A delinquent middle-aged man with a junior high school education shrugged off a preschooler who hadn't yet learned his lesson.
I don't care about that, so don't be a spoiled brat, go apologize to your half-brother.
I can't sleep with my feet turned to the matchmaker who delivered my forgotten belongings to my travel destination in this hard world.
中卒の不良中年男性が、物心ついていない未就学児に肩透かしをくらわせた。 そんなことはどうでもいいから、駄弁ってないで、腹違いの兄のところに謝りに行きなさい。 この世知辛い...
Deeplが即座に破綻なさそうな翻訳をしてビビった。 足を向けて、のあたりはもっと気の利いた慣用句がありそうなものだけど。 A delinquent middle-aged man with a junior high school education shrugged off...