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質問: Do you think of the problem that you saw on the ship originated from was it because of the bad examples of a scientific decision making in terms of the crisis management that was happening on the ship?

答え: The simple answer is the lack of CDC as I said before. Why the situation inside that cruise ship had an inadequate infection prevention? I think (this) is because of the lack of principle. The infection prevention is a principle, and the principle will lead to the procedure not the other way around.

The principle will never be given by the bureaucrats, because they never had infection prevention training, they don't have an experience, and they don't have a system. CDC has should have all of these.

質問You have argued Japan need something like a CDC. Could you elaborate more about your argument? What shortcoming do you see in the current system in Japan?

答え:For CDC, you need to have a concrete, separate, independent system among experts who can make a dicision in responding to these infectious disease epidemics. This has to be proffesional, they need to have an authority, they need to have an autonomy, and they need to have a clear independence. There should not be any cross-cutting from anybody from the backyard, because I've seen many things that are decided behind the scene.





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