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下は「公衆浴場の男女別は身体的特徴で判断を」 LGBT法で厚労省が通知より

takeishi スルーされていいのでは/そもそもトランスジェンダーじゃなくても男性っぽい外見の女性もいるわけで/防犯対策はその場に出入り可能な全員を疑ってかからないと。

takeishi 結局日本は外見から判断する、で行くのかな

aquatofana それは「MtFへの恐怖」ではなく「シスヘテロ男性への恐怖」であり、「適合手術前MtFシステロ男性ではないことを証明する適切な手段の不在」の問題ではないか。切り分けて考えないと、解決するもの解決しないよ。

aquatofana そも誤解されそうなレベルのTがどれだけ公衆浴場を使いたくなるのか。未成年修学旅行とか、災害時に家で入浴できずとか、そういうケースしか思い浮かばない。

by-king 俺も男だけど男湯や男子トイレに女が居たら普通に嫌だぞ


taruhachi 子供の頃、黒人が怖かった。今でも身体がでかいにの横では威圧感を感じる。ただ、だからといって彼らを排除するべきと言う考え方は恥ずべき考え方だと思う。

taruhachi ついでに今こそ混浴を見直すべき。そこに実際に女性が入るかどうかは別としてその存在違法として規制するような文化じゃない。

opnihc 部落差別する人は同和の人は怖いと言うし、黒人差別する人は黒人が怖いという。怖いなどという偏見差別正当化する理由には微塵もならない。増田はこのあからさまな差別を恥ずかしげもなくよくやるなと思うわ

opnihc 風呂はさすがに何らかの証明いるやろ。トップコメのようにそれ以外までごちゃごちゃ言ってるのがTERF

misafusa 後は、身体が男なら性欲も男のものだってのもある。中高生なんかは「風が吹いても勃起する」なんて言われるくらい、男は簡単にその気になるんだよ。性的指向無関係に男相手だって立つときは立つわけよ。

misafusa そう。性自認がどっちでも関係ないという点が重要。これは判別する方法がないからじゃない。100%確実に判別する方法があったとしても変わらないということが大切。

econcon 女なら全員戦っても勝てるから恐怖じゃないって吉田沙保里かなんかなのかお前は

econcon 便宜上マジョリティの都合を通してるだけって事が理解できずにドヤ顔で当然とか言ってる人の多さを見るにマイノリティの生きづらさは相当なものだと思う

marilyn-yasu T女性は男湯に入ることに嫌悪感があったり、T男性は女湯に入ることに嫌悪感がある。入るな我慢しろじゃなくて男湯女湯を半分にしてメインに誰でも湯を作るべき(まず湯浴み着ありでも)。

marilyn-yasu 当面この方針でもいいが、それよりも既存の男湯女湯を削りその分水着湯浴み着湯を作るべき。トランスだけでなくシングル家庭の異性親子も救われる。

timetrain 何か性的ものを「いやだ」と思う気持ちは、最も尊重されるべき性の要素だろうと思う。ほんとに

timetrain 妥当なんだけど当たり前のこれを釘さしておかないとまずいことになってるのがいまの世界なので

beed LGBTとかも大事だろうけどさ。こういう女性気持ち尊重しないならそもそも男女分ける意味がないと思うんだけどね。

beed この判断はこれでいいのだけど、合理的区別差別だよ。国語辞典引いてみなよ。差別は「差をつけて扱うこと、分けること」であって、そもそも男女別自体差別だよ。公共の福祉のためにどこまでやっていいか問題

tokuniimihanai ガタイがいい女性人権が全くなくて草も生えない/単純に認知の歪みを直すしかないのでは。

tokuniimihanai 差別とは不合理な区別ことなのだから合理的区別差別ではない」は自明であり何も問題はないが。問題差別主義者が合理性判断する能力など持ち合わせていないこと。

wildhog マッチョシスレズ女性が入ってきたらどうなの?一番ポリコレなのはやっぱり混浴だね。区別がなければ差別存在できない。

wildhog これは訴訟覚悟の通知だと思うけど、このおかげで銭湯側は負けたとき賠償役所に付け回せるので少し安心できる

WinterMute クズいなー/よりによって「気持ちはわかる」と言いながら違う例を出す奴、区別はできないと言って排除正当化する奴、と最悪のブコメが人気でもうなんか笑える

WinterMute そうじゃなくて、身体的特徴で区分してよい、いずれにせよ区分基準は事前に見える場所提示すること、でいいじゃん。一律に基準を定めずに「これまで通り運用していいよ」ってお墨付きがあればいいでしょ

songe ゲイには公衆浴場に入って欲しく無いという素朴な感情みたいな?

songe 国際的にはこれが差別なんだから狂っている世相だわ。ただ、リベラリズムを通すと自認する性別風呂に入るとなる。

vkara 心が女でもボーイッシュ服装好きな人もいるだろうし、分かりやすいように女らしくしろとも言えない。ただ嘘をついて入ってこれない仕組みはほしい。嘘つき男が入れる隙を作るのは怖い。怖いのは隙を伺う変態だけ

vkara 当たり前なんよ。男女で分かれてる風呂において内心は関係ない。/これを当たり前と思う人がTERFと呼ばれるおかし社会

y-wood 論理マウントし、乗っかったのがトップブコメ。苦しんでる人を理解しない俺様に恐れ入る。人間本音が卑しいなら中国式の総監視社会の方が幸せだと思う。(多くのトランス無用トラブル行動をしないと思われ)

y-wood 当然だな、公衆浴場を無理して使う必要も無いし。

xorzx 男性の肉体に対する恐怖感ならお風呂以外の公共の場所だから恐怖を感じるって事?論点ずれてませんか?

xorzx 江戸時代銭湯混浴だったが風紀を乱す理由で男女別になって今に続いていると思う。施設側の主張として男女の浴場での身体的特徴が異なれば風紀を乱すとの理由なら許容されるのか?







































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中央線線路は一応九州南端の駅までつながってるから東京駅電車に乗ったら駅の構外に出ることな薩摩半島南端の某駅まで辿り着けるよ。もちろん途中で路線名前だけは変わるけど。(名前が何だと言うの? by ジュリエット



original story as written by Hans Christian Andersen から リトルマーメイドになった時点では欧州大西洋北部)の話だったみたいだが、2023版はカリブ海あたりに舞台が移されている















#7 Article 22 Posted at 1987/01/16 23:57:02 by Pelsia (MAP048) [URUSEI]

Subject: うる星やつら最終回について

今週号のサンデーでは「うる星やつら」の最後に 次回”最終回”とあります






ストーリー展開をする、と言ってました。それがこの「I WANT YOU



を全員使って、それこそ映画「ONLY YOU」の雰囲気でやって欲しかったと

思います。僕はこの「ONLY YOU」が一番の傑作だと思ってもいます









Japan review

Japan review it's been a year since I

moved to Japan and I thought it made

sense to finally rate Japan I will talk

about things I like and the things I

don't like which seems to be the only

two options available if you have

opinions about this country

so sugoi or did you know Japan is

actually really bad it's got a lot of

survival issues okay I will list one

good thing and bad thing and I will not

hold back there's no trash bins

where I'm gonna put my trash

I have to put in my pocket


there's always these generic things that

you hear or yes when we you visit it's

kind of weird but then you realize it's

not a big deal anyway let's start off

with number one reason I like Japan

it feels like a giant playground no I

don't mean in the Logan Paul kind of

sense of doing whatever the hell you


but rather there's a infinite things all

right lazy feels like to explore and

experience and I've been here a year now

and I don't think I'm gonna get bored

anytime soon although I am having a

child so I don't know how much more I

have time to experience

but it really feels like a whole new

world and if you visited you can

probably relate to it and I'm glad that

even a year in it still feels incredibly

fresh and I even would say that you

realize that the best part of Japan

aren't the touristy places kind of

obviously but there are so many areas

that I found that I really enjoy

visiting and this is probably more

specific to me but you know Tokyo is

very busy and so many times I just catch

myself surrounded by what feels like

hundreds of people and they have no idea

who I am

everyone is just doing their own thing

and that feels so [ __ ] good

now once it was staring at me no one's

following me no one's being weird you

guys are weird and I'm just kidding I

just love the feeling of being able to

exist in public and uh not worrying

about what everyone else is doing like

I've said this before but I genuinely

enjoy talking to fans or when people

approach me it always makes me happy but

it can be kind of frustrating to always

wanting to just do your own thing and

always be

you know so yeah let's move on to the

bad things of Japan number one reason

Japan is bad it's kind of a heavy

subject and I haven't seen anyone else

really talk about it it's not brought up

very often at least and that is cones

there's too many cones in Japan once you

see it you cannot unsee it they're

everywhere they say oh Japan has so many

vending machines there's like five per

one person no the opposite

there's more cones than people why are

there so many cones I need to know we

got the tall ones we got the small ones

we got the funny ones the cute ones the

sexy ones I do like those I just don't

understand that whoever plays these

cones think I'm just gonna barge through

oh thank God there's cones here

otherwise I had no idea what I was gonna

and I realized the cone history of Japan

stretches centuries okay if you played

Animal Crossing sometimes it's a

Japanese game so sometimes you get these

items right you're like oh that's kind

of weird I don't know exactly what that

is but it's probably something Japanese

and then you get the bamboo thing and

you're like what the hell is that what

am I even gonna do with that and then

you see it in real life here in Japan

you're like holy [ __ ] it's a cone that's

a cone they're everywhere

I feel like they are following me

I'm glad I was able to talk about this

I'm for one and willing to call out

Japan knock it off man no more cones

there's enough cones let me tell you

something even better than cones you may

have noticed new merch finally it's been

forever my mom came over she had

unofficial merge because I literally

have no other merch I've hadn't hadn't

merch I'm sorry Mom so we spruced up the

logo got a cool back design the team

that worked on it really truly

understand how my brand and I think they

did such a good job these pieces look

amazing and I think you guys are gonna

really like them as well these are

available for limited time only so make

sure you order now so excited to finally

have this merch available thanks to

amaze for making this happen we are

gonna have one piece that will stay on

the store so my mom will not buy the

wrong merch but for a limited time that

piece will be available in this color

off-white kind of color it looks really

nice and then after that you can still

get it but not in this color that's

you want this one yeah I get it

so yeah check that out if you're

interested I'm so happy about these

designs and I hope you guys would like

them as well all right reason number two

I like Japan yay when we first announced

that we were gonna move to Japan there

was so many people just saying how bad

Japan is actually did you know Japan is

really bad did you know this I have to

list all these reasons now because

everyone is like thing and then thing

Japan ah so I have to tell them and I

it's actually but one thing in

particular that people said was that old

people really don't like foreigners they

hate them so when I was gonna stop by to

say hi to our neighbors who was a little

older at least some of them I was

terrifying I heard all these stories you

know like what are they gonna do to us

so I had my guard up ready for the worst

and I was met with nothing but kindness

and welcoming and I felt like a total

dick for having this preconceived ideas

thanks to other people

and just a side comment like yes there

are definitely probably people that

don't like foreigners and all that stuff

but I realized I should let my own

experience is dictate how I feel about

certain things maybe that's just

ignoring a problem I don't know it just

feels like it's a bad way to approach

life if you always have a negative

expectation you know it's smiling people

may Smile Back

smiled back

thank you sometimes they don't and

that's okay you know anyway my point

being Japanese people are very in my own


are very nice and friendly the majority

at least and yes even to foreigners I

feel like they are especially nice to

foreigners because they think we're like

a kid lost at Disneyland or something

I just asked for directions I didn't

need you to walk me for half an hour to

this specific place I was going but

thank you I appreciate it a lot of times

I go bouldering alone and there's always

other groups of people being supportive

and yelling like I'm about there like go

you can do it I love it I think it's

great you know or if you're small

talking with people people generally

want to communicate with you and I love

having those moments but of course

there's times where people are like oh

you're a foreigner I don't feel like

even trying

which again it's fine speaking of which

reason I don't like Japan number two

their language

I have lived here for a year and I'm not

fluent in Japanese

I am dumb I am very dumb I remember the

moment we moved here I had studied some

Japanese and I was like

Let's test out this knowledge that I

have acquired let's go I'm just gonna

come in it's gonna be dangerous and you

enter a store for the first time and

they're like


what oh

what the classic the most common

experiences that you have aren't

necessarily what you're taught in the

textbook yay I know I think that's the

same for anyone learning a language for

the first time but don't even get me

started on the kanji main what the [ __ ]

is this I feel like Japanese is such a

hard language obviously but I don't

think people realize how hard it is at

least me personally because the more you

learn the more you realize you don't

know [ __ ]

for English speakers Japanese is

considered one of the most difficult

languages and because it's just so

different I listed it as bad because

that was my first kind of experience

with it coming here but the more I

interact with people the more it feels

like I'm unlocking new skills you know

oh I made a phone call for the first

time oh I could ask someone over the

phone I know big deal but it's like oh I

can actually do that or even just having

a small tiny yes shittiest conversation

with a stranger it's still something and

it feels good you start to all of a

sudden understand you know a movie if

you're watching oh I understand actually

what's going on here or I can play games

and kind of get what this they're saying

I have to look up words obviously but to

me all those new experiences that it

unlocks to me is very rewarding even

though it's such a challenge I would

actually now say it's a good thing I

played it on its head it was a good

thing all along but I obviously have a

long [ __ ] way to go

and it just I don't think it will damage

time reason number three I like Japan

this is nothing to do with Japan to say

it's more related to me taking a more

relaxed approach to YouTube for my

entire 20s I did nothing but YouTube

that was my life and that's okay but I

also think it was a little toxic

probably you know if I wasn't making

videos I sure as hell was thinking about

making videos I uploaded videos during

our honeymoon

and it feels really good to finally be

free from it you know and I can discover

other things in life there are other

things in life

a new hobbies and interest that I've

always wanted to do I can do and have so

much fun with it surfing I know I would

love for the longest time and I finally

get to do it and it's so [ __ ] amazing

I love learning new things anything that

isn't necessarily connected to all of

this on the internet and that is

something I'm very very grateful that I

discovered so yeah it's not really Japan

I could have done that anywhere but it's

largely why I enjoyed so much here

reason I don't like Japan number three

this is probably the most trickiest one

and it's the rules what are the rules

Japan has so many rules and it's a bit

conflicting for me to complain about

because a lot of the best stuff about

Japan not the best stuff but a lot of

the reasons why Japan works so well is

because of the rules you know the trains

are always on time things just work in

general it's hard to explain the streets

are clean people aren't loud in public

and so on and these are sort of societal

rules that make it happen more or less

but sometimes There are rules that just

don't make any sense and I have no

problem following rules as long as I

understand the reason for it you know

don't talk on the phone on the train

because it's generally annoying when

other people do that to you A lot of it

is just be thoughtful of other people

it's not just about you and that just

makes it more pleasant for everyone but

one rule is especially which I talked

about before is the fact that because of

kovid I'm not allowed to be in the

delivery room for our baby for more than

two hours that's because of covered

rules it just doesn't make sense to me

and I tell people about this like uh

family and friends and they're always

like well why don't you just ask them or

like why don't you talk to them I'm sure

you can there's got to be somewhere and

it's like no it's Japan okay there are

rules and people follow the rules for

better or worse you know so the more I

time I spend Permalink | 記事への反応(0) | 01:06






さない=I won't forgive you ではない


アニメマンガにおける「許さない」は、英語における Over my dead body! (おれの目の黒いうちはだめだ)と同じくらいよく見かける定型句であり、I won't forgive you. と直訳されることが多い




1. どんな理由があろうと!!おれは友達を傷つける奴は許さない!!! (One Piece, Volume 1)

Good reason or not... NOBODY hurts a friend of mine!!!!

2. しかし、強い者が弱い者を一方的に殺すことは、断じてさない! (Code Geass Episode 8)

But neither will I stand for a one-sided slaughter of the weak by the strong!

3. 私以外の奴に撃たれたら、許さないからね (Sword Art Online II, Episode 8)

So... If you let someone else shoot you, I won't forgive you.



But you better not let someone else shoot before I get to.

If you get shot out there, I'll shoot you myself. Got it?

Don't get shot out there. Your body's reserved for my bullets.

You owe me a fight, so you BETTER stay alive.

4. 俺はお前を許さない (鬼滅の刃)

You won't get away with this.

また、ニュアンスが異なるということは、日本語と同じ感覚で I won't forgive you. と言ってしまうとトラブルになる可能性が高いということでもある

実際、スマブラボコボコにされたあとに「許さない!」と悔しがるのは日本語では自然だが、同じ状況でネイティブに対して "I won't forgive you!"と言ったら大げさすぎて驚かれるだろう、というようなことを一人のネイティブが言っている










 『経済学の基礎』 by ポールサミュエルソン

 『成功への道』 by ナポレオン・ヒル








However, Schepers was subsequently suspended from playing by the KNVB due to him being significantly older than teams comprising of players under the age of 20.

Aside from the moral and sexual problems with a 31-year-old biological male using the same changing room as a bunch of teenage girls, Schepers clearly enjoys a physical advantage over the other players he will come up against.





1542今のこの状況が信じられるかいby ラーズ・ヌーバーwww.theplayerstribune.com
1212エリックサウス直伝! 本格『チキンビリヤニ』のレシピレンジで作れる】www.orangepage.net
938【第1話】履歴書 - 脳外科医 竹田くんdr-takeda.hatenablog.com
938お金のことはできるだけ考えたくない派」の私が始めた、資産運用投資の話 | イーデスwww.a-tm.co.jp
911勉強法勉強会」、エンジニア勉強ノウハウをいくつも知られる"神"勉強会でした(みんなアーカイブぜひ見て!) #YUMEMIxTORALAB - nikkie-ftnextの日記nikkie-ftnext.hatenablog.com
879SQLの実行計画の読み方 |a5m2.mmatsubara.com
658クレジットカード新規登録および利用の停止について - PayPayからのお知らせpaypay.ne.jp
624はい美術タイトルです vol.3 | フジテレビジュツのヒミツ - フジテレビwww.fujitv.co.jp
618CSS Stock|Webデザインを楽にするCSSコピペサイトpote-chil.com
569日本労働生産性はなぜ低いのか(おかわり) - hidekatsu-izuno 日々の記録hidekatsu-izuno.hatenablog.com
556岸田内閣子供のいる年収850万円以上の富裕世帯に対して扶養控除廃止で実質増税へ | News Everydaynewseveryday.jp
532脳外科医 竹田くんdr-takeda.hatenablog.com
528解熱鎮痛剤の「ロキソニン」と「カロナール」って何が違うの? 救急集中治療医がイラスト解説woman.mynavi.jp
514櫻井翔ジャニーズ性加害問題ノーコメント 『news zero』番組側の判断 | RBB TODAYwww.rbbtoday.com
506【Stable Diffusion】MeinaHentaiの利用方法self-development.info
495忙しい中でも「質の良い睡眠」を目指すには? 『スタンフォード式 最高の睡眠』著者の西野精治教授に聞いた - lala a live(ララアライブ)│フォーネスライフfoneslife.com
490新型コロナ・季節性インフルエンザ リアルタイム流行疫学情報moderna-epi-report.jp
454ControlNet(v1.1)の詳しい解説輪郭ポーズから思い通りの絵を書かせる【Stable Diffusion】 | 謎の技術研究www.ultra-noob.com
443タダ電 - 毎月電気代が10,000円タダになる電力会社tadaden.jp
432news zero』に海外アーティストが怒りの抗議 批判受けた落合陽一氏は釈明 | リアルライブnpn.co.jp
420画像あり】爆乳JK菊池姫奈(18歳)「学校男子視線が嫌だった。告白されても絶対乳目当てだろって思ってしまう」 : 暇人\(^o^)/速報himasoku.com


It's been revealed that an elementary school in Kikugawa City has introduced a Drag Queen to get Japanese Children to explore their sexuality.

Western Colonialism is now officially targeting Japanese Children 😠




So Japan has fallen 😢 😕 😔?

日本は堕ちたんですね😢 😕 😔?

Why do they keep using drag queens? Like actually why? When did drag queens become the representatives for LGB???


I liked it better when Japanese media was influenced by things like The Terminator and Blade Runner. Not reprehensible things like this.


The Land of the Rising Sun has fallen...


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