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A long time ago, in a certain country, there was a bastard named Cinderella. The reason why she is called Cinderella is because she sprinkled her own ashes on her own head at her mother's funeral, which led to her being called the ash-coverer, which is why her real name is Cinderella. I lost

The husband who lost his wife was also a bastard, and the day after the funeral he cheated on a woman three years younger than him, had sex with her, and even got married.

I have decided. Then, to her Cinderella

She now has an older sister and a younger sister who are not related by blood.

Her sister was a bitch too, she came to Cinderella's house

After a few days, she thought, ``Wouldn't it be more convenient to have an outbuilding?'' and cut down Cinderella's mother's grave in her garden and the hundreds of years old tree that was next to her grave, and built an outbuilding. We forced construction.

One day, the bastard's family receives news of a ball from the castle. But before Cinderella could read it, her sister broke the news and said, ``There's no way you can go.'' Cinderella didn't seem to have any intention of going either, saying, ``I had no intention of going in the first place.I'd rather go to hell.''

Then, on the day her mother was admitted to the hospital to give birth, her sister went to the ball. In the garden, the construction of an outbuilding was progressing as usual.

Let’s light a fire here and make a bonfire.”

She thought about that, but Cinderella stopped her. Suddenly, a witch appeared

``Cinderella, why aren't you going to the ball?'' asked the witch.

"What's the point of telling Teme?"

Cinderella returned with an ax in her hand

Then, for some reason, Cinderella was wrapped in a jewel-like dress.

"If you don't go to the ball, that dress will kill you. Now go."

Cinderella doesn't want to die in a place like this, so she reluctantly decides to go to the castle.

In the castle, some asshole like her sister was looking for a one-night stand and was dancing wildly. No one really praised others, and in their hearts they all seemed to think that they were the center of the world.

Cinderella didn't dance, but killed her time by smoking a cigarette at the end of her room. There, she was approached by a man wearing formal clothes that were flashier and more expensive than anyone else, and said to her, ``Miss, won't you dance?''

She is Cinderella with a cigarette in her mouth

She said, ``I only dance with the Grim Reaper and bad luck.''

she answered. For some reason, the man fell in love with her at first sight, and she said, ``Let's have some fun in the other room.Here, come.'' She tried to force Cinderella to take her to another room in the castle. However, Cinderella pressed the cigarette she was holding into her hand.

"Her hand slipped," she laughed.

When she pressed the cigarette, the sound in her voice was so pitiful that no one tried to get close to him or dance with him. Of course, no one even knows that such a pitiful man is the prince who owns this castle.

Eventually, she had enough, Cinderella threw her shoes on her stairs and went back to her house in her bare feet. Her shoes were made of glass, so they shattered into pieces.

The next day, while her servant was cleaning the castle, she found one shoe on the stairs. Obviously thinking this was strange, she secretly examined her shoes and discovered that they had been smeared with a deadly amount of poison.

Rumors spread within the castle that this must be an attempt to kill the prince, and soon a large-scale investigation was conducted. Even though it's a survey, it's simple.

The idea was to create a replica of a shoe and imprison the person who matched it perfectly as a suspect.

And one after another, people were imprisoned just because of their size. Some of them had not been to the ball, but they thought it must be a lie and were forcibly taken away.

Eventually, an investigation came to Cinderella's house. That's when we all looked at her mother and child after she was discharged from the hospital, and of course her sister didn't fit.

So all that was left was Cinderella. Then, her sister said to Cinderella, ``Hell suits you better than this world.''

She was of course the perfect size for Cinderella.

However, she protested her innocence, saying that I hadn't gone to the ball and there was no dress anywhere in the house to prove it.

However, the prince showed him an empty pack of cigarettes that had been discarded in a trash can and said, ``This is the same brand that the criminal was smoking that time.Why?''

Then Cinderella grinned and

I unbuttoned all the buttons on her jacket.

She said, ``After all, I feel like dancing with the Grim Reaper. Right, little prince?'' she said.

By the time the princes realized it, it was already too late.

The grenade that fell at his feet blew up Cinderella and the prince.

The time was around noon. Bells rang throughout the city and residents prayed for lunch.

The flying fragments of the shoe became a weapon, a sad fragment that could only hurt someone, and no one could imagine its original form.



The negligible comment was unfortunate, because it was LITERALLY a mistranslation.

They used a market term which technically translates to "minor", and statistically refers to ≤5% changes in volatile/short-term valuation.

It was translated a "negligible", which is understandably tone-deaf, callous, and conceited when you read it through a western lens and context.

They have a gigantic problem with communication. I noticed even the termination notices are mistranslated to the point of absurdity.






2024年2月5日に、当社は所属ライバーSelen Tatsuki』の契約解除を決定いたしましたが、これが当社業績に与える影響は極めて軽微であります




[]ゲーム音楽ピアノアレンジを聴こう 2024.2.18

SUPER MARIO THEME, in the Styles of 6 Classical Composers


➡ Thank you for supporting me on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/nahresol

Elements of Music BOOK: https://www.nahresol.com/elementsofmusic

➡ Sheet music for music from my videos: https://www.nahresol.com/shop


00:00 Original Theme by Nintendo (Koji Kondo)

00:31 In the style of J.S. Bach

01:00 In the style of Mozart

01:31 In the style of Beethoven

01:55 In the style of Liszt

02:23 In the style of Rachmaninoff

03:05 In the style of Gershwin

Note: I played slightly different chromatic notes and rhythms than in the original version when I play the main theme.

Instagram @nahresol

Twitter @nahresol

Facebook @practicenotes




I wanna get back where you were.







I decided I had to finish・・・

But the media called me a menace・・・

I done sat with the mayor and politicians, I'm tryna change the image・・・

You can't blame my past no more, I come from the trenches・・・


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Gemini 回答案 2














赤ちゃん自分意志で笑う「社会的微笑」は、生後2ヶ月頃から見られるようになります。¹²³ 赤ちゃんは周りの人の顔や声に反応して笑顔を見せてくれるようになりますが、最初ママやパパだから笑うというわけではありません。²⁴


赤ちゃんママやパパを認識して笑顔を見せてくれるようになるのは、生後7~8ヶ月頃になります。¹⁵ このような笑顔は「社会的微笑」と呼ぶ人もいます。² 赤ちゃん自分が大切な存在であることに気づきママやパパへの信頼感が生まれ笑顔を見せてくれるようになるのです。¹


赤ちゃん笑顔を引き出すためには、笑顔で話しかけたり、アイコンタクトをとったり、一緒に遊んだり、スキンシップをとったりすることが大切です。²⁴⁵⁶ 赤ちゃん笑顔は、成長の目安やコミュニケーション手段です。²⁴⁶


赤ちゃん笑顔の頻度には個人差がありますので、あまり心配しすぎないようにしましょう。²⁴⁵ それでも赤ちゃんに何か発達の問題があるのではないか心配ときは、お医者さんに相談してみましょう。²⁴⁵





「Do you like Ice cream?」





Why tf would anyone but u care about this person thats streaming その人が配信中だなんて情報、お前以外にとってはどうでもいいんだよ

Literally i dont want you talking here ここで話すなよ

Go back 


3) Slack off(サボる・怠ける)

do not slack on grammar you actually see in texts you are reading 読んでるテキストに出てくる文法はサボっちゃだめ

most times it would be some form of self-improvement, something that we’ve always wanted to achieve, some things that we slacked on that we didn’t accomplish in the prior year.

今日の会話でウィリーさんは「Slack on」と言いましたが、基本的には「Slack off on」と表現します。



4) Follow through(最後までやり通す)

You need to follow through with your commitment.(自分で決めたことは最後までやり通さないと。)

I promise I will follow through to the end.(最後までやり通すことを約束します。)

He’s all talk. He never follows through with what he says.(彼は口だけだよ。言ったことを全然最後までやり通さないからね。)


too sleepy to function 眠すぎてまともに活動できない


twitter algorithm is bad but they got more pressing issues at hand ツイッターアルゴリズムダメだけどもっと喫緊課題があるよ

im getting follow requested by these bot accounts who put their bra sizes in their bio ブラサイズをプロフに載せてるボットアカウントフォローされまくってる

e.g. resolve the pressing issues related to ~に関する喫緊問題解決する


Sounds like a babbling tard tbh.

Yo, u stupid. U shud get a regular job not 2 make ur mom cry out.


I'm framing this to the wall, thanks その言葉を壁に飾っておくよ、ありがとう(褒められたりしたときに)


美人コンテスト = beauty pageant

they're very upset and very against the idea of this Ukrainian woman Karolina Shino winning the Miss Japan beauty pageant












I find it kind of funny that she's trying to tick every box of adopting Japanese culture even the whole cheating part of Japanese culture which is very prevalent


tick every box = すべての条件を満たす


The whole reason why this Carolina Ukrainian woman won the beauty contest is because she basically ticks almost all the boxes for being a beautiful Western woman. She's got the small face, the big eyes, the kind of blondish light brown hair, the very pale complexion

complexion 【名】 顔色、顔の艶、肌の色、顔貌 外観、様子、態度、形勢


play favorites with



he-said-she-said argument

〔彼は言った彼女は言ったの〕水掛け論◆引用符を用いて"he said, she said" argumentと表記されることもある。


Apprently "high moral capacity" that they're talking about is bent over backward over unfair "contracts" of a black company.


BEND OVER BACKWARDS: informal. to make a special effort, esp in order to please.

cf. bending the knee to corporations


To be a good Japanese worker, that means keeping your mouth shut, head down, and following what your boss says/does to the letter.

to the letter: 文字どおりに、厳密に


catch strays 悪口を言ったら全く関係ない人に流れ弾が当たること

Aiming to insult someone but insulting someone else in the process aswell even if not involved.


ins and outs of a company

《the ~》会社の一部始終[裏と表]

ins and outs of life


know ins and outs of


discuss the ins and outs of



それはお世辞にもよく撮れた写真とは言えない。: The picture is way less than flattering.


her haters clearly don't get to her = アンチ攻撃彼女に全く効いていない


・If you let her get to you personally, you won't last a week. : もし彼女攻撃個人的に受け止めたら、1週間と持たない。

Try not let it get to you. : あまりくよくよしないで。/元気を出してください。

Maybe the heat has gotten to me. : 暑さにやられたかな…。◆【場面】夏ばてなど。


alright im getting off now (チャットなどで)落ちるわ


flip flop 手のひらくるくる

Who gives a shit about selen?? Seriously.

You niggers spend years talking shit

lmao purple dragon retarded

>purple dragon fat

>apex? Id rather kms

The second she an heros and drops the crazy truth bomb that enna is in fact a piece of shit you drama niggers flip flop

The second someone does something you guys flip flop(~が~した途端お前ら手のひらクルクルじゃん)という構文として覚えると良さそう


I dunno how Niji can be any more clear that Selen was given many chances to change her behavior but stubbornly insisted on flouting the company rules and had to be made an example of. Understandable that people who love Selen will support her even when she's in the wrong though.


insist on: to keep doing something, even if it annoys other people, or people think it is not good for you: I don't know why you insist on talking about it.

make an example of: 見せしめにする

flout: 〔人・規則・慣習などを〕軽蔑する、ばかにして無視する[従わない]、逆らう


excising a company that has bad practices and exploits people's interest in the industry will be a long term benefit, even if it makes waves right now




消費税、物品税◆【同】excise tax ; excise duty







You know you have to admire the grift. Very public divorce proceedings and cheating accusations on top of that and she still doubles down with the GFE. She’s a lying whore but damn, the commitment to the bit.

she has nothing on taylor swift, 12 dicks in her so far


have nothing on


・They think Tim is the murderer, but the police have nothing on him yet. : ティム殺人犯だと思っているが、警察はまだしっぽをつかめない。




Whoa, he means business. : うわ、あいつマジ[本気{ほんき}モード]だぞ。◇【場面】遊び半分やジョークではなく、真剣になっている。


if left to one's own devices



implicated in the scandal

《be ~》不祥事に関与する、醜聞関係する

The problem is that NijiEN livers are now all implicated in the scandal, due to the malicious idiocy of the 3 Stooges.

the EN branch just implicated itself in a massive PR disaster that may take months if not actual years to recover from.


I'm very confused

But whatever I'm cool go with the flow 流れに任せる


have to have the last word

〔論争などで〕言われたら言い返さないと気が済まない◆【直訳】最後言葉を持たねばならない ⇒ 自分言葉議論を終わらせたい。つまり反論できずに黙ってしまうことを望まず、相手論破して黙らせたい。


Huh, guess I don't dig enough in the community outside /here/ and just skirt across the surface.



・The hills skirt the village. : 小高い山がその村を囲んでいる。

2. 避けて通る、敬遠する
・We skirted a large hole there. : 私たちはそこにある大きな穴を避けて通った。

3. 〔問題などを〕回避する

4. 〔~の〕周辺にある[位置する



ジャパーン!where are you going?







The New China Federation is an illegal organization for which Guo Wengui practiced fraud

If you have not yet realized that Guo Wengui is a liar, those who help Guo Wengui cheat money, your hands are also covered with the blood smell of the blood of the compatriots who have been cheated, if it is not for your intentional wilful behavior in virtual farms around the world, Guo Wengui's current face will not continue to deceive so many compatriots who are stranded in the scam. Helping to brag about the concept of worthless virtual coins all day long, confusing the quotas that make everyone confused, fiddling with the KYC forms that you are originally "reviewing", and the virtual coin cake that cannot be listed forever delayed, shamelessly helping to continue to cheat fellow citizens of money in a series of pretentiously cooperative questions and answers, I really do not understand. How can you greedy and bottomless scum come to Western civilized countries to harm the money of compatriots at home and abroad, and harm Western civilization!

If you get legally due punishment for helping Guo Wengui cheat or take the blame for helping Guo Wengui at all, it is self-serving and deserved! New China Federation is Guo Wengui for his implementation of fraud illegal organization!


That's very interesting. But I'm scared so I'll stop. I hope you find a good snake.



Yes, of course. I am capable of showing you the black hole in my skirt. Well, you would be sucked in.

Hello, my name is Alice. I'm a snake scientist.

My research is all about snakes.

Could you show me your snake under your pants?


not for youなら観なきゃ良いんやで



Google はそう言ってない

Is hair on a guys chest attractive?

How Much Chest Hair Should You Expose? | Men's Health

A little bit of hair plays up your manliness, the researchers suggest, without making you look too aggressive. Of course, there are women who like the clean-shaven look, but there are also women who love lots of chest hair—so don't go hard with your razor if it just isn't your thing.

Is it good to have chest hair for men?

17% of women surveyed said they prefer a man to be cleanly shaven with no chest hair. So our takeaway from this survey is that overall, women like chest hair and even find it masculine, but they want you to keep it trimmed and maintained. I'm surprised by the low percentage of women who want men to be cleanly shaven.

Does girls love chest hair?

Researchers have found that a majority of women really do prefer a man with a smooth chest. Researchers compared the attractiveness of men before and after shaving their chest,and found only 20 percent of women preferred the more hirsute version,the Daily Mail reported.




  • master branch
  • master/slave
  • blacklist/whitelist
  • black hat/white hat hackers
  • brownbag
  • standup
  • all-hands
  • you guys
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