while reading



it makes you come off like passive aggressive そういう言い方はパッシブアグレッシブに聞こえるよ


Now we're talking" 「そう来なくっちゃ!」

= That is what I wanted to hear; that's a good idea or a good plan, especially compared to previous suggestions.


Let's have fish for dinner 夕食は魚にしよう

Ugh .. No えーいやだ

Okay then , chicken ならチキンはどう 

Now we're talking そう来なくっちゃ!







・There's no need to haggle. : 論争する必要はありません。



haggle over the price of


表現パターンhaggle over [about] the price of

learn how to haggle at the market



Never know when it's the good old days until they're gone あの頃は良かったなってのは過ぎ去って初めてわかるもの

communities always change when they get larger コミュニティは大きくなれば必ず変化していく

never gonna keep that smaller, more intimate thing going そうなればこじんまりとして距離の近かったあの感じはもう二度と戻らない



I don’t like to talk to him because he is full of himself. 彼はイキってるので話したくありません。

He always tries to be bossy on purpose. 彼はいつもわざとイキろうとする。

You’ve changed. You used to be so cocky when we were in junior high school. 変わりましたね。あなた中学生の頃、とてもイキってましたよ

He always gets carried away when we party. I think we shouldn’t let him drink much. パーティーのとき、彼はいつもイキります。彼にたくさん飲ませないほうがいい思います

My father was always high-handed towards other parents. 私の父はいつも他の親に対してイキってました。



Again, I'm just going off my memory from a year ago, so be skeptical of what I say. Here are a few things that come to mind:



like u just use the personality thing as a clutch to get ur foot in 自分の人となりを会話を始める取っ掛かりとして使えばいい (= as a starting point)

so if u talk to someone u just nerd out about learning japanese or something 誰かと話す際に日本語学習についてひたすら喋ってみたりとか

and thats like the vanguard of ur initial engagement そうすれば初めて会話をする際のきっかけになる

get one's foot in door

《have [get] (a [one's]) foot in (the) door》うまく最初の一歩を踏み出す、目的に向かって第一歩を進める、とっかかり[きっかけ・足掛かり]をつかむ、〔希望する組織などに〕入る機会に恵まれる、うまく入り込む、~する機会を得るきっかけをつかむ◆【語源セールスパーソン販売員]が玄関口で追い返されそうになったときに、ドアに足を入れて閉めさせないようにしてセールスしようとする様子から




軍事前衛、先陣◆【対】rear guard


learning japanese is like falling down an endless flight of stairs 日本語学習は果てしなく続く階段を転げ落ちるようなものだ。

everytime you almost get your grip and are able to stop yourself, you realize that youre not standing on a step and fall again 足をついて止まることができたかと思えば、踏み段に立っていないことに気づいてまた落ちる

stairway to hell 地獄へ続く階段

flight of stairs 《a ~》一連の階段、一続きの階段、階と階の間の階段◆途中に踊り場がない一続きの階段


I need to get on top of my sleep as I get older I'm finding it more difficult to manage my ongoing sleep deficit.


get on top of 〜” 「(物事を)うまく対処して」



get on top of



・We'll get on top of the situation as soon as we can. : できるだけ早く事態を収拾します。




haven't seen you post at all where the fuck were you 全然投稿してるの見かけなかったがどこに行ってたんだ

I got life shit haha 人生いろいろあったんだよ笑 (= "I have life stuff" or "I have things going on in my life.")

so do we all そりゃみんなそうやろ


who are you? あんた誰?

John knows me. Me n him go back ジョンは俺のことを知ってるよ。あいつとは付き合いが長いからな

go back 〈話〉〔人が期間を〕さかのぼって知り合いであ


Man they made it so much hard to see member lists in mobile now モバイルだとメンバーリストめっちゃ見にくくなったな

I think it's by design これはわざとだと思うわ

by design 故意


I hate that it had to take this just for people to stop sleeping on Mel



sleep on

1. 〔即断・即答を避けて〕~について一晩考える

2. (米インフォーマル)人や物の素晴らしさに気づかない




Basically, a woman's vagina is 8 cm, so 8 cm is enough for a dick when she gets an erection.

Rather, thickness is easier to get a feeling of insertion than length. And this also doesn't have to be above average.

Rather, 20cm dicks don't fit all of Japanese people's body shape, and they just hurt because they force them to poke the vaginal wall instead of stimulating them.

I'm 16 cm and 5 cm thick, but if you insert this completely, most people feel a different pain,

People with little experience and people with narrow vaginas quickly rub and feel pain.

Anyway, if it's 8 cm, you won't be able to enjoy the stiffness of the uterine mouth, and if it's about average thickness, most women will feel loose.

You won't get the feeling of rubbing the hole, so to be honest, I feel sorry for people with average dick.

I feel sorry because I will "update my dick" even if I have an ex-boyfriend. In that sense, I'm jealous of 20cm dicks.

It's just that I can't put a long and thin dick completely, it just hurts, and I feel sorry for it.



this is completely false for AWD cars, I don't get why it gets repeated so much.

Ideally you want all 4 wheels to have the same amount of weight over them in an AWD launch, this way each wheel puts power down optimally. Since weight shifts towards the back during acceleration, this means that the ideal weight distribution for launching is somewhat to the front.

The RS3 is a good example of this effect in action, it launches well despite having a meh Haldex-like AWD system. The Hellcat on a prepped surface is another, despite being RWD.

Since the Turbo S is the opposite, it compensates by having way wider rear tyres compared to the front ones (255 front, 315 rear).

So actually the 911 launches well DESPITE the fact that it's rear-heavy, not because of it. It just modulates its power way better than the competition.

The 911's setup instead makes it brake so well, since the same principle as above applies just in the opposite direction.








「許さない」を"I won't forgive you."と訳してはいけない理由



まず前提として、海外におけるアニメ漫画翻訳では「許さない」を"I won't forgive you."と訳すことは基本的誤訳扱いとなっている



言い方を変えれば、日本人が「許さない」と口にするような状況で英語ネイティブが"I won't forgive you."と言うことはほとんどないと言っていい

  • 具体的にどう違うのか


具体的には、シリアスな場面にしか使えない(軽い場面では"Excuse me."を使う)。

例えば貴重な壺を割ってしまったとき"Oh please forgive me."と言えるが、くしゃみ相手の顔にかけてしまった、といった軽い場面では"Excuse me."を使う。




  • 軽い場面の「許さない」が大げさすぎるなら、シリアスな場面での「許さない」は"I won't forgive you."とピッタリ合うのでは?



日本語だと最高に盛り上がる決めゼリフという感じだが、これを"I won't forgive you!"と訳してしまうと、バカバカしくて拍子抜けに聞こえてしまうらしい。

なぜかというと、"I won't forgive you."は「許さないという感情受動的に示すだけで懲らしめようという能動的な意図は表さない」から




I’ll punish those who’d hurt my friends!(仲間を傷つけるやつは懲らしめてやる!)

No one gets away with hurting my friends!(仲間を傷つけておいてタダで済むと思うな!)

Anyone who hurts my friendswill pay!(仲間を傷つけるやつは……報いを受ける!)


ネイティブからすると"I won't forgive you."は「一生根に持つぞ」みたいな意味合いになるとのこと。



他にも、"I won't forgive you."は許す許さないが意味なす相手でないと使えない。

例えば、パートナー浮気されて別れたとする。その時相手に"I'll never forgive you!!"と言うのは正しい使い方。


しかし、悟空の例では、敵は許してもらおうとは端から思っていないわけで、そんな状況で"I won't forgive you."と言っても、ネイティブからすると「許そうが許すまいが相手は気にしないでしょ」とバカバカしく聞こえてしまうらしい。なので、こちらが許すかどうかを気にする相手でないと使えない。


  • まとめ


軽い場面での「許さない」を"I won't forgive you."と訳すと大げさすぎる


→「許さない」と"I won't forgive you."はほぼ別物だと考えた方がよい




アメリカでーとか言いながらなんで Yahoo! JAPAN ほか日本ニュースサイト(笑)を見てんねん・・・って気持ちしかならん

下記のワードGoogle に入れて検索掛けるってそんなに難しそう・想像もできない行動か?

Chris Rock Will Smith After Oscars





Oy. It was not a joke about disease. It was a joke about a shaved head. Two completely different things.


And let's say it was a cruel, vicious joke about alopecia. How is strutting across the stage and assaulting Rock "defending" Jada? Smith could have shut up, glared at Rock, and made a statement later about a serious medical condition (you know, like a fully mature adult). He could have stayed in his seat and yelled for Rock to shut up. He could have gotten on his feet, walked on stage, and yelled at Rock. He did none of these things. He chose to commit a criminal act. That is not defense, that is offense. And it's a crime.

They are celebrities. They chose a life in the public eye and so along with the fame and money and celebrity, comes criticism. If they don't have thick skin they should retire from public life.





















ほぼ満場一致『守るという発想自体が有毒な男らしさ(Toxic masculinity)』です







Yea, no. It was an example of lack of self control, misplaced anger, and uber Hollywood entitlement to think he can physically assault someone for comparing his wife to Demi Moore. Smith was on camera laughing at the joke. Jada, is a strong woman, she doesn’t need theatrics like what Smith did to ‘protecther.

I’ve seen serious Alopecia in my 30+years as a hairdresser, and those who had it didn’t consider themselves ‘diseased’ or in need of pity. It was distressing at best, but not anything they needed their husbands to defend. These millionaire entitled elitists were at their best that night showing us who they are, and Smith ruined what should have been a big night for his acting career in behaving like a thug.









But the fact is that Chris Rock didn't just go after Smith's wife, he went after her appearance, which is caused by a medical condition.

That's as beyond today's current standards as it gets.




Alopecia is a painful experience that many Black women go through and should not be joked about.




クリスJada, can’t wait for G.I. Jane 2,” ジョークを言ったわけでどう聞いても髪型をいじったとしか思えないけど、



まぁこ感覚は日米問わず若者にはある物じゃないかな?って思う>外見弄りのジョークは"時代遅れ"or "不快から見たくない"





あと、脱毛症>黒人女性はとにかく軽く扱われ過ぎ からマイノリティへの差別








Putin Assassination Attempt

In mother Russia, you don’t assassinate the President, the President assassinates you.

When Putin is late to school, his teachers apologize for being early.

Putin is the type of guy that reads the whole terms & agreements and clicks “I disagree”

When Putin was born, he named himself and congratulated his parents

When Putin late to school, his teacher apologized for being early.

When Putin's cell phone rings in the theater, they put the movie on pause.

When Putin's little toe hits a corner, the corner cries in pain

Putin didn't lose hair , the hair simply realised that they weren't worthy enough to be over his head.

When Putin showed up late, everyone apologized for being on time.

When Putin wants the lights on, he simply turns the dark off.

When Putin Reads a book, the book gains knowledge.

Fun fact: Putin once saved water from drowning

Putin is that type of guy who tells Gordon Ramsay he doesn't like his food

when he calls the wrong number, the person apologizes for being the wrong person

Putin Skipped 2 days of school, those days are now known as Saturday and Sunday

When Putin washes his hands, the water gets cleaner.

Putin is the type of guy who says \"I don't like it\" to the barber.


和訳】The Chapeltown Rag / Slipknot

[Slipknot - The Chapeltown Rag [Visual 001] - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2v4u7VhoPU)



Read all about it if you want to know

Read all about what they want you to know


知りたいのなら 全て読め

あいつらが知りたいこと 全て読め


[Verse 1]

Everything is god online, and it's as evil as it gets

This is not a fuckin' trick, either follow or repent (No choice)

Get infected by a vertical event

Check the meter, check your watch

Are they ever gonna stop?

Runnin' out of daylight, nighttime's better

But we know how to handle the truth, motherfucker

Scandalous know-it-all, feedback chamber

Nobody wants the proof, they want a number


[Verse 1]


これは糞ガキのお遊びじゃねぇぞ 従うか悔い改めるか(選択肢存在しない)





でもよ僕たちは真実の扱い方を知っているぜ マザーファッカー

胡散くせぇ知ったかぶり フィードバックチャンバー

誰もが証拠求めない 数字が欲しいんだ



We don't deny what is wrong with our lives

We can't decide what is left of our right to silence our remains

Buried in the back and I'm sick and alive

Hollow as a breath, the further you dive



人生間違ってるなんて 俺たちは否定しない

死骸を黙らせるために使える権利が何なのか 選り出すことはできねぇんだよ

影に忘れ去られて 俺は病んで生きている

息するように空洞になって お前はさらに潜っていく



Oh, how I've missed your honesty

You never miss with your intensity

You're gonna need a new disguise

Vessels burst, veins release

Just slide into the nearest lie









[Verse 2]

(One, two, oh my god)

All the ligatures are getting tight, like a style

Murder another mouth before the trial

Scalpel and then you scalp 'em to fucking death

Kills for the other vampires and surrogates

It's a ploy for attention and evidence

All your fucking monsters are flaws in your common sense

Do the dance while the shovels are breaking dirt

Everybody mind your fuckin' business or you get hurt


[Verse 2]

(One, two, oh my god)

縛りが全部キツくなってきやがった "スタイル"みてぇに

審判の時までには よその声は潰れちまう

メス くたばるまで手術する



見えるすべてのモンスターは お前の常識の中の欠陥


誰もがお前のクソビジネスに心酔する 怪我するぜ



We don't deny what is wrong with our lives

We can't decide what is left of our right to silence our remains

Buried in the back and I'm sick and alive

Hollow as a breath, the further you dive



人生間違ってるなんて 俺たちは否定しない

死骸を黙らせるために使える権利が何なのか 選り出すことはできねぇんだよ

影に忘れ去られて 俺は病んで生きている

息するように空洞になって お前はさらに潜っていく



Oh, how I've missed your namaste

You never miss with your integrity

You're gonna need a new disguise

Vessels burst, veins release

Just slide into the nearest lie










Read all about it if you want to know

(Everything is god online)

Read all about it if you want to know

(Everything is god online)

Read all about it if you want to know



知りたいのなら 全て読め


知りたいのなら 全て読め


知りたいのなら 全て読め



Stoned like a beast on a chain lookin' dead

Feelin' strange, what the fuck

I'm material to sew into the stains

Like a catalogue of pain, like a martyr in restraints

I can kill with a will, and it's stronger every day

I'm a knife, I'm a gun, I'm a slit, I'm a scar

I'm a scream, I'm a death, I'm a threat, I'm afraid

That you will never understand I'm not the same

You better call the triple 9, I want a face

That you can only recognize

I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid






痛みの目録のように 制裁された殉教者のように

意思を持って殺せる それは日に日に強くなる



君には理解できないだろうが 俺は同じゃないんだよ

トリプル9と呼ぶべきだ 俺は顔が欲しい





When everything is god online, nothing is

When everything is god online, nothing is

















Factory f  = new GetsableFactory();
Getsable dandy = f.create("坂野 賢一");
dandy.gets(); // ゲッツ












anond:20210621160712 anond:20210621160415


I Am a Mother With a History of Self-Harm




I deeply admire your courage to keep it together as you parent. I’ve been there. I’m still there!

I’d like to raise a really sensitive issue. It might be a good idea to think through how your daughter will react to your scars as a tween or teenager. It’s great that you’ve decided to explain it to her. Secrets are never good. No doubt she will become a compassionate adult as a result. However she may need you to cover your scars as she gets older. Teenagers are hyper concerned about fitting in with their peers and she might feel embarrassed by them, not wanting to answer awkward questions.

My mother self harmed very badly. Her forearms were very scarred and I was self conscious about it. I would ask her to cover up, but she said she was ok with it and that I should be accepting and ‘get over it’.

I don’t want to be a downer,, or upset you, but I felt I ought to tell my story so that you might be able to navigate things when she gets to that age.


Black Lives Matter と All Lives Matter

昨今の米国でのプロテスト世界刮目する中、"Black Lives Matter" というフレーズをご存知の方も増えてきたことと思う。



米国では、"Black Lives Matter"に対し"All Lives Matter" (="みんなの命は大切である") という発言を様々な場所で読む、又は耳にする機会が多数存在する。

日本でも、この運動やその根底にある人種差別問題への関心が少しずつ高まっている中で、"All Lives Matter"という、(恐らく多くの日本人にとって)一見自明で無害のように見える一文の意味するところを、とあるRedditでの投稿引用する形で紹介しようと思う。

以下引用及び拙訳 (r/explainlikeimfive/comments/3du1qm/eli5_why_is_it_so_controversial_when_someone_says/ より)

Imagine that you're sitting down to dinner with your family, and while everyone else gets a serving of the meal, you don't get any. So you say "I should get my fair share." And as a direct response to this, your dad corrects you, saying, "everyone should get their fair share." Now, that's a wonderful sentiment -- indeed, everyone should, and that was kinda your point in the first place: that you should be a part of everyone, and you should get your fair share also. However, dad's smart-ass comment just dismissed you and didn't solve the problem that you still haven't gotten any!


The problem is that the statement "I should get my fair share" had an implicit "too" at the end: "I should get my fair share, too, just like everyone else." But your dad's response treated your statement as though you meant "only I should get my fair share", which clearly was not your intention. As a result, his statement that "everyone should get their fair share," while true, only served to ignore the problem you were trying to point out.


That's the situation of the "black lives matter" movement. Culture, laws, the arts, religion, and everyone else repeatedly suggest that all lives should matter. Clearly, that message already abounds in our society.

これこそが、"Black Lives Matter" 運動対峙している状況なのです。文化法律芸術作品宗教、その他全てが繰り返し、みんなの命が大切であるべきだ、と主張しています米国社会においては、このメッセージは至る所で目にすることでしょう。

The problem is that, in practice, the world doesn't work the way. You see the film Nightcrawler? You know the part where Renee Russo tells Jake Gyllenhal that she doesn't want footage of a black or latino person dying, she wants news stories about affluent white people being killed? That's not made up out of whole cloth -- there is a news bias toward stories that the majority of the audience (who are white) can identify with. So when a young black man gets killed (prior to the recent police shootings), it's generally not considered "news", while a middle-aged white woman being killed is treated as news. And to a large degree, that is accurate -- young black men are killed in significantly disproportionate numbers, which is why we don't treat it as anything new. But the result is that, societally, we don't pay as much attention to certain people's deaths as we do to others. So, currently, we don't treat all lives as though they matter equally.

しかしながら、現実社会においては決してその通りではなく、命の重みは平等ではありません。あなたは、Nightcrawlerという映画を見ましたか?その映画の中で、Renee RussoがJake Gyllenhalに対して、黒人もしくはラテン系アメリカ人が命を落とすような映像ではなく、裕福な白人殺害されたといったようなニュースが欲しい、と伝えるシーンがあります。実はこのシーンは、ニュースの大部分の受け手である白人層が共感できるような報道を重視するというような、現実に即したメディアバイアス如実に反映しています現実として、若い黒人男性殺害されることはニュースにならない一方で、中年女性殺害事件はニュースとして世間に扱われますさらに言えば、統計有意に多数の若い黒人男性が日々命を落としてしまっているという現状において、そういった死のニュース性が少ないということは単なるバイアスとして存在するわけではなく、ほとんどの場合事実なのです。その結果、一部のグループの人々の死に対しては他のグループの人々の死ほどに、私たち社会全体として注目しません。人の命は本来全て平等であるにも関わらず、現実として私たちはそれらを平等に扱っていないのです。

Just like asking dad for your fair share, the phrase "black lives matter" also has an implicit "too" at the end: it's saying that black lives should also matter. But responding to this by saying "all lives matter" is willfully going back to ignoring the problem. It's a way of dismissing the statement by falsely suggesting that it means "only black lives matter," when that is obviously not the case. And so saying "all lives matter" as a direct response to "black lives matter" is essentially saying that we should just go back to ignoring the problem.

あなた父親自分の分の食事を求めた時のように、"Black Lives Matter"というフレーズにも"too"、すなわち黒人の命”も”大切であるという前提があります。他の人種の人々の命と同様、黒人の命も大切に扱われるべきだ、というメッセージがそこにはあるのです。これに対して"All Lives Matter"と応えることは、その根底にある(黒人の命が他の命と同様に大切に扱われていないという)問題恣意的無視していることになるのです。そのような問題共通認識が前提として明らかに存在しているにも関わらず、さも"黒人の命だけが大切だ"という主張である曲解することで、"Black Lives Matter"という本来の主張を退けてしまっています。"Black Lives Matter"というメッセージに対して、"All Lives Matter"と応えることは、黒人の日々対峙するそのような問題無視し、そのままの現状を維持しよう、と主張する事と本質的に変わりはないのです。





音源はここ → https://www.se-radio.net/2019/08/episode-376-justin-richer-on-api-security-with-oauth-2/

3:34 So the user’s not really setting authorization policies and it’s not something like, you know, ざっかまる (?) where you’re setting up things that, you know, "when I see this kind of request, this is the kind of result that I’m looking for."

5:13 And it actually did so well that big companies like Google and Yahoo and bunch of others dropped support of their proprietary versions of delegation protocols, おーせぶん, びびお, and bunch of others that sort of influenced OAuth.

11:20 And that automatically allows both sides of the table 何言ってるかわからん who’s doing more because everyone has a different identifiable access token. Right, exactly. That’s where you can and a lot of large providers have started doing a heuristic べーくす monitoring of API access.

12:03 Yeah. のっだっ similar to what your banks do at the moment (???) isn’t it? If you’re pretty much based on UK or US and all the sudden a transaction pops up in Italy, then they know something’s wrong and you get an email or a call.

12:47 何もわからん 本当に英語

13:25 Yeah, 'cause the traceability, you know, it’s like, for example, when someone famous, a video of them gets posted on Twitter or something or shared, you can trace the original share, but you don’t know if ぱぺっちゃ’s been taken or, you know, once it’s out there, it’s out there.







Ridley Hits the Big Time!

あれ?日本語ではすべて「リドリー参戦!」といった具合に「~参戦!」で統一されているけど、英語版はそれぞれ違っていてバリエーションがあるのかな?  …と


むらびとVillagerVillager Comes to Town!---
ロックマンMega ManMega Man Joins the Battle!---
Wii Fit トレーナWii Fit TrainerWii Fit Trainer Weighs In!weigh in計量する、割って入る、仲裁に入る計量する→体重測定?
ロゼッタチコRosalina & LumaRosalina & Luma launch into battle!launch into始める、門出するLaunch:(ロケットなどを)打ち上げる→ほうき星天文台
リトルマックLittle MacLittle Mac Punches In!punch in打ち込むボクサー
リザードンCharizardCharizard Fires it Up!fire up火をつける、始動させる、駆り立てるほのおタイプポケモン
ゲッコウガGreninjaGreninja Makes A Splash!make a splash音を立てる、あっと言わせる、水しぶきを上げるみずタイプポケモン
パルテナPalutenaPalutena Alights!alight降りる(天から)降りる?
パックマンPac-ManPac-Man Hungers for Battle!hunger for切望するHunger←ゲーム性から
ルキナLucinaLucina Wakes Her Blade?!--ファイアーエンブレム 覚醒(Awakening)とかけてる?
ルフレRobinRobin Brings the Thunder!--サンダーソードという武器を使う
シュルクShulkShulk Foresees a Fight!foresee見越す、予見する未来視という能力がある
クッパJr.Bowser Jr.Bowser Jr. Clowns the Competition!clownふざけるいたずら
ダックハントDuck HuntDuck Hunt Takes Aim!take aim狙いを定めるカモを狙い撃つゲーム性から
ミュウツーMewtwoMewtwo Strikes Back!strike back殴り返す、反撃するミュウツーの逆襲
リュカLucasLucas Comes Out of Nowhere!come out of nowhere突然やってくるリュカはノーウェア(Nowhere)島に住んでいる
ロイRoyRoy Seals the Deal!seal the deal契約を結ぶ、取引を固めるロイ封印(seal)の剣の主人公
リュウRyuHere Comes A New Challenger! Ryu--ストリートファイター乱入時のメッセージ
クラウドCloudCloud Storms into Battle!storm into押し入る、突入するStorm Clouds(凶兆、悪いことが起こる前兆
カムイCorrinCorrin Chooses to Smash!choose to do決めるファイアーエンブレムifの「運命分岐点」で選択肢を選ぶから
ベヨネッタBayonettaBayonetta Gets Wicked!---
リドリーRidleyRidley Hits the Big Time!hit the big time成功する、一流になる、大当たりするRidley is too big.というネットミーム
シモンSimonSimon Lashes Out!lash out暴力攻撃する、食って掛かるLash(ムチ)→メインウェポンがムチ
リヒターRichterRichter Crosses Over!cross overクロスオーバーする、枠を超えるCross→横必殺技クロス十字架ブーメラン
クロムChromChrom Joins the Battle!---
ダークサムスDark SamusDark Samus Joins the Battle!---
キングクルールKing K. RoolKing K. Rool Comes Aboard!come aboard(船に)乗り込む、参加する船に乗り込む→キャプテン
しずえIsabelleIsabelle Turns Over A New Leaf!turn over a new leaf改心する、心機一転するとびだせ どうぶつの森」の英語タイトルが「Animal Crossing: New Leaf
ケンKenKen Turns Up the Heat!turn up the heat温度をあげる、強火にする、勢いを増すケンリュウと違い、昇龍拳で火を噴く
ガオガエンIncineroarIncineroar Enters the Ring!enter the ringリングに入るプロレス技を使うキャラクターなので
パックンフラワーPiranha PlantPiranha Plant Pipes Up!pipe upしゃべり(歌い)始める、甲高い声で話す、汲み上げる土管
バンジョーカズーBanjo-KazooieBanjo-Kazooie are Raring to Go!raring to go今か今かと待ち切れない、~したくてしかたがない開発元がRare社
勇者HeroThe Hero Draws Near!draw nearそこに向かって動く

備考)ベヨネッタの「Get Wicked」は調べてもヒットせず、いまいちわかりませんでした。Wickedは「邪悪な、いたずらな」という意味













まだ眠いテレビも見たいしお腹すいた (Good morning!)






ドンマイ ドンマイ


I say, がんばれ私! がんばれ今日


Shining like a diamond, rolling with the dice,

Standing on the ledge, I show the wind how to fly.

When the world gets in my face,

I say, Have A Nice Day.

Have A Nice Day



Do you think I'll feel better if I forgive them?

You want to forgive them?

If it would make me feel better, I might.

But the I imagine them looking all relieved afterwords, it gets under my skin.

"Piss off" ?

Yeah.. I'm a pretty petty person, aren't it?

I beg your pardon, but could you leave Miyake Hinata alone?

You might think Hinata has been holding a grudge against you since she quit school, that she's been suffering badly.

Maybe you think she spends every day crying, thinking about what happened to her.

But, but,

But that's not true!

Hinata-chan is having a super, amazing fun time with us!

She's having a really fulfilling trip of the sort you can't get where you are!

Hinata is already looking forward!

She's already walking!

She's taking her steps with us!

Unlike Hinata, I'm a real jerk, so I'll say it outright.

You can't live your lives in this halfway state forever!

You hurt someone and made them suffer!

Now you get to live with that!

That's what you get for hurting someone!

That's what you get for hurting my friend!

You think you can come crawling back now?

Piss Off!

fro the line of "Sora yori mo toi basho -- A Place Further Than the Universe"










5 reasons why Japanese Engineer are fu*king da*n

  • Because they likes "Technical document" much, though they usually study with books even it's Front-end latest technology, Many of them are just translated original EN contents or da*n not sexy sample code, it's worthless in the world which dynamically changing day by day in few months. Regardless of free latest contents which can be found everywhere, they just get Secondary Information given by some evangelists with passive mindset, it causes making this Evangelist? market stable due to this kind of information gap structure.

See also : https://anond.hatelabo.jp/20170728223725

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