

Compete? For what?

You are the only one who wouldn't be understood or be laughed at for your *unique English.

No one has to compete for that, don't you think?

Again, your view, expressed in your very own English is, a bit wierd.

記事への反応 -
  • レイオフして他の会社、他の仕事、場合によっては他の業界に行くしか無いんだよな。 仕事が無い会社に社員が数十年もずっといたらどうなるか。利益無いのにどうやって給料払うのか...

    • "An" easy structure. Good try, but your English sounds a bit weird overall. Concensus isn't something to be "scheduled", IMHO.

      • you have to try to compete with me by NOT a word but a CONTETNT, can you understand? even a child can blaming the wrong spell, cause even a fool can do it i stated social problem, you just point out my word, which is more constructive? your mounting...

        • Compete? For what? You are the only one who wouldn't be understood or be laughed at for your *unique English. No one has to compete for that, don't you think? Again, your view, expressed in your very own English is, a bit wierd.

    • 持論とギャグのバランスをもうちょい頑張ってほしい


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