はてなキーワード: STEPHANIEとは


anond:20190824134241  クルーグマン嫌われ過ぎワロタ

主にMMT economistsから。(尻馬に乗ってる奴もいるが)

https://twitter.com/paulkrugman/status/1164604703424090112 のリプライ

twitter.com/mtwestra/status/1164778010534244352  おめーもサマーズもMMTから一つ二つアイディアぱくってて乙 Looks like @LHSummers and yourself picked up an idea or two from MMT. Congratulations on finally catching up with reality!

TFW you look down your nose at the economic prowess of a Nobel laureate in economics.  ノーベル賞受賞者の腕前を煽る

Your model was/is/always will be a fraudulent misrepresentation.Retire.     さっさと引退しろウソツキ

Complete snake oil rhetoric... What a hyperbolic & disingenuous numb skull. Or he's intentionally fear mongering.  完璧ガマの油レベルインチキレトリック、誇張、腹黒  大げさな恫喝

@RaulACarrillo (弁護士 lefty lawyer) 

Why can't you and the others just recognize that you were wrong for YEARS while others were consistently right?    他の人が一貫して正しい一方で自分が何年も間違っていたと認識すればいいだけなのにそうできないのはなぜよ?  

This is intellectual gatekeeping and a disservice to the public. A little integrity would be nice.          国民全体に対する害毒でしょ。

This is you. Spring 2011. When it mattered. @DeanBaker13 was right to call you out.                 8年前にディーンイカーに名指しで間違いを指摘されてたじゃん。


All progress must come from the maintstream”                    ハイハイ進歩は主流派からしか出てこない、出てきちゃいけないっていつものやつね。

shamelessly trying to force decades of heterodox research into a memory hole.      非主流派経済学の何十年もの研究成果に知らんぷりかよ。恥知らずめ。 8年前にフルワイラーに言われわたことを忘れたとは言わせないぞ?

@FadhelKaboub Economics Prof.(Denison university)

Paul, your intellectual dishonesty is mindboggling.                   おめーの知的誠実性の欠如にはめまいがするわ。こっちが30年も言ってたことを「2019年ジャクソンホール」で発見、だと? #恥知らず


Umm. I remember when you bashed Stephanie Kelton for saying what you are now saying. Do I need to link to your own words of just a few months ago to spur your memory of your own words of just a few months ago?


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