

Also revealing is a footnote in Keynes’ biographical essay on Alfred Marshall:

Professor Planck, of Berlin, the famous originator of the Quantum Theory, once remarked to me that in early life he had thought of studying economics, but had found it too difficult! Professor Planck could easily master the whole corpus of mathematical economics in a few days. He did not mean that! But the amalgam of logic and intuition and the wide knowledge of facts, most of which are not precise, which is required for economic interpretation in its highest form is, quite truly, overwhelmingly difficult for those whose gift mainly consists in the power to imagine and pursue to their furthest points the implications and prior conditions of comparatively simple facts which are known with a high degree of precision.

(Keynes, Essays in Biography 1951 158n)





  • これこそが理数系が小説の読み方や暗喩にケチをつける原因。 因果関係がない事象を類推するしかない事態なんて日常に山ほどあると思うんだが。

  • 純粋数学者にとって理論物理学が難しいように、理論物理学者にとって経済学は難しい。そういうことでっしゃろか?


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