
記事への反応 -
  • A Hearing Like No Other: US President's Son Embroiled in Tax Evasion Scandal Involving Millions, Sex Workers, Drugs It was a hearing that could have been a captivating Hollywood movie. At its center was the son of a US President who had evaded p...

    • ちゅーか、バイデンおじいちゃんも思想はリベラルでも態度はヤンキーよな プーチンにマジギレしたり

      • ヤンキー遺伝子なんですかね? https://twitter.com/simonateba/status/1682494154125787140    この公聴会やばいですよw こんな恥ずかしい公聴会あるんですかw テレビ朝日は絶対取り上げないとダメ...


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